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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Summoner Spells
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Main focus in laning phase as you'd be a squishy target over the adc.
Champion Build Guide
Hi my name is Milly. I'm British born Chinese.
~I try to stream as much as I can on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and ask questions if you're unsure about anything!
I started playing League in Season 4 :)
If this guide has helped you in any way please Vote up & Share, I hope to make more guides in the future! :)
❥ Also if you didn't know I have a Soraka Guide >here<
❥ AP Lux >here<
❥ AP Lulu Support >here<
❥ Miss Fortune ADC >here<
❥ AP Mel Arcane
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~I try to stream as much as I can on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and ask questions if you're unsure about anything!
I started playing League in Season 4 :)
If this guide has helped you in any way please Vote up & Share, I hope to make more guides in the future! :)
❥ Also if you didn't know I have a Soraka Guide >here<
❥ AP Lux >here<
❥ AP Lulu Support >here<
❥ Miss Fortune ADC >here<
❥ AP Mel Arcane
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Pros & Cons
❣ Provides shields
❣ Good peel for the team
❣ Goes well with most ADC's
❣ Good sustain in lane
❣ uses alot of mana (mana hungry)
❣ Squishy target
❣ Small AA range
Pix, Faerie Companion (Passive) : Lulu passive is Pix, Pix fires 3 bolts that deal damage at anyone/anything that Lulu is targetting. |
Summoner Spells
❥ I choose Flash for Lulu get away or escape, Ignite might be good early depending on how your ADC is, it also depends if you can use ignite during fights in hopes it gets someone.
❥ Heal can be an alternative to Exhaust or Ignite if you want to take extra heals or the ADC may take Barrier or Exhaust incase. For example you may have a Yasuo ADC that may take Flash & Exhaust. Or if your ADC takes Barrier then be expected to take Heal.
❥ Exhaust is okay but it wouldn't be my ideal pick as in some team fights if they have a Tryndamere or Olaf, Exhaust has no real effect when they are in Ult, it may be useful for other champions but personally I prefer Barrier over other spells. Exhaust is standard or requested by other team mates as it slows the targetted champion by 30% and reduces their damage output by 40%.
❥ Heal can be an alternative to Exhaust or Ignite if you want to take extra heals or the ADC may take Barrier or Exhaust incase. For example you may have a Yasuo ADC that may take Flash & Exhaust. Or if your ADC takes Barrier then be expected to take Heal.
❥ Exhaust is okay but it wouldn't be my ideal pick as in some team fights if they have a Tryndamere or Olaf, Exhaust has no real effect when they are in Ult, it may be useful for other champions but personally I prefer Barrier over other spells. Exhaust is standard or requested by other team mates as it slows the targetted champion by 30% and reduces their damage output by 40%.
Summon Aery: I choose Aery for all because her abilities offer damage and shields. |
Manaflow Band: I thought Manaflow Band was a good choice for Lulu as she requires mana often for her abilities. With more mana = more possible shielding to allies; as stated after reaching 250 bonus mana it will restore 1% of the missing mana ever 5 seconds. |
Scorch: The last rune is scorch which allows the next damaging ability hit sets champions on fire for 15-35 bonus magic damage based on level with a 10 second cooldown. |
Cosmic Insight: This gives 15 summoner spell haste and 10 item haste which means you will get a small CD reduction which is helpful for using your skills sooner. |
Offense x2 + Defense x1: 1st Adaptive Force for +9 Adaptive Power over attack speed and cooldown reduction. Second Adaptive Force over Armour and Magic Resist. Last rune is +6 Armour just for a little Defense and much more useful over Health but consider taking the circle for +8 Magic Resist if you find yourself up against a mage duo botlane or so. |
Item Build
World Atlas should be a standard first item for Sona and 2 Health Potion, World Atlast will turn into "Runic Compass" then into "Bounty of Worlds" which then you can choose which item it will be transformed into. You can choose 1 of the 5 support items, you can gain up to 3 charges (every 18 seconds), each charge can be used from hitting a enemy champion or attacking a minion with a ally nearby which claims the minion gold for you and your ally. |
Personally I would build Dream Maker as the upgrade for the support item as the unique passive grants a heal or shield to allied champion for 3 seconds. Every 8 seconds you gain a blue dream bubble and a purple dream bubble, the blue bubble reduces damage meanwhile the purple grants 90 bonus m-dmg pm hit- for next AA. TLDR - Increase damage for your ADC and reduce ADC damage taken. |
These boots provide 20 haste/also CD reduction and reduces Summoner Spells by 10%. Having a a lot of CDR early in lane can be quite helpful for your ADC and your team. |
Consider buying Ardent Censer as it provides shielding power. It increases Lulu abilities and boosts your ADC attack speed and shielding them. This item helps proc Summon Aery which also makes it a good team buff team fighting. This is also a good early item for ADCs if you're worried about them taking too much damage/harass from the enemy botlane. |
This item is basically the summoner spell Cleanse and it also consists of 15 Haste/CD, 20% healing and shielding. 50 Magic Resist and 100% mana regen. This item is extremely useful for removing CC for one ally as well as providing a small heal to the target. Very useful against champions abilities, for example Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Leona's Shield of Daybreak or Solar Flare, Morgana's Dark Binding, Skarner's Impale and so on. |
~ So these next items listed can be the can be used in the final build. I have listed a few depending on the matchup.
Change Log / Updated
02/01/2024 - 66.4k views + Happy New Year <3
19/05/2024 - 40k views :)
11/02/2024 - 32.1k views!
21/01/2024 - Update support item + build for season 14 + 29k views^^
29/12/2023 - 27.7k views <3
17/12/2023 - 27k views ♡
13/08/2023 - Ty for 22.5k views :)
31/10/2022 - Idk when this happened but tyvm for 16.9k views! ♡
02/06/2021 - Added information to "Abilties", "Item Build" and thanks for 1k views, 2 upvotes ♥
23/05/2021 - Added information & icons for"Pros & Cons", "Item Build" & "Abilities"
22/05/2021 - Added information to "Summoner Spells" & "Runes"
15/05/2021 - Created Lulu guide, need to add information to chapters, drafted outline :)
19/05/2024 - 40k views :)
11/02/2024 - 32.1k views!
21/01/2024 - Update support item + build for season 14 + 29k views^^
29/12/2023 - 27.7k views <3
17/12/2023 - 27k views ♡
13/08/2023 - Ty for 22.5k views :)
31/10/2022 - Idk when this happened but tyvm for 16.9k views! ♡
02/06/2021 - Added information to "Abilties", "Item Build" and thanks for 1k views, 2 upvotes ♥
23/05/2021 - Added information & icons for"Pros & Cons", "Item Build" & "Abilities"
22/05/2021 - Added information to "Summoner Spells" & "Runes"
15/05/2021 - Created Lulu guide, need to add information to chapters, drafted outline :)
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