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Early game is extremely easy as she won't have enough damage to kill anyway, but you can also heal it off very easily. Your ult counters her ult and even if you don't have it, by activating your E, you will take much less damage, and can also stop her ult with the fear. Additionally, a well timed Q can allow you to travel with her when she uses her E, making it a super simple lane.
His shield and mobility can be a problem, but he cannot duel you either. Your healing is far superior, and the damage reduction from your E makes his initial E+Q combo non-existent. If he throws his tornado at you, Ult him! You cannot be interrupted while you ult, ignoring his tornado + suppressing him + healing yourself a lot + damaging him a lot. If you see him coming with a charged E + Q combo, hold down your Q, as you cannot be displaced while using it, which also stops him from ulting you this way. You can pretty much end a game without ever dealing with his ultimate.
A little more difficult melee champion because he can dodge your ult with his own ult. However, with the damage reduction, you gain an advantage over his ult anyway. As his W must be first cast then activated to teleport, you have a good window to use your Q to travel with him. Early game, you must be careful as his decently ranged burst can kill you, but you can always heal it off =)
Can be a little tough due to her shield and auto attack capabilities along with her insane Q + Ult damage, but until 6, you definitely have the advantage. Be smart, do not extend fights too much as she is also good at those and look for thunderlord procs + Q heals and then to go back to safety. Ulting her as she is eluting will significantly counter her as she will lose her Ult cool down reset as well.
Aurelion Sol
The only trouble happens if you let him have you where he wants you to be. Don't be scared of this guy as your heals will be sufficient to save you every time as this guy no longer has burst damage and relies on around 5 star hits to actually deal damage. You can Q behind him to dodge his Q or land him from his E. You can Ult him when he Ults or Q's, to prevent the CC from either one, which will also silence his passive. Don't forget, your E also stops his passive and can block a lot of damage from his stars while running.
Dodging barrels can be hard, and you will get harassed by his Q quite a bit, but you can heal it off. He has the potential to burst you down before you can heal, and get rid of your cc, but your healing will enable you to win trades regardless.
Twisted Fate
He does have the range, but a kit not very suitable against yours. If you see him pull a yellow card, simply press E, and your damage reduction will block his Stun + Q + E + thunderlord proc. If you see him using his ult, ult him to stop the channel and destroy him. You can also use your E to stop the channel. Overall, he can harass you from afar which gives him the advantage, but does not have enough damage or mana early on to beat your healing.
Skill matchup really. This lane can be either super easy, even, or extremely difficult. You can follow his Q dashes with your own Q and heal from it. Your E is very useful as his play style is rather an all in. If you manage to block his damage, his entire kit will be down for quite some time making him an easy kill. If you ult while he ults, I have not tested this yet, but I believe as you are immune to all CC during the jump, and as the bait fish slows, it will get cancelled, meaning it won't attach to you and keep going. If this happens, you have a major advantage over him. But always be careful as he can burst you down if you do not build a spirit visage.
Difficulty due to range and speed. Her mobility is quite annoying, but you can latch on to her dashes with your Q, however, she has 3 in total, which makes it even more difficult. Her charm is also quite annoying as it is quite a destructive spell for you. Your E significantly ruins her damage output though, as he relies mostly on her Q and E. If those are negated, she will be wide open for a good amount of time.
She needs to come close to you to damage you in any way, thus giving you the advantage. She can burst you down at some points so I will give her the 3/10 difficulty, but you should have no problems beating her as your E will block pretty much all her damage since your Q will follow up to heal it all back. Ulting her shuts her down tremendously, and can still be ulted in her shroud which you will be able to do blindly as your Ult hitbox is decent, and your W passive will show her location if she is low. With well timed Q usage, you can also follow her if she attempts to ult away, securing the kill.
Range is the biggest problem early on, and his ultimate can be an obstacle indeed. You must use your speed bonus to your advantage to dodge incoming soldiers and approach him in smarter ways. His cooldowns will then be the death of him on most cases unless he has his summoners or his ultimate, but even so you should be able to catch him. With well timed Q, you can follow his E, and even block his ult if very well timed as you are immovable at that time. Do not underestimate his tower though! By taking this build you are squishier than normal and you cannot life steal off the tower and the only reason this build works so well is the ability to keep yourself alive and as a pain train!
She doesn't have that much range but it is a problematic matter always for Warwick as you will still need to come near her, which she can block with a stun. If caught off guard, you are likely to die, but if you can use your E or even Q tibbers just for the life steal, you can come back around for the kill. Your ult shuts her down pretty hard as she is likely to use Tibbers on you, whereas you ult her back, gaining your HP back as well as distancing yourself from Tibbers for a moment. Beware! Tibbers does go ham on you after her death but if you are able to Q him you will live.
Approaching her is a bit more difficult due to slows and stuns and a wall. The wall can be jumped with your ult or flash of course, but considering the cast range, you are not likely to be in Q distance. But if you are, you will be able to travel with her. If you can put her in egg mode, it usually is your kill since one Q halves and the speed bonus finishes off easily. Do not underestimate her burst + DPS with her ult as you will be hurt without your E. Later on in the game, the tides do change and you practically become an assassin towards her.
I put him on level 1 difficulty but do not underestimate his damage of course! If you consistently get hit by his E Q AA combo, he will get you eventually if he trades without you being able to life steal. This is an unlikely scenario however as you will surely be able to bite him after his dash, but it is ganks you must watch after as his initiation if on target is deadly. But considering that he doesnt even have an ultimate that can be used against you in all situations and that you can also prevent him from using it with E or R (dunno if you can follow him with Q but that would be dope) kinda limits his plays. He simply doesn`t do enough damage in a certain amount of time to kill you, thus difficulty 1.
His constant ranged spam can be a problem if he manages to harass you safely. However, once on him, his damage is not enough to get over your healing, and your speed will make it quite difficult for him to hit you anyway. Your ult completely shuts him down, and due to his mobility, flash is his only chance. By using your E, you are also likely to survive his ultimate even after he is dead and you can no longer use him for HP.
He can get annoying in the sense that he does block your magic damage slightly better than others and gains quite a bit from his W, but his mana costs are still lame (so are yours tho) enough to run out before killing you. So in the case where but parties are out of mana, your speed both in attack and movement has an absolute advantage and will be usually what happens in early game. Save your ult for after he uses his ult to catch up to him and try to time your Q. He has a cast timer which makes it much easier to latch on to him and not being able to run away will ruin his game.
Range, speed and stuns are a major problem with Kennen. It comes down to good trading and dodging, where you must make sure to get hit minimally and stunned minimally as a result. If he times his abilities well, he might be able to stun you as your ult lands, causing it to cancel so be aware! If he ults while you ult, you are stunned 100%! But since he does have a dive-like mechanic he must use, his difficulty does not reach the red levels as he kind of solves the range problem for you and opening up for a come back play.
Range, blinks, roots, clones and an annoying laugh! For the common player that is not extremely familiar with LB mechanics is likely to be tricked or played or simply not very good at timing. Her dash and blink can be latched on to, but they are significantly fast paced abilities which make it more difficult compared to other champions. Having the ability to distance and dock you as well as burst you down, she takes the cookie quite easily and can shut you down early quite hard. Going on, your E will save you from her combo and an ult that hits her after having your first item (gunblade) will be an easy kill (regardless of this difficulty level in matchup) as she is extremely squishy. A fast follow up Q and gunblade after your ult will cause an insta kill. But here is why the difficulty remains high as it is difficult to land your ult considering her escapes and juking capabilities as well as having a clone, giving you a chance to fail horrendously. Going invisible to spawn her clone also grants her a chance to come back or escape your following abilities for the kill. Overall, just a very annoying champ regardless of who you play.
Ranged spam and a snare that prevents you from coming closer as well as an ult that can be smartly placed while you ult to take him back to safe harassing range (This play is a bit more advanced and wont be seen all the time of course). He is just one of the worst to face as he has no openings in terms of giving you the range and can also be fine if you manage to reach him. His damage and spam is BS, his CD is BS, his shield is BS, everything is BS man! Call for dat gank!
As a Viktor main, I might slightly be biased in terms of abilities in countering Warwick (and I encourage you all to check my Viktor Guide! ^^). If he is smart, he will place his W on top of himself, which can cause your ultimate to be cancelled and you stunned. In this situation, you are also not very likely to have your E activated, and thus, will be killed by his insane burst or by the following DPS if still alive afterwards. Thus, I recommend not to engage him with your ult if he has any chance of using his W. Other than that, he is also a champion that can protect his range at all times by relying on his lazer, making your chancing of using your Q much less. However, once you do manage to ult him, Q + gunblade and fear and all the good stuff will put him down.
His range and ranged cc is quite annoying, but will not be the end of you. Simply do not try to engage him and actually wait for him to ult instead. This actually gives you the advantage as he roots himself making it an easy turn around. Ult + Q + gunblade, classic burst = instant kill for this extremely squishy guy.
This guy can be a problem to everyone really and his super ranged Q is just beyond BS at times. However, you can reduce it signifcantly with your E, and his cooldown on it matches your E pretty much making it possible to reduce if not avoid at all times. This also means that he will be using more mana that can give you an opening. If he engages you in melee, he is making a great mistake and you know it! Try to time your Q to when he uses his knock back so that you dont end up dying from a follow up hit or anything and do get the heal. If his burst is stopped (which your E can handle amazingly well) his high cooldowns will be a problem for him even though he can switch his weapon. Ulting him should be done when about to die as a last resort or to chase after a flash or secure from a distance and not otherwise unless dominating hard.
Range is a huge problem with her, but coming in for an auto attack for her passive will give you an opening. Using your E practically blocks her Ult burst, and is an overall squishy and vulnerable champ in the end. If you ult while she uses her Q, you will be immune to it and will counter her heavily with such a play and will leave her open to the Q + gunblade one shot combo afterwards. Overall, if you can handle her ranged harass and use an opening well, this can be a very easy matchup, or a very hard one if failed.
Better to dodge than go to this game as he will never allow himself near you, not to mention his passive that prevents you from initiating with your Ult. You must always auto first to bring his passive down and never have your Q or Ult blocked or you will have no source of higher damage or heal, and will bring your death especially with his swarm of minions that hurt like hell as if his ranged suppress ult was not enough. Your E is good if you ever get infected by his E and can make his ult signifcantly useless if timed together by luck and will leave him slightly vulnerable in this case. But other than that, he has a great advantage over you.
Has range and damage, but is also easier to jump with your ult as he lacks mobility. You can also follow his W with your Q latch making his escapes further minimal and as he is one of the squishiest champs, the ult Q AA combo will indeed, finish him off. Dodge his ranged harass, jump him with full combo = profit.
Do not get triple stacked for your own sake as he can pack a punch. But here is the good part. By using your Q latch, you can easily dodge his returning W blades by going behind him and thus getting rid of his burst that he heavily relies on. You are also capable of seeing his general location in his ult if he is marked. Ulting him shuts him down pretty hard like any other assassin under CC. Your speed is also capable of catching him after his jumps, but not recommended unless you have your ult to jump with him, or your Q to latch to him. Due to his slow jump, it is very easy to latch, thus also giving him an easier rating as a matchup. Your E is extremely useful as it deals with his burst overall, and should be immediately used if he Ults to counter the incoming blades. The fear also puts him on a disadvantage as your next Q will hit fairly easily, granting you the HP that you lost right back at you, possibly even more as your E reduced the damage =)
The reason he is ranked this difficult is only due to his blind. During his blind, your Q and Ult become useless as they are basic attack based, and will thus miss. But if you wait out the blind and keep your E up meanwhile to reduce the damage in this period, you should make it out especially if you can fear him. Afterwards, as a standard Teemo ends up going AP, with only a single item built (gun blade probably) your Q + Ult + Gunblade (to slow when he starts running) should kill him fairly easily.
Has more range than other champions and a very fast stun that can get you off guard. If that happens, you are likely to not have your E up and thus be bursted down by her following up combo. If you manage to ult her when she ults, your life steal can be enough to save you, but as most champs are now likely to build morello, you probably will die. So press E ASAP if you see her ult coming and ult her in any case. A follow up Q might just be enough to save your HP and even burst her down but avoid trades and only go for all ins. This should be your playstyle in most situations anyway where you go fo the Ult + Q + AA + gunblade (keep to last as it is ranged and slows for potentially catch up). Any squishy or non tanky champ is very likely to die from this if they have no one around to back them up.
Her plants makes this lane quite tough which provoke the range weakness greatly. However, once you have 6, your all in combo will still one shot her. Make sure you keep E for situations that you are swarmed by plants so you can get rid of her damage and cool downs for a potential easy turn around.
Her W is extremely annoying as you won't be able to cast Q as a dash or your R at all. Once in this zone, she will simply spam E on you and then potentially R to keep doing so. Yet again, this only applies to laning phase as once you get your items, you are capable of one-shotting her.
Annoying lane due to her slows and speed up heals and especially her R. However, as her melee time is her weakness and it is most apparent within earlier times of the game, it gives you the opportunity to heal back . She also cannot use R while you have your R on her as she will be suppressed. A jungler coming to help once you get 6 can almost be considered a guaranteed kill.
Personally, I hate this champion the most no matter who I play. She will be able to freely harass you with her annoying ball and auto attacks. However, timing is your advantage here. You can use Q latches to go behind minions to dodge any ability she throws at you even though it is difficult. Use E as soon as you see a ball approach you and this will decrease her combo damage significantly. If you latch Q while she uses R, you will be damaged, but you won't be pulled to the center. You can also ult away from her R if done in time. Be careful as a badly timed R from you can be cancelled by her R, while a well timed one will be unaffected.
Slows, roots, extra damages and great self sustain. Keeps you away, and challenges you to a healing duel. This guy gets to damage you before you do, which gives him the upper hand. However, if you use E when he throws his crow and his E, damage will be reduced heavily since they work as over time damage sources and your E will reduce every tick. You can use Q to move yourself out of his abilities which is an advantage. The worst thing you can do is use R while he has R active. This will end up as a damage and heal for both parties even though your damage and heal will be higher. But this will almost guarantee that he will not die from your ult or even a Q that follows it. This will give him time to retaliate with summoner spells or his own abilities, healing himself up and perhaps killing you or running away. You are most vulnerable after having both Q and R in cool down, so always be vary of that!
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A highly predictable champ as if she hits spear, she is definitely coming towards you. E in time and her burst is meaningless and your R and Q will heal you all the way back up while one shooting her. Stay behind minions and the laning phase will be a breeze, although she is likely to keep her range as well, making it difficult to kill. You can still die by getting hit by too many spears, but you can also regenerate that back with Q on minions. You are capable of latching Q with her W to follow her through walls which heavily counter her. If she goes all damage, a simple all in will be her end every time.
You can follow his Q with your Q and out sustain him easily. If he uses R, simply R him as well, as it will prevent full usage of his R. By using E after, his damage later on can be rendered insignificant. Giving early kills to him is dangerous however, as he can get the upper hand.
Only problem comes from his Ult and his silence. If you do get combo'd you will die, so its actually not as easy as it seems at times. So be smart, and keep your HP up by using Q on minions if you must. This way, his 10+ seconds cool downs won't be able to catch up with his mana bar, leaving him wide open for the kill as he is also great immobile. He also stacks HP with his Ult, making you deal more percent damage towards him. If you do see that you are going to get hit by a Q + W combo, use your E immediately. If you are low enough for him to eat you, be ready to use the fear part, and possibly Q him after so that he can no longer do that. However, do not Q and simply run if your heal won't be sufficient to beat his ult. But if you also have your ult, use it after you Q, and you should have your entire HP back, plus your Q should be coming back soon. But do not use your Q immediately as he will use his in a moment. Use your 2nd Q to then counter his, by latching to the other side and dodging it, while also healing once again. Isn't this build just great xD
This guy is gonna be a pain. DO NOT FIGHT HIM EARLY. He can destroy you with his passive burn. Look towards baiting him under tower. His passive is very likely to get tower aggro. If he is under your tower, and you have less than 4 stacks, ult him once he is around half HP, and make sure to dodge him until then. If you can Q then ult, its even better. This way, your tower should deal with him along with your, while granting your full HP back, and preventing him from having enough stacks to even do a fair amount of damage with his ult. With an additional fear prepped, the kill should be easy, but only with the towers help of course as this will give around 4 shots guaranteed at him. Other than, avoid fights unless you get really fed and can one-shot him before he can stack enough. It is very possible that you can =)
You can definitely beat her, but you really have to dodge everything. She can burst you down very hard in a ridiculous manner that is simply broken. BUT, if you don't get hit by everything and avoid feeding her, once you hit 6, you ult is a very hard come-back source as you go rather to head to head in duels. If done well, you should end up Ulting her, either killing her in the meantime, or getting your Q back in the duration and using that as the execute. While doing this, you will get back pretty much your entire HP back, thus you will survive her burst if she didn't have like 10 tentacles around you.
Extremely easy lane as your Q latch can deny his E and R at proper usage. His wall jumping E's are also extremely predictable, making it very easy to travel with him. His low mobility also makes your W a certain death sentence on his fat butt due to your speed, and your ult just shreds all his fat out =)
This guy can wreck you up if you time anything bad. Your Q and Ult are useless while he has his E up, and will hurt you very bad if either are blocked as you lose a half of your come-back healing kit. Overall, the problem with this guy really comes down to his E. If you manage to go around it, you win. If you don't, he will laugh and spam his mastery 7 on your corpse. When he uses his E, use yours. Try to dodge his stun too of course, but at least you won't take that much damage in the time period, and will stun him back when you are out to easily heal the damage back.
God I hate this champion so much. Whoever had the idea to give him the passive he has is evil. His dueling is very powerful, and you should always look to use E against his W, as those 4 hits are lethal. You must kill him before he gets his passive and his health back, as if you are without Q and R when that happens, means you will be dead. On the positive side, being without his passive likely means W is active on him due to low HP. Before going in, wait your cool downs a little as you will be easily able to chase him anyway with your immense MS and his little MS. Once you have enough to kill him, make sure you avoid his attacks while attempting to come near so he does not build fury and and finish him off afterwards.
Just don't ult him when he ults... You will also look pretty silly as you gauge at him, and him back at you. Your fear also becomes a little useless in that time period, and his healing is pretty much the same deal as you, but he can hit a bit harder with his true damage. Best thing to do is outlast his ult, and your ult can secure it afterwards. In the meantime, keep your Q just a little more so you can pull of a greater heal from below half, or even 20% HP (tripling the bonus as your Q counts as a basic attack).
You can demolish this guy in a way that will make him RQ. If he is charging, latch your Q on him. You will not get stunned even if you get hit, and if you do get hit, you will heal it off anyway. His main damage will thus be gone which was probably not even fully charged due to your counter-attack. His ult is the only real problem you might face. But the fun fact is, if he starts running away with it, you can ult at him yourself and counter the 2 contact ults with each other ;). Your damage reduction from E is also essential if he lets towards you as it will block a lot of damage. I believe you can also latch on this ult to deny his knock, but that should be a little difficult to pull off.
First rule of League of Legends, never chase Singed. But whats this? You can run much faster than him if he is on his last bits of HP, and you can latch Q to go infront of him and ahead of his poison. Your Q also denies his E so he can't do the classic Singed Lmao stuff to you. Your sustain also beats his DPS style as you are alive for too long to die as you simply heal it off. Ulting him also shuts him down pretty hard. If you see him starting to run away after a fight (and if he is below 50% lets say), ult him. You should also get your Q in the meantime and with an instant usage, you should also counter a highly likely E coming your way. Rinse and repeat.
This guy can be quite annoying due to his rather stupid damage compared to how tanky he is as well. His hard CC abilities are your main problem as you cannot heal off during these time periods and will really hate the game due to your Q having a delay on its damage and heal proc as you might die during that time interval (personal experience here). His ultimate is also annoying as it provides him damage reduction which also means heal reduction. But overall, if you simply get a sprit visage at one point, his damage will be greatly reduced and your healing increased, that you shouldn't have a problem. Keep your ultimate as a last result and do not engage him with it as it is better to keep it for a 100% heal from a low percentage.
His passive kicks in fast which can be a problem as you might lose your W attack speed and MS on him.
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Surprisingly, not that difficult of a matchup. If you use your Q to latch, you can even dodge her ult by going behind her. You can catch any of her dashes, and are also immune to her 3rd Q if you can Q with good timing. Your E drastically reduces her burst, and your ult simply brings your entire HP back to you. She can still kill you if you do a mistake however, but with these tips mentioned, you will be fine if you can follow. You also dominate her at mid-game when you have 2 items completed.
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Jarvan IV
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Don't let the difficulty I set fool you on this one, as there are certain things that you must of course avoid or the lane might turn in his tides a bit too much! Never, ever try to push him under his tower, and do watch to dodge his missiles. A good idea is to wait for a turret to lose health so that is halved. This way, you can kill it much faster, and considering your enhances autos, it should be a one shot from this point. If you see him toggle his ult, either ult him before he can use any of his abilities, or dodge whatever is coming. It really is not a good idea to fight under his big turret. Overall, this lane isn't that hard due to him not having a great deal of burst damage, but a lot of DPS. But that gives you the advantage as you can heal what you lose, as long as you don't get hit by the stun or the missiles. Aim for spirit visage, and the lane should be yours. He also has nothing against your super speed.
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He is an armor based champ where you play more AP based, with AP damaging abilities. His E does take away your attack speed, but you rely more on your Q anyway. His high cooldowns causes any of his abilities used during your E damage reduction period to a severe loss of advantage for him. Your healing factor also destroys him completely, as he will never have enough mana to deal with you.
Range and stuns and over time damage. What could go wrong? This build is overall best for champions in melee range as range is a problem in general for WW in the early game. Brand is one of those cases where this problem is even greater. Doesn't matter if you are near or away from your creeps as he has a method of burning your fur in any case. Best tip is to avoid this matchup but if you do end up in it, play safe and farm safe until you get gunblade. You get to turn the tides on him if you land your R for an all in with gunblade active as well. It is just the early game you need to survive and hope he doesn't also go off-tank as that can be hard to one-shot, giving him the oppurtunity to do a turn around kill when all your abilities are on cool-down.
Absolute %&$^£. Her E is just disgusting against you and you really can't do your classic straight dash at her or you will get smacked to sit down like an obedient dog by her Q followed by her W. You can decrease the damage quite significantly with your W but overally, she is just difficult to catch. However, if you do get her to waste her E and while her other stuff is on cooldown, she is usually not very tanky and this build will give you a very satisfying one shot :).
Never underestimate the big guy and his big anchor but to your luck, his cooldowns are also big! Don't fight him if he has his shield active and try to bait it out. In a fist fight, use your E and fight as long as you can with it on. If you see him throw his anchor. Make sure you Q as you will travel with him. Big boi ain't gonna be escaping you! Your healing gets you the advantage here and you should aim for early kills before he gets too tanky. You will need more items to shred him later on.
Lol icecube warwick... Yeah her ult is indeed annoying but you might be able to just time a self cast of ur E when you see her casting or you think she's about to all in you. Your E really does destroy her all in potential or at least force her to wait it out. This is your chance for a turn around attack by going all in yourself. You gotta play a little safe early on tho as her range advantage will be there just like any other ranged champion and if you get smacked by a direct Q, it really does hurt. You can also be eazily snared by her W since you are melee which allows her to open the gap at least once between you. Her E also allows to do this a second time not to mention her R if she chooses to use it run away. But more than likely it will give her the option to all in you. Her Q slows will also give her time to retreat to tower so you really need you jungle buddy to help you out with this *%$*"%.
Oh boy this guy can be pesky. The double stun can be a huge problem as you rely on dealing damage to stay alive. Spirit Visage second item right after gunblade does the trick here! Not only can you one shot him, but he can no longer one shot you! And you get to heal more! yay!
A huge game of timing. You can dodge getting stunned to the wall by timing your Q, but it is rather difficult. Her high amounts of damage and tankiness will be annoying. This is a game of knowledge and prediction. This can be an extremely easy or difficult lane depending on the players.
He is known for his high amounts of damage, but do not forget it is dealt over time. By simply using your E, and keeping it up for the duration of his Q, will allow you to withstand and fight him. If you also ult him at a 80-100 (not 100 tho) heat range, he will also be incredibly weak as he will only be able to cast a single ability after the overheating happens, giving him no option but to run like the yordle he is.
Your Q and ult also count as basic attacks, making them blockable and a huge weakness. If you follow his passive counter and avoid engaging with Q (as he gets insta shield on W cast), you should not be as vulnerable. His damage is still quite high, and he is capable of bursting so he is definitely tough in early game, but possible to beat.
Due to his triple Q hit mechanic, he does have a strong burst, but also a delayed fighting system. This is your ally as you are capable of restoring quite a decent amount of HP between his auto attacks. It is also wise to back off before his 3rd Q, and then to ult back at him in a timing that will have his 3rd Q expire during the suppression, making him even weaker as his Q will be down for a longer time.
You can see him when he is invisible, you can latch on to him when he jumps away, you can reduce his burst, and you can entirely shut him down with your ult. Play smart, avoid boxes and killing clones (even though the clone will give you a decent heal if you Q it) and you will be fine.
He is better against full AD champs while your AP will go a bit more through him. His taunt doesn't do much if he isn't that fed and you are, as you will still be healing yourself with each auto. Make sure you don't use Q or R when he is in his W as he gets a super defence boost and might as well be able to waste your ability. So with this guy, timing is key. If you can hit him without his defences, he can be beaten fairly easily, as he just doesn't have what it takes to kill you. Later on, you might not be able to kill him either though =P
This one is quite tough as you can't get near him easily. Therefore, you must look for potential all-in attack when you can. Best method is to activate W and run towards him. When he uses his E, use your ult so that you collide mid-air, canceling his stun, and suppressing him for a lot of damage. Considering he is a very squishy champ that has also lost his stun, a follow up Q and some autos should be able to finish him up. But before you can get to that point, you really need to survive laning phase without feeding him =)
Slightly harder than Riven, but also surprisingly not that hard. I ranked her a bit higher due to her parry as it can block your ult or Q, or even your E fear with good timing. Her true damage can also be annoying, but she is also burstable which gives you an advantage too. If she does get hit by your ult, this is the reason you get a much higher advantage.
Extremely easy matchup as you can instantly get back all the HP you lost to him easily. His W is your only problem as attack speed and movement speed can be useful at times, but with the usage of your Q and ult, you have gap closing capabilities as well as sustain potential within this state.
His range is a pain along with his burst. Do not let him use his range as if he manages to jump on you with his second wave of BS damage, you are likely to die. If you see him coming at your face like this when you are half HP or lower, either ult him or away to survive. An E + Q combo afterwards will block the incoming damage as well as possibly blocking his knock back with the latch.
Tahm Kench
Although this guy can pack quite a punch, he is not very fast at it especially early on with high cool-downs and no real attack speed. You want to shut this guy down tho or he can be a problem with his tanky nature. Save your E damage reduction for when he gets 3 stacks so you aren't damaged as much from his lick + swallow. Go for early harassment and dodge his lick as much as possible to force him out of lane. Your Q is your friend here for healing and you might want to get W second for attack speed and passive regeneration. Your attack speed and his overall low base MS will be what brings him down.
My name is Daedralus and I am a Diamond ranked player on multiple servers. With the new Warwick out, I was rather very interested in his theme which got me to play and test him a lot. With that said, I realised that within his ability descriptions, there were rather interesting details that I knew I could abuse and came up with this build!
My guide will explain every item and its benefits in the items section, but in the overall summary part, only the core will be examined more in depth as the same rules apply to the other given sample builds with alternative items. Hope this guide helps and makes sense! Enjoy! =D
Pros / Cons With This Build
Pros / Cons With This Build
Pros + Insane Healing! + Damage Reduction Allows Your 1v1 Lane To Be Much Easier! + Roaming Is Extremely Easy and Powerful! + Jaws of the Beast Allows You To Follow All Dashes! + Infinite Duress Secures Kills and Trades Easily! + You Can Always Pick-Up Easy Kills From Blood-Hunted Targets Going B + Both Jaws of the Beast and Infinite Duress Proc On-Hit Effects + People will underestimate your healing and damage + Off-meta pick that will catch your lane opponent by surprise!
Cons: - Mana Hungry - Squishy Early, Can be Bursted Down - Wave Clear Is Horrible - CC Hurts Warwick a Lot - Weird Mechanic With Attack Speed Boost (Will Be Explained) - Losing Lane Will Cause Your Teammates To Go Ham On You (People don't seem to appreciate off-meta picks =/) - If your whole team fails, you will be useless in team-fights as the enemy team will be able to shut you down easily. - Extremely single target focus - Ultimate is easy to body block by other enemy champions
Runes + Spells
Runes + Spells
New runes are still new for everyone and will require further testing. However, here is what my initial instincts tell me to build:
: You are already based on chasing people down, so why not give it even a greater boost? This rune is honestly amazing when you run with like 1000 MS.
: The same idea remains from last season where we want to have our life fill on every hit. This rune makes the best choice here as a result.
: Adaptive is kinda weird with this build, but whatever is increased still helps a lot. You will be running around a lot and quite frankly, your Q is one of the best KS abilities I personally know, and you can get the takedown bonus anywhere, anytime.
: Similarly, also taken for more life steal. You practically play as a hunter, running around the map, and every kill makes you scalingly stronger in a way that is simply hilarious (for you of course.
: As soon as I saw this rune, I simply started laughing like a maniac. If you have played this build before, you will know that 1v3 situations can be tough as you need either Q or R to sustain over multiple damage sources. However, getting 15% of missing HP like this makes it much easier to wait that 0.1 second left for your Q to max your HP again. gg easy
: Even more life steal... How can one refuse?
Essential spell in my opinion, as you will be in a lane and will require to dodge certain abilities as well as chase down enemies or make plays with it. It is also the perfect gap closer as Jaws of the Beast really has no range.
This, similar to Flash allows you to run and chase faster. But it is a great option as it enables you to roam much faster and become more efficient in your ganks.
I recommend taking this against difficult opponents so that you can come back to lane faster without losing any more farm than you already are. It is also good versus opponents that push in other lanes as it makes way for much stronger ganks and increased pressure. You can also split-push even with my special build with this spell which makes it all the more viable.
This is for enemies that heal a lot like you do. If you are facing one, take this spell so that it both stops them from healing and also for you to secure the kill on them.
Items + Explanations + Why They Work So Well!
Items + Explanations + Why They Work So Well!
Here I will be explaining every item, what it adds to Warwick, and why they are to good on him!
This item is simply amazing as it gives you both ability power and attack damage, which Jaws of the Beast scale on. But it is the passive of this item that makes it what it is as it heals you for 15% of all damage dealt. With Jaws of the Beast having a heal for 70% of damage dealt with the + 15%, this means you will be healing for 85% of the damage you deal. And with both your AD and AP values increased with this item, Jaws of the Beast already has a much higher damage. Infinite Duress also greatly benefits from this item for the same reasons, making it a great item, with also a great active allowing to make chasing easier, or get executes off at enemies.
Now we get into why this build works so great! Lich Bane grants a great damage after the use of an ability on your next auto attack. But as both Jaws of the Beast and Infinite Duress apply on hit effects, you won't even need to do another auto attack as the proc will go off anyway. Not only this but with the added passive movement speed bonus, you will be going faster on a percentage basis, that also makes your Blood Hunt go much faster and thus Infinite Duress leap much farther. And thanks to dealing much more damage with Jaws of the Beast, your healing will increase quite significantly! Making this a great item!
Same deal as Lich Bane in this case, more damage, more speed, extra damage proc, more heals =D
With this item, you get much more damage, adding to your auto attacks, Jaws of the Beast and Infinite Duress. But along that, you most importantly get wave-clear. Warwick has terrible wave clearing and playing him in a lane can be difficult in terms of farming so I really do recommend picking up at least Tiamat at some point of the game. The 12% life steal is also great, making you simply heal back to maximum health with the combined forces of the previously listed items, and also has a on-hit proc that adds to your damage for Jaws of the Beast and Infinite Duress.
This is the other alternative to Ravenous Hydra as it will also help in terms of wave clear. Build this when you are going the tanky build. This item also has a single target extra damage proc, making it better for Jaws of the Beast.
Attack speed, cool down reduction, ability power, extra damage on hit, what else could you ask for? Perfect synergy with Infinite Duress, but this item can be swapped out if you would rather go a full burst build
This is a good item even if you are going full damage. As you are likely to be facing a mage in lane, this provides some good defence. But your main focus is the fact that this item increases all self healing by 25%! Just think about it! Jaws of the Beast 70% of damage dealt healed + 25%, Hextech Gunblade 15% of all damage dealt healed + 25%, Infinite Duress 100% of damage dealt + 25%. This item is just too good to ignore!
This is your tanky option that replaces Lich Bane. Although you do not get the movement speed anymore, now you get a very decent amount of armor and mana, while keeping the extra-damage proc that also slows enemies now. Overall, this is a very good item, and will definitely make you much more tanky.
Another option is to go for this item. It gives great extra movement speed, and also increased damage on next attack as well as a slow, which is great with the combined overall synergy mentioned.
This item will provide the means of shredding through tanky enemies due to the max health as damage. It also grants a great amount of life steal, along with an active that allows you to damage and steal and enemies movement speed. This item works amazingly well with Infinite Duress, but building this item will mean that your build has to be around AD rather AP, as Hextech Gunblade will no longer be an option.
Great item for much more survivability as the active can be a life saver and a great window of time for you to be able to use Jaws of the Beast again to heal a great portion of your health. But having no other great proc capabilities, this item should only be an option for a more tank focused build
Overall, if you have read through the item explanations, you will see that this build actually makes a lot of sense. With the full burst build, you get the following:
1-Extreme Jaws of the Beast damage + heal. As this ability scales with both AD and AP, this hybrid build brings a lot of damage. As this ability already deals 10% of the targets maximum health additionally to its AD and AP scale, tanks are even better targets. Now going to the healing portion, at level 5, this skill heals for 70% of damage dealt. But thanks to the following items; Hextech Gunblade, Lich Bane, Ravenous Hydra, Luden's Tempest, Nashor's Tooth and Ravenous Hydra from the core build, much more damage is dealt, where on hit proc's are also added to the equation along with increased healing bonuses, having you not only one-shot squishy targets, but also heal for even more!
2-Movement speed is also increased thanks to passives from Lich Bane and Luden's Tempest, which makes it all the more easier while roaming for kills on other lanes.
3- Primal Howl grants you superior trading capabilities as it gives damage reduction, followed by a fear, allowing you to render some of your opponents abilities useless on top of crowd controlling them for an easy target.
4-Everything mentioned for Jaws of the Beast apply to Infinite Duress, where you deal a crazy amount of damage as on-hit effects are also dealt 3 times, while you heal yourself for 100% of the damage dealt, plus all the bonuses you gain thanks to your items.
5-Only problem you will truly face is the farming part as Warwick is extremely single target based, making it difficult to farm early on. Another point to make is a rather interesting mechanic for when Blood Hunt activates on a low health target. If you were previously dueling with this target and this ability procs, your next attack will seemingly have the attack speed bonus, but it will only be gained on the attack after. So clicking away or using an ability when this proc activates will immediately have you auto attack faster on the target rather than having to wait another full attack. So watch out for that!
6-Though Warwick mid/top can be amazing against certain champions, it is also horrible against some of them where he will be literally useless as he cannot get near them until he gets his Infinite Duress. Until then, you will have to beg for your jungler to come as you cannot do anything, and the lane pushes where you lose all your farm to tower.
Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks
1-Sometimes it is better to not engage with Jaws of the Beast as timing it at a certain point may allow you to follow a Flash, making it much more beneficial as your target will have wasted their ability, while you remain on top of them.
2-Using Infinite Duress as a last resort in a 1v1 trade can be very useful, as if both you and your opponent are low on health, this will allow you to deal free damage to them (possibly killing them] as you pretty much come back to full HP as a result of the cast. This will make it much easier guaranteed for kills.
3-Never forget that both Jaws of the Beast and Infinite Duress cannot be interrupted while being cast. For example, when any dragon is attacked, the dragon flies to the air knocking everyone back. But if you actually hold down with Jaws of the Beast you will not be knocked back and a message will appear saying "cannot be displaced". This also applies to champion abilities, meaning you can actually block crowd control completely with well timed usage of either ability.
4-If you plan to enter a 1v2, always focus the same target until you kill. Kill the first target with your massive Jaws of the Beast burst while Primal Howl fearing both targets away, and then simply using Infinite Duress on the second target, easily gaining back all your lost health during the chase on the first target as no counter-measurements can be taken by the second target as you do this.
5-Starting with Long Sword is pretty beneficial and you shouldn't be too scared for the enemy wave to come under your tower as with your bonus damage with your passive, you will be able to one-hit kill any minion after 1 tower shot to casters, 2 shots to melees, and it is always recommended to Jaws of the Beast a cannon just to be safe.
Overall, this is my personal build that I have invented and believe is actually better than the current standard Warwick build as of all the mentioned reasons and synergies throughout the guide.
I hope you enjoyed this guide! All feedback is much appreciated! Be sure to check my Viktor guide out as well!
Please feel free to tell me any tips and tricks you also discover, or if you realise anything wrong within the guide!
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