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Ability Order
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Graves. His passive will give you a difficult time, and he's one of the best picks against Vayne. Vayne is a squishy champion, and the amount of burst which Graves can do will obliterate you. Tumble his buckshot, farm, and avoid trading with him. Do not engage him in lane unless you are clear you will win the fight. Bringing a defensive support like Nami or Janna is recommended.
+ Fantastic kiting
+ Deals true damage + % of health with Silver Bolts
+ Has CC due to Condemn
+ Monster late game
+ Ult can provide stealth
+ Shreds through tanks
+ Strong duelist
+ Incredible single target damage
+ Able to outplay many supports in lane
+ Flashy plays
+ Can win fights in which she is outnumbered
- Relies on good farming abilities and CS
- Requires very good positioning
- Squishy
- Weak early game
- Short Range
- Hard to master
- Only deals single target damage
- Tends to be focused on at all costs in teamfights
Arguably the best spell in the game. It provides an escape, a gap closer to secure that kill, and a second tumble for Vayne. Flash gives ADC's a bit of a safety net due to their squishy nature. Play safer when your flash is down, as an incoming gank could turn the enemy's tides in their favour. Taking flash is an absolute must. No exceptions.
ADC's are squishy, so heal gives some extra leverage in a tight situation. Heal also gives a movement speed boost so you can use this to catch up to opponents if you don't want to use flash. Don't hesitate to use heal to save your support, but be smart about using it.
Night Hunter(Passive)
: Vayne gains 30 Movement Speed when moving toward nearby enemy champions.This gives you lots of mobility, and lots of chasing potential.
- Remember that running away from enemies does not grant you the movement speed bonus. That would be super OP.
: Vayne tumbles, maneuvering to carefully place her next shot. Her next attack deals bonus damage.This is Vayne's main ability, and mastering this is vital to unlock her full potential. This ability gives Vayne extra mobility and allows her to slip past the abilities of her opponents. Tumble has a wide range of uses, such as trading, dodging abilities, chasing, escaping, re positioning, the list goes on. Max tumble after W ( Silver Bolts, and before E ( Condemn).
- Tumble provides a quick auto attack, so tumbling right after regularly auto attacking can be utilised in many situations.
- Using tumble means that you will no longer have an escape. Ward in lane and use smartly.
Silver Bolts(W)
: The third consecutive attack or ability against the same target deals a percentage of the target's maximum health as bonus true damage (Max: 200 damage vs. monsters).Silver bolts is Vayne's most terrifying ability. It lets you shred through any tank, and amplifies your trading potential. Silver bolts allows Vayne to not have to build attack damage early, and instead thrives on attack speed. Max this first.
- Vayne can only mark one target with silver bolts at a time and must hit a single target consecutively in order to proc the third stack of silver bolts.
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