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Recommended Items
Runes: Tank
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Strong at all stages of the game
Her ult is definitely one of the stongest and can completely take a carry out of a fight
Can be built bruiser or offtank and still be successful
Has a gap closer
Good at duelling
Has %max health damage and armour shred to deal with pesky tanks
If you don't land your Q, the gank is often unsuccessful
Invulnerability cancels your ult and cooldown isn't refunded
All AD damage = easy for enemy team to itemize against
Strong at all stages of the game
Her ult is definitely one of the stongest and can completely take a carry out of a fight
Can be built bruiser or offtank and still be successful
Has a gap closer
Good at duelling
Has %max health damage and armour shred to deal with pesky tanks
If you don't land your Q, the gank is often unsuccessful
Invulnerability cancels your ult and cooldown isn't refunded
All AD damage = easy for enemy team to itemize against
Explanations for each rune and why I think these are the most optimal for Vi:
I used to run an Assassin page, but honestly, Vi has enough base damage, and the tank runes allow her to stay alive for longer. Staying alive longer = more DPS. The red runes barely even increase your DPS honestly. After all , you cannot deal damage if you are dead.
Aftershock - procs after you hit a Q and R. Gives a lot of armour and MR but also damage! Probably stronger than Electrocute.
Shield Bash - Vi's passive shield procs very frequently so you will often make good use of this bonus physical damage.
Bone Plating - a bit more tankiness, especially good in early game duels and ganks for staying alive.
Revitalize - Increases your passive shield which is great since it gets procced so frequently.
Triumph - Great for every champion.
Legend: Alacrity - Gives Vi more DPS and stacks quite fast.
Electrocute - this keystone is perfect for burst/assassins like Vi. You always initiate with your combo which should proc it within seconds.
Sudden Impact - This is procced by Q and R therefore it is taken. Magic pen and Lethality are too good to pass up if the champion can achieve the condition for this rune.
Zombie Ward - Vision and adaptive damage. What's not to like?
Ravenous Hunter - Spellvamp gives Vi more duelling potential.
Legend: Alacrity - Attack speed is nice on Vi because of her w procs - it gets procced more often with more AS.
Coup de Grace - Good on any champion that deals damage. Could win you a 1v1.
I used to run an Assassin page, but honestly, Vi has enough base damage, and the tank runes allow her to stay alive for longer. Staying alive longer = more DPS. The red runes barely even increase your DPS honestly. After all , you cannot deal damage if you are dead.
Aftershock - procs after you hit a Q and R. Gives a lot of armour and MR but also damage! Probably stronger than Electrocute.
Shield Bash - Vi's passive shield procs very frequently so you will often make good use of this bonus physical damage.
Bone Plating - a bit more tankiness, especially good in early game duels and ganks for staying alive.
Revitalize - Increases your passive shield which is great since it gets procced so frequently.
Triumph - Great for every champion.
Legend: Alacrity - Gives Vi more DPS and stacks quite fast.
Electrocute - this keystone is perfect for burst/assassins like Vi. You always initiate with your combo which should proc it within seconds.
Sudden Impact - This is procced by Q and R therefore it is taken. Magic pen and Lethality are too good to pass up if the champion can achieve the condition for this rune.
Zombie Ward - Vision and adaptive damage. What's not to like?
Ravenous Hunter - Spellvamp gives Vi more duelling potential.
Legend: Alacrity - Attack speed is nice on Vi because of her w procs - it gets procced more often with more AS.
Coup de Grace - Good on any champion that deals damage. Could win you a 1v1.
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