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EXTREMELY hard to lane against Post-6, farm behind minions and with caution. Call for ganks, as there is not much you can do except punish her before level 6. Any champion who can dash in and out of Sol's W essentially counters him.
As an assassin she counters Aurelion, but I find every Akali I go up against is a joke. Still, her kit is a counter to yours, so keep that in mind and try to harass whenever possible, especially before she gets her Ult. Try to bully her out of lane and hit 6 before her. Call for ganks.
Her slow makes it a pain in the *** to land your W consistently, and for that reason she's placed here. This matchup is a bit favored towards her, but if you're a good enough Aurelion and play safe enough (Shove and Roam as much as possible) You should be fine. Ganks always help.
Easily one of the top 4 worst matchups you can possible face as Aurelion. You can't match her damage, you can't hit your w consistently, and can burst you down before you can even chip her. All you can do is pray your jungler ganks. Roam as MUCH as possible. You want to spend as little time in this lane as humanly possible.
Sol's easiest matchup easily. As long as you avoid her Q this is a free lane. Her wave clear is no match for yours.
Don't try to match her burst and this is a free lane. Watch when her passive has 2 or more bars, and stay out of tibbers range. Just shove and roam, she can't clear nearly as fast as you can.
His turrets are aids, but your W and passive damage them so it's not too much of a pain. You really have no reason to lose in this matchup unless he's fed as ****.
Aurelion Sol
No, I'm not going to make the comment "Well if you're reading this guide you're going to beat them!!!" It's a skill matchup obviously. Don't play blind, besides you're practically never actually going to run into another ASol.
Annoying but ultimately very easy to deal with. Just shove and roam. You can easily duel him as well.
You're almost guarenteed to lose this lane. If you somehow win the enemy fizz is inting or was diagnosed with severe autism. (That's a joke kiddos) Beg for ganks and spend very little time out of lane. In the same boat as with Katarina and Zed.
Any champion who can dash in and out of Sol's W essentially counters him, Leblanc included.
Any champion who can dash in and out of Sol's W essentially counters him.
Her damage is extremely high, and you're probably moving pretty predictably since it's easy to see where you're going to move to land your W. Just try to avoid her Q, and if you get hit back off so she can't E you. Don't pass through her W.
Any champion who can dash in and out of Sol's W essentially counters him. Yasuo is looped in with Kat, Zed, and Fizz.
Absolute Aids. I used to **** Zeds back in the day but I guess I was just playing against kids who didn't understand their champion. He can easily burst you down, so ask politely for ganks.
Azir has a much easier time dealing damage on you than you have to him. Just try your best to farm, his early levels beat yours so just stick it out. As soon as you can start roaming and trying to make plays. His wave clear is good but yours is much better, especially with Minion Dematerializer.
Maybe I just suck at dodging Brand's skill shots, but his stun ultimately leads to your death or at least your backing and loss of gold. He's one of the few mages who lacks mobility and doesn't necessarily get countered by Aurelion Sol.
Any champion who can dash in and out of Sol's W essentially counters him. Much easier to land your Q on him than other assassins though, and therefore easier to flash behind him and ult him into your tower (If his ult is down)
Does a lot of damage, especially after his AP buffs. Just try not to fight him and instead shove and roam as much and as quickly as possible.
Very hard to deal with. He has a decent gap closer, and can burst you the **** down with one shot. Ask for ganks, and do not fight him unless you have a decent lead. It's best to not try to 1v1 him unless you're very ahead.
Any champion who can dash in and out of Sol's W essentially counters him.
Lissandra has good damage, but is pretty immobile. This makes her an ideal champion to fight against as Aurelion. The more immobile the easier it is to land your W consistently.
DO NOT try to fight him in his early levels. As an adc against a mage, his early levels are significantly stronger. Just shove and roam when there's no danger of him ****ing you. He will almost always win trades in the beginning of the game, but you do outscale him. Ask for ganks as he is pretty immobile.
He's aids. He will win pretty much every trade up until you get 2 or 3 items. Mercs might be a good choice. Just shove and roam, your wave clear is better than his.
Her early levels trump yours so just try to avoid her wrinkly ball and you should be fine. Again, your wave clear is better than hers so shove and roam as often as possible.
His wave clear is very good, and his damage also is. You both do similar damage at the beginning of the game, and your wave clear is better than his so it shouldn't be much of a problem to shove and roam.
So long as she doesn't get ahead it's a pretty easy matchup. Predict her balls and don't get stunned. As long as you can avoid her skill shots all the while hitting as many W's as possible you should win.
Annoying but you should have no problem shoving and roaming.
She has amazing wave clear but yours still beats hers. Watch out for her level 3 power spike, and try not to 1v1 her until you have your first or second item.
Any champion who can dash in and out of Sol's W essentially counters him. He's one of the easier assassins to deal with In my opinion.
Twisted Fate
Stall his stun card and easy lane. You can shove the lane MUCH faster than he can, and as long as you avoid his CC you out trade him.
Avoid his E and it's a pretty easy lane.
I'd day ASol goes about even with Vel'koz. Just focus on outfarming him rather than trying to out trade him.
Early levels are stronger than yours, but your wave clear is no match for his, especially early. Shove and roam, try to poke him down with your W and Q (if you can spare the mana) as much as possible.
His Sanguine Pool is annoying, so make sure he doesn't have it when you ult.
His poke is a pain in the ***, but avoid his stun and he can't do a crazy amount to avoid your constant W damage.
His early levels counter yours, but you shouldn't have a huge problem taking him out after you get an item (maybe even with just Hextech Revolver and Dark seal) or two.
Hey! I'm a Gold Aurelion Sol player who has over 400 games played on ASol across multiple accounts. Those accounts will be listed below. Aurelion Sol has an abysmal play rate which would suggest lack of viability but his staggeringly high win rate suggests otherwise. Aurelion is a roaming mage who's true power is roaming around the map to influence other lanes and ultimately snowball his laners into their victory. I will be adding to this guide as frequently as I can, and if you have any questions feel free to add me on discord and ask! Discord: Greensabr#4036 Accounts: XxShadowTreekoxX Sabr PvP iDrewjv Aurelion Stun My current main account: Aurélíon Sol
Runes & Masteries
Runes & Masteries
With Aurelion Sol the more movement speed you have the more you can utilize your W, and therefore the more damage you can dish out.
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