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Rengar Build Guide by Birkeland

Jungle [S5] Rengar Jungle Guide [Patch 5.18]

Jungle [S5] Rengar Jungle Guide [Patch 5.18]

Updated on September 16, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Birkeland Build Guide By Birkeland 13,683 Views 0 Comments
13,683 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Birkeland Rengar Build Guide By Birkeland Updated on September 16, 2015
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Pros / Cons

SPACESPACE -Amazing late game
-Good pick potential
-Can one shot squishies
-Snowball extremely hard
-Fun to play
SPACESPACE -Bad earlie game
-No pressure pre 6
-Can get invaded in the first jungle clear
-Weak against vision and cc
-Need ult to gank
-Item depending
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The build i use is Ranger`s Trailblazer (Don`t finnish into Warrior) into Brutilazer, cdr boots, tiamat, ghostblade, Last Whisper, then i finnish my tiamat into ravenous hydra and then i sell trailblazers for Infinity edge and finish my build with a phantom dancer. When im at full build i normaly sell boots for Dead Man`s Plate. Remember to buy red bot at full build.
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Earlie game

In the earlie game you would try to rush 6. Start at bot side and do a full clear (U may need a litle practise). Then you go back and buy Ranger`s Traillblazer and a long sword with 1 healt pot. Then you do a full clear again and back and buy. If u have the chance hold a lane if one of your laners back (or die). When you hit lvl 6 you would try to gank a lane. You should not try to force a gank pre 6, unless its obvious and a free kill. Don`t be afraid of farming and not gank to often, you will scale realy good into late game anyways.
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Mid game

When its come to mid game, you will try to kill people that are out of position with your ultimate. Usualy the enemy ad carry often push the side waves at bottom lane alone. Use that to your advantage and just grab the free gold from killing the adc.

Although you are a litle behinde you usally can kill the enemy adc at your own, if u cant kill anyone solo, just farm and get your core items and wait for late game.
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Late game

Try your best to get free picks with your ultimate. In the later stage of a game that allmost anytime garuantie your team an objective in late game when the dead timers are high.
If your team or the enemy team deside to teamfigth, try to assassinate the back line. Usually in lower eloes people don`t buy oracle lens or pink wards, but if they do, just care a litle and be carefull.
Just remember you are NOT an initiator, wait your team for initiating.
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One shot combo: U need 5 ferocity stacks before you do this. R, Ghostblade, Empowered Q, E, W Hydra in mid air, finish with a exstra Q if they didn`t die.

Root combo: U need 5 ferocity stacks before you do this. R, ghostblade, Empowered E, Q, W, Hydra in mid air, then finish with another empowered E.
You usually do this combo when you gank or they have an escape and you know you can`t one shot them.

2. One shot combo: U need 5 ferocity stack. R, ghostblade, Empowered Q, (Leap too them) Hydra, E, W extreamly fast.
This combo is a bit harder than the first 1 shot combo but its mostly used if the enemy stand into a minion wave or around team mates. This combo is used so it reduce your chance of hitting your E on a minion.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Birkeland
Birkeland Rengar Guide
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[S5] Rengar Jungle Guide [Patch 5.18]

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