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Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies

The W between more life has the goal more damage will cause the third stroke , is the skill which is called vayne breaks tanks, but it is a skill that early can be used better or worse , the Q gives you a tumble that the next attack would cause more damage .
I recommend that if you are new to using a vayne after you maximize the Q the W and E Final respecting the respective levels of R.
If you think rambo , you can maximaze the W but you will make it difficult if you can not dodge Early skill shoots without using the tumble .
I recommend that if you are new to using a vayne after you maximize the Q the W and E Final respecting the respective levels of R.
If you think rambo , you can maximaze the W but you will make it difficult if you can not dodge Early skill shoots without using the tumble .
Vayne is a champion late game , so in early passes very weak , farm best if you go against a rival difficult lane and have a supp with healing and shield , I recommend freezing line for so do not push and wait gank the jungle , if you have an early strong game , take advantage , try to get a death, using reasoning, do not go for kills when you have a dragon and a turret waiting for you , see which items agree you against the opponent , play with head , and remember, if you go wrong in early farm everything you can and late game as a bit of skill you will carry , I invite you to see this mine gameplay is something old but surely serve you .
Tries to take full advantage of the third hit of the W to farm , you also can use your Q to reset the auto attack , ie , that when attacks and feel that will go a creep , use your Q and reset the attack to take it , try farmear 8 creeps per minute minimum .
I leave a video to practice the CSING
I leave a video to practice the CSING
The Adc role as the name implies is the carry , and not because that's not going to help the team, buy a pink when you about gold improves trinket to Blue to lvl 9 do not forget , returning to talk about vayne , you can help the team doing split push , removing position the opponent is very slippery , it can cause headache if used invisibility , each time can keep bot push but without neglecting the team fights , Never surrender , Remember Vayne has a powerful late game .
I leave this other video of Gosu which traces a lost game .
I leave this other video of Gosu which traces a lost game .
With vayne what I like most is the sentence can give a great advantage in 1 vs 1 can use it to escape , attack and even help , here are some examples of how you can use in different situations.
You can also combine skill using R + Auto Attack + Q + Auto attack + E, With this combo the opponent will be very touched , be sure to use eye guiding the above examples to carry out a sentence of death perfect.
I leave a video example of how to sentence
You can also combine skill using R + Auto Attack + Q + Auto attack + E, With this combo the opponent will be very touched , be sure to use eye guiding the above examples to carry out a sentence of death perfect.
I leave a video example of how to sentence
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