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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
HER SPELLSHEILD WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. Black Shield is a hard counter to your cc, however; her shield might not be able to take both Winter's bite and Glacial Fissure. Poke her down with Winter's Bite, if she uses her black shield to block your Q try to engage on her, therefore; she can't block your cc.
Who I am

+ Very Tanky + Great Ult for Team fights with ![]() + Can Save lives with ![]() ![]() + Your lord and savior + Stun for every champion (Peels) + Good protection and resistances for ADCs ![]() |
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+ Can be kited + Limited gap closer + Needs good reflexes with ![]() + Long cooldowns + Low Movement Speed |
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Greater Quintessence of Gold- Any support can use extra gold income, without farming minions for gold most supports fall behind on expensive items. The increase of gold aides when you're building for more costly items. More items means more tank which means more wins.
Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration- As
Braum you do a lot of poking with your
Winter's Bite, in doing so you consume a large portion of your mana. With these runes it makes it easier to poke because of the increased mana regen.
Greater Mark of Attack Damage- You spend a lot of time basic attacking, whether you're landing your passive or engaging in a fight you spend a large portion of time basic attacking. All your spells do magical damage but your basics do physical damage. This adds a little more kick to your attacks, especially when your passive is proc'd.
Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction-
Braum is very dependent on his abilities, since he uses his
Winter's Bite so often to keep people within his attack range, low cooldowns allow easier kills.

A good tip for this ability is to use it on as many people as possible in a team fight. Although it can't be used on the same person repeatedly, it can begin on more than one person at one time.

Braum propels ice at an enemy, targets hit are slowed and given one stack of concussive blows. This is your poke and your engage, use this in lane to poke your enemies down. This is also a good disengaging tool, use it to slow your enemies to delay their pursuit.
- // Use this to poke safely in lane but do not spam or else your mana will deplete quickly.
- // Using your Q after your ult quickly allows you to begin
Concussive Blows while your enemies are slowed.
- // You can use your Q while your shield is up, don't be afraid to engage if enemies blow their abilities on your shield.

Braum leaps in front of an ally giving him and the targeted ally, bonus armor and magic resist. This can be used as a gap closer by jumping to minions and allies to get closer or further away from your opponents.
- // Using your shield before you leap will cause you to block enemy projectiles as you land. Doing this sometimes puts your team in a better fighting position.
- // Use this to get over walls whenever a fight is about to break out, if your ADC is in a poor spot, you're most likely able to help.

Braum raises his shield, causing Braum to INTERCEPT (not neglect) incoming projectiles. Braum will only negate the damage of the first projectile. Any other projectiles will be absorbed at a reduced rate.
- //Use this ability to shield off your ADC from assassins and the other ADC.
- //Well timed shields can block any projectile and ultimates such as
Primordial Burst and
Tidal Wave

- // Use this during team fights to disrupt enemy ultimates and turn, disengage or engage fights.
- // This is a great 2v2 ult in the bot lane, using stand behind me, winter's bite and finishing with glacial fissure allows easy engages that disables their ADC completely allowing your ADC to keep them stunned and unable to fight. Put up your shield to block off any extra damage and peel for your ADC.
Item Sequence

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Tenacity is the main point of getting these boots. They're the best for tanking and breaking through crowd control to the enemy team's backline. |
face of the mountain | face of the mountain is a great item for its shield and HP. The gold income is great but the shield is even greater. The shield ensures protection for your ADC and allows you to take more hits. In lane and in fights, it can potentially be a game changer. |
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Core item for any support, wards win games. |
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I prefer getting ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Magic resistance and a shield for your team makes it important to you and the team's livability. |
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Armor? Health? A shield for your shield? Oh my.. |
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