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Jhin Build Guide by KJTheRainbowGuy

AD Carry [S7] Jhin - The Legendary ADC

AD Carry [S7] Jhin - The Legendary ADC

Updated on April 1, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KJTheRainbowGuy Build Guide By KJTheRainbowGuy 1,977 Views 0 Comments
1,977 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KJTheRainbowGuy Jhin Build Guide By KJTheRainbowGuy Updated on April 1, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Pros / Cons

+ Pros:
- Early game damage.
- Damage stability throughout the game.
- Good poke with your 4th shot.
- W is up for less time due to CD Runes.
- Some decent movement speed.
- You basically shoots everyone to death if your teammates provide you with good protection during late combats.

+ Cons:
- Still very squishy and vulnerable to ganks and one-blows.
- Takes forever to go from your base to lane during early game.
- Low dueling potential.
- If your team doesn't have much CC, you're vulnerable in any combats.
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Ranked Play

During ranked match, you have absolutely no potential to fight against Zed. So it is best to either ban him or stay away from him and let your teammates deal with it.

Also during laning, it is advised that you go with a ranged Support with decent or good CC. Thresh is my favorite pick for the spot.
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Team Work

Stay away from combat initials. Stay out of sight, beware of backstabs, then open your R. The moment you use your Ult, the enemy team will start to avoid your shots instead of actually fighting in combats, which gives your team the opportunity to strike. If an enemy champ manages to reach you during your Ult however, your best chance is to cancel the Ult and make use of your Youmuu.
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Farming is a piece of cake early game. You can go ahead to poke the enemy with your first shots. As the first 3 enemy melee creeps are low on HP, you can drop your Q to get all 3 while you're busy reloading. However, When versusing high-mobility ADCs or with junglers such as Lee Sin or Kha'Zix, try not to push too aggressively as either of them can hunt you down before your Support can do anything about it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KJTheRainbowGuy
KJTheRainbowGuy Jhin Guide
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[S7] Jhin - The Legendary ADC

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