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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability
Why should I play Tryndamere ?
This is my first Guide.
So i know tryndamere is one of the most hated champion in League of Legend.
Because Tryndamere has one the strongest Ultimates in the game(from ad champions).
You cant die for 5s !!!
With your craze passive
He works best for Low elo games, but also not bad for higher elo games.
+ Very high DPS
+ Substain and mobility
+ 5s extra life with
+ Badass Crits because
+ You can 1vs1 nearly anyone mid/late
- Performs bad if ulti is used too early or to late (dead Tryn)
- Gets countered by range and CC
- AA as only dmg source
- without
Tryndamere needs to get a few items very early to deal tons of damage.
You should get as much creeps and maby a kill.
You can also take lasthits with your e,
but if its on cd your without escape.
Just farm and try to bully your opponent out of lane and destroy his tower.
Thats it basically
You should get as much creeps and maby a kill.
You can also take lasthits with your e,
but if its on cd your without escape.
Just farm and try to bully your opponent out of lane and destroy his tower.
Thats it basically
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