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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Vayne can use her E to catch opponents on your wall, in which you can stun and have a CC chain that can be quite annoying.
Vayne can use her E to catch opponents on your wall, in which you can stun and have a CC chain that can be quite annoying.
Champion Build Guide
Guide Status:
Viewable. The guide has yet to undergo a rewrite.




So when playing Anivia, you have a few options as to how you can land your Q:
1. Toss your Q and as soon as you see your opponent moving in a certain direction, wall them off from escaping that way. This can be a little tricky to maneuver at first, so practice this.
2. Place your ult down to slow your opponents. That'll make landing your Qs far easier. If your opponents happen to be the slippery type, wall as well when needed.
3. Predict their movement. Don't just chuck a

As any support, you need to know how to save your adc. Since Anivia doesn't have any heal abilities, this is essential.
1. Remember to always wall off ganks and tank for your adc where necessary, especially if they are doing well or have a bounty.
2. If you have spells such as exhaust or heal, use it only for saving your adc or securing kills. Only use them to save yourself if your adc is already dead.

Rebirth is a fancy passive of Anivia's that can revive her. Anivia turns into an egg once she supposedly dies if she has her passive up. If the egg stays alive for 6 seconds, she is reborn. This is actually a nifty passive to have early game. It ensures that you can tank for your adc without worrying about dying yourself and stay alive long enough in bot lane without needing to recall when your health dips low.

Flash Frost is probably the main reason Anivia is a viable option for a support. It's an AoE stun that lasts from 1.1-1.5 seconds depending on the summoner level. Keep in mind that it is a slow skillshot, so hiding in bushes and using your Q then would be ideal. This ability also adds the chill effect to your opponent that lasts for 3 seconds.

Crystallizeis another fancy ability of Anivia's that carries a lot of potential utility-wise. It's a wall that controls movement of both teams. You can use to it save your adc from ganks, deny objectives, wall off opponents from the backline and manipulate your opponent's movement in many ways. This ability used to give vision where it was placed, but it doesn't do that anymore. With this much potential in an ability, there's always a downside. When you're starting out as Anivia, you're gonna get flamed hard for your walls and lack of walls, however, you'll get the hang of it eventually.

Frostbite is Anivia's main source of damage. Utilizing this while your opponent has the chill effect on them doubles the damage it deals.

Glacial Storm is Anivia's ult ability with an extremely low CD. It's ANOTHER AoE ability of Anivia's that slows and deals damage to anyone who stays inside it. This is a neat ability, as people underestimate the damage it can do and stay on it, which never ends well for them. The ability applies the chill effect for 3 seconds to anyone who is or was on a fully formed glacial storm.

Comparison of different options:

If I'm being real, this boils down to personal preference. They both do a decent job at poking your opponents down. Do you want a consistent poke that can be proced through AAs? Summon Aery is your best bet. Do you want a poke that deals larger damage and scales better? Arcane Comet is for you. Your setup could also vary depending on who you're laning against, such as Summon Aery to AA a close ranged support and deal loads of damage to them without them being able to retaliate well. By doing this, you gain stacks on your support item's passive, which is a win win.

Nullifying Orb is only for when you're against a mage support. If the opponent support is also AD, there's almost no reason for you to have it when you could take Manaflow Band instead. You're gonna spam your abilities far more in bot lane than you would up mid, so extra mana is always a good choice for Anivia.

Personally, I prefer taking Transcendence, as Supports often build many items with CDR. Extra CDR becomes permanent adaptive force with Transcendence. I don't do Absolute Focus as I never manage to stay above 70% health for it to be of any use to me, but that's just me. Most Anivia guides will tell you to take Absolute Focus but I never exactly liked it as much as Transcendence. I recommend trying both and seeing which you prefer and has more use to you.

This is always a constant debate when it comes to playing Anivia for me. Scorch does good poke early game but scales like garbage. Gathering Storm only becomes relevant later on in the game. If your game lasts for longer than 30 minutes, Gathering Storm would be the better rune to take. If not, Scorch. Unfortunately, you won't know how long your game will last, so deciding whether to boost you early or late game is up to your preferences, inferences, and opponents. For me, I've just decided that Anivia's early game can't be saved and so I might as well boost her late game some more.

Comparison of different options:

Perfect Timing really only is a better option when you are planning on building

Cosmic Insight is usually the better rune to take, though it can sort of run into conflict with

Comparison of different options:

Ghost Poro stacks faster than Zombie Ward, as you get Oracles later in the game. Ghost Poros and Zombie Wards both sprout a ward when an ally (Ghost Poro) or opponent ward (Zombie Ward) is broken. Ghost Poros are there only until they are discovered while Zombie Wards stay there till they are broken by someone on the opposing team. In the end, they both are quite similar.

Ravenous Hunter is decently useful on Anivia, however, Relentless Hunter may be a better choice when it comes to playing Anivia as a Support. Anivia is very slow so bonus MS does well when there is a team fight she needs to get to.

2. If Anivia were to encounter an opponent while jungling, she has almost no means of escape and is very squishy. AKA instant death
Things For Warding:
Warding Early Game:
For starters, as Anivia, you'd start out with the standard warding totem.

This thing will supply you with enough wards throughout your early game before your spellthief's edge starts pumping out charges.
Warding After Early Game:
Once your spellthief's edge upgrades, it's a good idea to get oracles now that keeping a warding totem trinket is useless.

Not only can you put wards down, you can also get rid of the other team's.

Wow. You actually made it to the end. Uh, thanks for hearing a bronze out? No really! Guide uploading hindsight, I never expected my guides to get any more than 100 views but almost 10000 is far more than I was expecting. And to get enough votes to have a score on my Anivia Support guide? That's something else I was never expecting either. I really hope you learned something from this guide and if not, I hope it was worth your time? If you have ANY critique for this guide, I'd really appreciate it if you could write out a comment listing them out or pm me directly. I'm still pretty bad at league, so that way, we can learn together. Again, thank you for even just viewing my guide. Sera is out.

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