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Rarely seen, but this guy isn't fun to play against. Loads of CC, sustain, and a cleanse Ult. He's going to keep his carry healthy, and hurt you at the same time. Just try to poke as much as you can and stay safe.
Don't see her much as support, but when you do, she's not a huge issue. Her stun is slow-moving, dodge it. You're unlikely to be able to kill her or her carry because she'll build a wall, but she offers no sustain and little pressure. Just farm up and poke.
Squishy, but deceptively painful, and she has a stun. Early game, watch her spell bar to see when her stun is up and keep well clear when it's up. She has no sustain for her carry, so poke them as much as you can and try to force them out of lane. Do not all in against her, because she will stun you and punish you with boatloads of damage. And late game, she becomes another AP carry, so consider a magic resist item.
Annoyingly long range, infinite slows, spammable W, insane DPS with Q, and free vision to boot. Your best bet is to stand behind creeps to shield yourself from Volley, and get your support to pick a champion who can punish immobility.
Pretty annoying lane. Big stuns and slows, really good sustain, and he actually really hurts. The price of all of this, however, is that he has to roam for chimes somewhat often to do good damage. Take advantage of this. When he leaves, go in on his carry.
This is gonna be a rough go. This guy is going to hook you if you get out of position and proceed to curbstomp you. He's very good at cancelling your ult. Generally, keep your distance, and position yourself in such a way as to avoid Rocket Fist. Late game, he becomes really strong, so stay behind your team or you'll mostly likely be seeing gray.
This is not going to be a fun lane.
Loads of damage, loads of stun, just all around a really flipping annoying support. Just try and poke the lane down as much as you can, and do your best to dodge his abilities.
This guy is a no-no to go against. That is because Unbreakable will completely and utterly render your ult unless he is dead. Avoid.
Super long range, really big damage with passive, mobile. Annoying to lane against but honestly not so bad. Should never get hit with her Q if you watch, because it has a decent windup time. Don't get close enough to get hit with her net, and don't step on her traps, because she'll get a free million-range autoattack with truckloads of extra damage.
Dodge his skillshots with your passive movespeed from W and proceed to outpoke him.
Against a good Draven there is no winning. He hits like an angry bullet train, and if he's any good he will make you Stand Aside if you ult. Trying to poke him may result in him just going in and erasing you. If you somehow go even in CS he'll still be ahead, because of his passive. Bad Dravens are worthless though, maybe a 4 or 5/10 danger rating.
His build path means that he does very little damage early, but he's very safe, so this will probably be a bit of a passive lane.
Graves isn't played much as an ADC, and for good reason. He has really short range and his autos don't track. Stay out of his range and make him feel it with your Q. Potentially very dangerous if he all-ins, so poke at a good distance.
She's really slow. Everything she does is slow. Your W should be plenty of movespeed to dodge everything she does. Tentacles are free farm, too. Late game she's VERY tanky and self-healing as well, so pick up Mortal Reminder.
Piss poor pick for support, and not strong at all right now. Stomp him.
Really fast, but not that helpful. Just don't get hit with Howling Gale if you can avoid it.
This guy hits very, very hard. He gets loads of AD; he's the only ADC who uses DFT better than you do. He's very immobile, but that's his only weakness. If you ult him, he's probably dead, however, he can probably easily 1v1 you and late game he will eat your team. Generally, avoid his W and Ulti as much as you can by juking back and forth with your high movespeed, but as the game goes on you're going to be less and less able to deal with him.
She is very strong right now. Long range AOE, huge global ulti. Her biggest advantage over you however is probably her ability to destroy objectives far better than you due to her minigun. Overall, not a fun lane, not a fun game.
Really weak right now, but the kiting queen. Hitting Q could be hard here, so just plain auto her for the Love Tap proc if you must. Extended engagements mean more damage for her, avoid them.
Not amazing, but certainly solid at what she does, and can make clutch shields and poke well enough. Just lane as usual against her.
Really bad support with a really good ult. If she builds support she'll be useless, if she builds AP, her carry will be.
Gets stomped early, becomes a nuke silo late. Beat the living snot out of him in lane and hope you can end the game before ~40 mins.
Annoying tanky CC machine. Ridiculously hard to lane against.
Really strong passive. He is very mobile and he's high skill. Danger level really varies with skill, 7 being about the max.
Annoying as hell. Not terribly hard to fight however. Polymorph is reduced by tenacity so late game Moonflair Spellblade may be worth getting.
Has the potential to shield lots of people, but dodging Light Binding and Final Spark is not hard. If you get hit with Lucent Singularity, activate W to make sure you're not caught up in that Q-R combo.
Miss Fortune
Mirror matchup. Whoever has the early advantage, usually in the form of the better support, should win unless there is a big skill gap. Don't stand behind low health creeps, obviously.
Her binding is really slow moving. It's also an almost certain death sentence if it hits you. Dodge it. Spellshield is annoying, Tormented Soil can proc Thunderlord's, but overall these are less useful than you'd think. Take out the Shield with your E if you must before ulting/Q.
Her ult loves to cancel yours. Otherwise, fairly easy to beat.
One of the Tankiest characters in the game, also one of the slowest. Loads of CC and a hook, too. But no sustain. If they go in on you, as they likely will at some point, do not make the mistake of focusing him until the carry is dead. He will sit there and tank it while the carry kills you.
Rarely seen ADC. She has low range so just bully her really hard. She can engage very hard with her Q though, so avoid that. Mid game she becomes the roam god with her ult, but late game it does no damage.
Stand well out of the way of your minions to avoid Ricochet and try to dodge her crossblade, as it hits like a truck. She has a spellshield and that means that if she's quick enough, she can block your Q.
This support has everything. Movespeed, poke, sustain, and a stun ulti. Overall, however, she's not AMAZING at doing any of those things. This jack-of-all-trades is master of none.
Annoying and amazing sustain. Poke her down to prevent her from saving her carry and then go all in, if you can. Dodging her skillshots is key, something you should be able to do with ease.
Tahm Kench
This guy is going to eat his carry if you get enough damage off on them, he'll eat you too if you get close enough, and he'll flank behind you and bring a friend to totally ruin a teamfight for you with his ult. No fun.
Fairly easy to dodge his stun, but he's super sustainy in lane and his ulti is total BS.
A really annoying, but god-awful support. Not helpful to his carry whatsoever. if you get blinded, back off and use Q instead.
A good Thresh is a god, letting his carry go in deep and pulling them out at just the right time, and picking off important members on your team with his Death Sentence-Box-Flay combo. A bad Thresh is worthless.
Really weak this season, and off-meta, but do not underestimate her late game prowess. Beat her up in lane, if you can, and end ASAP.
His W changes recently are actually really strong, making him a much better pick. Overall his lane phase is not amazing, but his late game is incredible. Try to beat him up and end the game as soon as you can do.
Rarely seen. His range is tiny and he relies on Acid Hunter to farm. Avoid Noxian Corrosive Charge and you should be fine. Watch out for his ult.
Really, really strong early game damage, and long ranged, too. Late game W melts people and Ulti is a death sentence for your whole team. Don't see him much, though.
Strong right now, but laning phase is weak as ever. Beat her up, and try to end ASAP because she can and will come from behind.
Annoying. Really really annoying. And late game he just builds AP and starts to hurt.
Good early game, super-duper-strong late game. You can dodge most of her skills, most likely, but her plants are still going to hurt, and if you ult she'll throw everything at you. Her ulti also likely means death for you late game as it will deactivate W and knock you up, giving the enemy team the perfect window to focus you.
Hello, and welcome to my Miss Fortune guide. My name is TheAceOfStaves, and I would appreciate any and all feedback you have, so if you have any, please leave a comment. Before you upvote or downvote this guide I would ask that you try it out in a couple games- this way you can see for yourself if it works.
I made this guide because I enjoy playing Miss Fortune, but she took a hit when they ruined the Ghostblade in the assassin update, which was her old starting item. This left a bit of an interesting issue of how to build her, some people ditching Armor Penetration/Reduction entirely and going for crit builds, others using Duskblade and other weird items to make cheesy/gimmicky builds that are either not very effective or hard to use. I set out to prove that the Armor Pen build- characterized by it's frequent, devastating ultimates- lives, although somewhat changed. Without any further delay, I present Guns Blazin'- the S7 MF ArPen build.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
+ Easy to Learn + Strong Laning Phase + Low Cooldowns + Fast + Big AoE Damage
Miss Fortune has some very strong characteristics. She's fairly easy to pick up. She has a very strong laning phase using her Q to deal good damage in the form of safe poke, her W and Love Taps to deal big damage to turrets, and she can use her E to peel for herself or chase. Her cooldowns are fairly low. She's quite fast and can reposition easily. And finally, she deals a lot of damage between her Love Taps, Q, and Ulti, and she does it to multiple targets.
+ No Dashes + Roots Herself During Ulti + Ult can be Interrupted + Can be Counter-Picked very hard
Like any champion, she also has some weaknesses. Notably, while she IS quite fast, she's NOT mobile, meaning she has no dashes. This means you have to be very vigilant and predict where enemies will shoot their skillshots to try and dodge them. It also means you really don't have a way to survive if you're caught out. Also, her Ulti, death machine that it is, roots her in place and paints an enormous juicy target over her head when she uses it. It can also be interrupted fairly easily by any displacement whatsoever, although there is counterplay to this (more on that below). Finally, there are some picks which will absolutely ruin her damage potential- specifically, Yasuo and Braum.
Your ultimate does much more damage while using this build.
Say that you used the example full build listed at the top.
60+75+50+65+70= 320 AD from items,
+ ~8 AD from runes,
+ 63 base AD at level 18,
= 391 AD.
Your ultimate at level 3 fires 16 waves, each doing 75% AD physical damage. You took Infinity Edge, so 3 waves should crit for an extra 30% damage per wave.
391*.75*13= 3812(waves that did not crit)
+ 391*.75*1.3*3= 1144(waves that did)
=4956 damage(4692 if no waves crit)
That's 4956 damage against an unarmored target that takes the whole ultimate. Including Deathfire Touch-
Ultimate lasts 3 seconds and applies DFT on every wave,
DFT lasts 2 seconds (AoE ability),
= 5 seconds of Deathfire Touch damage
DFT damage = .15 bonus AD+2 damage per second,
328 bonus AD = 49+2= 51 * 5 seconds = 255 damage.
That's 5211 (4947 if no waves crit) damage against an unarmored target that takes the whole ultimate.
Now let's suppose you used a standard Crit build, Essence Reaver, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, Zeal, and boots, and took Warlord's.
70+70+75+50 = 265 from items
+63 base AD at level 18
+ ~8 from runes
= 336 AD/273 bonus AD
Your ultimate would deal 30% extra damage for every wave that crits, and you have 70% crit chance, so let's assume that 11 waves crit.
336*.75*5 = 1260(waves that did not crit)
+ 336*.75*1.3*12 = 3604 (waves that did)
= 4864 damage
And that's assuming that all of the waves that were supposed to actually did crit.
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