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Ziggs Build Guide by Smartest2

ADC [S11]Smartest2's Guide to Bot Lane Ziggs - Top 100 Ziggs NA

ADC [S11]Smartest2's Guide to Bot Lane Ziggs - Top 100 Ziggs NA

Updated on July 21, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Smartest2 Build Guide By Smartest2 26 3 90,424 Views 0 Comments
26 3 90,424 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Smartest2 Ziggs Build Guide By Smartest2 Updated on July 21, 2021
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Runes: Standard

Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Presence of Mind
Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[S11]Smartest2's Guide to Bot Lane Ziggs - Top 100 Ziggs NA

By Smartest2
Table of Contents
All about me
Pros and Cons
Champion strengths & weaknesses
OP new items!
The juicy details
Hey everybody, Smartest2 here with a pretty overpowered guide for Ziggs. Let me know how this works out for you and please please PLEASE ask questions you have, I respond to every single one! I am here to help you guys do the best that you can in your games.

About me:
Pros and Cons (WIP)

Ziggs' Positives

Poke heavy in lane
Fantastic siege
Easily takes first tower Satchel Charge
Scales incredibly hard
Very few poor matchups
Safe champion, Hexplosive Minefield and Satchel Charge
Ziggs is an incredibly versatile champion that really doesn't have many flaws. It's very easy to play safe OR aggressive in lane (depending on that Bouncing Bomb accuracy :D)

As soon as you hit level 3 and get 2 points into Q, you are online and can instantly start dominating lane. Despite being strong in lane, you also scale harder than almost every other champion in the game. Ziggs actually has the highest average damage dealt per game of all champions!

As I mentioned this guide is for bot lane, not for mid lane (though I'm sure you can apply some of the same concepts for mid lane as well). In bot lane, there are
The biggest thing to be aware of as Ziggs in the bot lane is that you don't have the greatest level 2 spike. Rank 1 Hexplosive Minefield is pretty lackluster without any ap built. Make sure you're weary of strong level 2 engages such as Leona with Draven.

Another thing to be weary of is that you are fairly mana hungry before finish Lost Chapter. Make sure to use abilities efficiently levels 1-4.

Ziggs' Negatives

Weak level 2 spike
Mana hungry before Lost Chapter
I keep it pretty straightforward and grab the Sorcery and Precision tree.

Sorcery Tree Explanation:

Arcane Comet is just fantastic to continuously harass the enemy laners. If you can land Bouncing Bomb most of the time, you'll be just fine.

Alternatives: None

Manaflow Band is the most obvious choice here. It gives us more mana which is everything we could want.

Alternatives: none

Transcendence is what I personally take as it increases cooldown reduction by 10 (now called haste). This is incredible for [[ziggs]' kit! Also the 20% basic ability cd reduction on kill is phenomenal for teamfights.

Alternatives: Absolute Focus is pretty good late game if you don't take a lot of damage. However, I think you'll find that Transcendence is more consistent.

Scorch is my personal favorite on this slot. I like the little bit of sustain you get from the spellvamp. Sometimes this can really save your life.

Alternatives: Gathering Storm is a late game scaling option.

Precision Tree Explanation:

Presence of Mind is what I take on most mages. It progressively helps your mana sustain IMMENSELY and I highly recommend taking it on Ziggs.

Alternatives: None.

Coup de Grace Is an underrated rune. It's really good on siege mages when you're typically coming in to gank champions who have around 50% health anyway. It also helps your damage finish off an opponent when you look for 100-to-0 opportunities later in the game.

Alternatives: None

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Smartest2
Smartest2 Ziggs Guide
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[S11]Smartest2's Guide to Bot Lane Ziggs - Top 100 Ziggs NA

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