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Choose Champion Build:
- Zoe Mid
- Zoe JG
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More Sparkles! (PASSIVE)
Zoe Passive Ability
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Hello! I am Painters, the writer of this guide. My IGN is Stone. I didn't really think much about Zoe at first, I thought she would be a pretty basic and easy champ to play. But boy was I wrong! I was right however about her being fun!
Zoe is just a fun loving champ, and I think her kit goes well with her theme and what they were striving for. Once you get used to her, her mechanics are easy to execute. It is hard to NOT want to play her once you've started. And she has the most unique abilities I've seen on most champs. She has some pretty awesome visuals and it is extremely satisfying when you make a play or just deal a lot of damage to an enemy. I hope I can help you see how fun, and how much potential Zoe has, I'll be telling you how I play her in different scenarios, how I build her, what Runes and Masteries I use, and how you should use her abilities! Please keep in mind that even I'm still learning, I'm just sharing what I have learned, if it turns out something is wrong, I'll learn and update it. Hopefully you all enjoy the guide and find it useful! |
Why you should play Zoe
Zoe is a great burst mage. She has good mobility, and is extremely good for team fights and catching out the enemy carries.
She is pretty good in most roles. In jungle however, she does have a slow start in clear, so I wouldn't exactly recommend that until you're a bit experienced on her. Her Spell Thief lets you pick up spells and active items from champions or minions. So if a Redemption is dropped, you can help you're team quite a bit. She is extremely hard but fun to play, as I have said many times already. But once you get the hang of her, she is extremely rewarding, and doesn't seem to have any cons for not choosing her. From what I can tell she is also pretty good against most solo lane match ups. She has pretty good wave clear. And she is a great dueling champion! Her Sleepy Trouble Bubble lets you win them quite easily if you land it because of it's bonus damage effect. |
Guide changes
+ Insane burst. + Great dueling potential. + Good utility. + Great outplay potential. + Great at catching out carries. + Low mana costs + Insane ability range. |
- Extremely squishy. - No real escapes unless you picked up a flash spell shard. - - - |
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