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Wukong Build Guide by psikotiq

Support [S7] Platinum Wukong Support, One-shots Galore

Support [S7] Platinum Wukong Support, One-shots Galore

Updated on October 17, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author psikotiq Build Guide By psikotiq 15,732 Views 0 Comments
15,732 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author psikotiq Wukong Build Guide By psikotiq Updated on October 17, 2017
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Hi there. My ign is psikotiq and I'm a Platinum level player on the NA server who mains Jungle and Support. I especially enjoy theory crafting and finding new off-meta picks that can be a damage carry in the support role. My play style is to essentially do a ton of damage and kill everything, so you're in the wrong place if you want a bruiser or tank build.
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What makes Support Wukong work?

What makes a damage support "work"?
  • Decent base damages
  • Cheap and efficient build path
  • Offers some utility while doing damage
  • Ability to trade and have some sustain in lane

Same rationale applies to AP supports like Brand who have a cheap two-item power spike, utility with Rylai's, and powerful trades.

How does this apply to Wukong?
  • He has good base damages with really good AD scaling, meaning he can do some decent damage before he has any items, and becomes a monster once he does have items
  • Lethality is very cost-efficient as it scales, and the lethality items we have right now in addition to being relatively cheap (especially if you can stack Poacher's; also, build path is just a bunch of long swords which is nice) offer a LOT beyond just the penetration and flat AD which I will go into more detail about in the Items section
  • With his Q he can % armor shred a tanky target for his ADC to do more damage to, and his ult can win a team fight by itself (and also provide really good peel for your ADC/APC)
  • You can trade well at level 2 with just E-W every time they are off cooldown. Wukong is one of the very few champions who can engage (E), do a ton of damage (E-AA-Q reset, Thunderlord's proc), and escape (W). This is why he is far more useful as a support than other random AD casters who can only go all-in or have to wait until 6 before they can trade
  • Mana costs aren't that bad so you can trade often which is a plus, shield stacks provide decent sustain, and with his passive, your AR and MR go up by 8 each in the early game when surrounded by their ADC+Support so even if you do get attacked you still have that innate tankiness
  • He's a cheese pick, so in Platinum or below, people won't know how to play against him nor would they expect how much damage he can do. Very underestimated

As you can see, Wukong does bring a lot to the table.

How is Support Wukong viable when he's struggling Jungle/Top right now?

This is the million dollar question. Wukong as a laner has weak trades (in a 1 vs. 1) and loses to a lot of meta picks right now, and often has to build bruiser-y to survive being in lane and deal with tankier top laners. He also needs flat AD to be able to farm and may need to take Teleport since you will likely get ganked early and bullied out of lane. Jungle Wukong has slow clears, needs a mix of AD+AS in the runes to be able to clear in the first place, and his ganks aren't as strong, meaning a meta jungler can shut your team down good while you struggle. In addition, people expect him to go bruiser-y as a jungler/laner, and in this meta the usual bruiser build leaves you doing lackluster damage while not being very tanky so you get blown up anyways.

But as a support, you don't have these problems. Your trades are pretty good given that ADC's are squishy and your ADC can back you up too. You can go full lethality in your runes and full damage in your masteries without consequence, you can also take Ignite to get more kills and thus get more gold, and most people don't know how to punish a Wukong support either. With the Eye of Equinox completed (which is a VERY cheap item for what it gives you), you get 500HP plus 340HP rechargeable shield from the shield battery passive at level 18 giving you an extra 840HP. Throw in Bloodthirster for another rechargeable 350HP shield, Edge of Night that gives 250HP, and you're nearly at 1,500 extra HP. Essentially, playing him as support eliminates a lot of his weaknesses and gives additional benefits over playing him in other roles.
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Since you can get away with it - Full Lethality. This will let you scale very well and do a ton of damage mid-late game. If you want to one-shot the enemy ADC/APC, these are an absolute must.

Armor yellows and Magic Resist blues for obvious reasons. Most bot lanes will do a bit of mixed damage so it helps to have both. You could also run HP yellows. I'd avoid scaling AR/MR/HP runes since you want to survive early game. CDR is also not necessary since you'll be trading often enough within your mana pool already with the base cooldowns, and you hit 40% with the final build anyways.
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Straight-up maximum damage. Here are the only changes I can see being useful:
  • Expose Weakness over Fresh Blood - if you have a good ADC or if they are your duo so they go in at the same time, or if you prefer sticking with your team over going for picks
  • Battle Trance over Double-edged Sword - I prefer DES to have the up-front damage increase to make it more likely to one-shot with a single combo, but if you don't mind ramping up your damage over 3s (your ult is good for this) and want to take 1.5% less damage, go for it.
  • Secret Stash over Assassin - if you'd rather get more use out of our potions than have the extra damage for pick potential later in the game
  • Bandit or Dangerous Game over Greenfather's Gift - if you trade often enough to rack up gold quickly with Bandit, or want the extra HP/Mana recovery in team fights to be able to continue on. I prefer Greenfather's for the extra damage on picks.
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Lethality items are very efficient for a number of reasons. Aside from being able to use Poacher's Dirk to save 500g on each Serrated Dirk, and the easy build path of nothing but Long Swords, the completed items offer a lot of extras aside from flat AD and lethality.

  • Eye of the Equinox - It's a really cost efficient item if you do build it. 500 HP plus the shield makes you pretty tanky. With this, you can get a blue trinket, and use Duskblade as your sweeper, to be able to offer total vision control. Thus, on the cheap, you can offer tons of utility for your team, while removing Wukong's current issue of getting blown up.
  • Duskblade - After not being seen, you do an extra fixed amount of damage based on your level. This adds a lot to your one-shot potential. If you can E+AA+Q someone, W, then hit them again, you can one-shot them without having to even use your ult. In addition, you get the passive which reveals wards around you so you can have some vision control. Not to mention the 10% CDR.
  • Youmuu's - You get the movement speed boost from the active, AND +40 movement speed while out of combat. With T2 boots, it's like having mobility boots. You can roam everywhere rather easily, push out waves and join team fights, stalk a target that is out of position, etc. Also, again, 10% CDR too!
  • Edge of Night - With this you can avoid getting blocked when you go in for an ult. VERY useful on every assassin obviously, but especially on Wukong who becomes pretty useless in a team fight if their ult is deflected. Helpful if the enemy has a Vayne, or any character with a silence or point and click CC. Not to mention the additional 250HP which makes you that much more tankier.
  • Bloodthirster - Since your CDR is capped already, and since I prefer the shield and over-heal over the 30% damage reduction, I go for Bloodthirster over Death's Dance. Alternatively, if you prefer the 30% bleed and don't want to use CDR boots, you can always get DD instead of BT. I don't bother with Cleaver or any of the Last Whisper items since your objective is to take out squishies, and when you have this much lethality you're doing pretty much true damage so having flat AD is much better.
  • CDR Boots - To cap out at 40% CDR for cheap earlier on, and to have Flash and Ignite up for more play making and one-shots. I don't care much for defensive boots since you shouldn't be in sustained fights and taking extended trades, nor should you be the target for the enemy's CC (but if they do waste it on you, great, your team is free to swarm in for the kills).
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Skill Sequence

E-W-Q for the first 3 levels, then max R-E-Q-W.

Your Q does have a higher AD scaling than E, but also has lower base damage, and it's single target. In the early game, it's all about trading on the base damage of your abilities so E is way better, and it can hit multiple targets. Yes, Q does do % armor reduction, but the ADC won't have much armor to make PERCENTAGE armor reduction worth it early. You should be focusing them over a tanky support anyways, so really it never makes sense to max Q early.
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Flash and Ignite. Should be obvious. Get in there, kill people. If your play style is more team-oriented and you want to provide more utility and peel, exhaust can work too.
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How to Play the Laning Phase

As with any other support who uses Relic Shield - always get the cannon minion, otherwise get the melee minions. With your E and Q, you can get close to these minions and attack them from a longer range so it's easy to get the stacks you need. Never have all stacks up, it's not efficient and you want to keep the stacks charging. Try to trade before taking stacks so you and your ADC can heal, as opposed to getting stacks when you're full HP already.

Your bread and butter combo is the E-AA-Q reset-W escape. Use this on the enemy ADC whenever you can. If you can safely escape without using W, keep it up to save mana and to have it for another trade when your Q+E comes back up.
  • Against heal/shield supports
    Use your combo on the support and have your ADC attack the enemy ADC. As you go in, the support will use their shield on themselves and the ADC will go in to try to attack you, giving your ADC free reign to get easy damage off. Soraka is different because she can only heal others and her E blocks you from going in if you get close, but if you get her low enough she'll be too scared to go near her ADC and will be forced to back.
  • Against hook supports
    When your ADC positions poorly, go in front of them and use your decoy to eat the hook or other skill shots. Wukong can provide some good peel this way by having both himself and the decoy act as body blocks.
  • Against tanky/cc supports
    Keep trading with the enemy ADC, but keep an eye on the support's positioning and cooldowns. Once they stray a bit too far from the ADC, go in. Otherwise, you risk getting cc'ed and locked down. A Leona with all her abilities up can destroy you if you get near her. A good Bard can predict where you go after you W and get a double stun off with you and your decoy if you aren't careful.

Other Tips/Tricks/Strategies

Your strategy is to poke them repeatedly. Once they realize you hurt, you can keep them zoned away from creeps when they know your E is up. Once they are low enough, it's an easy all-in. At level 6 you should be able to get a free double kill if you know what you are doing and have an ADC with half a brain.

With your stealth and ult, roaming mid also leads to free kills.

If your jungler is stronger and there is lane pressure, you can invade with your jungler to pick up Poacher's Dirk stacks and further snowball your lead that way while putting their jungler further behind.

Once you have Duskblade complete and if you are ahead you can 1-combo most squishies surprisingly early in the game. Nobody expects this from a Wukong support with 1 complete item. If you're not ahead but not behind, you can get them to extremely low HP and win most 2v2's if your ADC doesn't muck up. If you are behind, just take stray CS where you can and go for your 2-item spike because once you hit that you should be able to one-combo squishies even if they are fed and a couple levels higher.

If your team is ahead, or if you're in low elo, I skip out on the Sightstone for more damage. I find that the trinket gives you enough wards if you carefully place them, and if you and your ADC put control wards in safer areas on your side of the jungle, that is usually sufficient. People at lower elos don't even pay attention to the map so all the vision in the world becomes useless. If you're far ahead, the rest of your team will use all their wards offensively anyways and have objective control so it's immaterial to have more vision. The Duskblade passive will act like a sweeper for you to control enemy vision.

Pick up CS wherever you can. Once laning phase ends, push out side waves, take camps that people leave behind, and take enemy jungle camps when it's safe to do so. Take scuttle as they come up for the vision, objective control, and extra gold. Basically, play as if you're a second jungler.

In team fights I use Youmuu's active and W to go in when I think I can land my ult on the ADC and the APC, then I go E-Q-R. If they flash or move, I also flash to stay on them. This is why CDR boots are important for more play making potential. After I ult, I try to move more towards my team so they can come clean up before I get blown up. With all your HP and shields and your passive, you do have that survivability. Many times I go in, destroy the enemy team, and get out with barely any HP. If there is a particular squishy on the enemy team who is very fed, I'll go all in and burst them to death since sacrificing myself is worth it for that.
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Now you know all you need to know about Wukong support! He's fun to play, and it's hilarious to go from "WUKONG SUPPORT? WTF! DODGE!" in champ select to "TY FOR CARRY" by the end of the game. Making the enemy ADC rage quit after they get 100-0'd every time they come back to lane is also something that never gets old. I will be writing a guide on Support Brand in the near future, so stay tuned for that. With both guides, you'll be able to be the AD or AP carry support of every game :) Best of luck on the rift!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author psikotiq
psikotiq Wukong Guide
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[S7] Platinum Wukong Support, One-shots Galore

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