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Choose Champion Build:
Mid Build
Top build
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Mark of the Storm (PASSIVE)
Kennen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Leblanc has lower cooldown than you, she's too fast to get hit by your shuriken, she can get out of your ult easily and has strong damage to bully you and your short range. I suggest to buy Homeguard upgrade for your boots early game, since you will need to go back a lot.

It is possible to start with

If I lane against AD champions, I'll start with

I like to upgrade to homeguard early game, because this passive combined with your W allows to go back in lane really fast. So you don't miss many minions and the enemy can't push your tower easily.

Follow your mid whenever he tries to gank, your presence in a balanced fight will give the advantage to your team. Your ult will win the fight and allow your teammates to get some kills.
In mid/late game teamfights, never be the one to engage. You need a real engage, so you can follow right after. Otherwise, you will get killed before you can even be in position and ult properly.

Try to harrass your opponent with

Once you hit level 6, keep harrassing your opponent. When he's halved, get your 4th AA ready, engage with E-R-W-Q-AA-Q, finish with

When you lane against your counters, play safe, farm with

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