Season 12 [12.5] The Only Challenger Gwen Guide You'll Need REVAMPED [WIP]
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Recommended Items
Runes: Conqueror
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Strongest Skillset
Thousand Cuts (PASSIVE)
Gwen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Really hard matchup due to her ability to just avoid Gwen with her 3 dashes and smokebomb, and her ability to do damage without ever being in your auto-range.
The strongest combo, gives Gwen a lot more damage, tankiness, mobility and has the stupid ult which just makes her skills unavoidable.
The strongest combo, gives Gwen a lot more damage, tankiness, mobility and has the stupid ult which just makes her skills unavoidable.
Champion Build Guide
I stream a lot of my Gwen gameplay so if you want to watch gameplay of her, you can check it out here. and I have a youtube if you wanna see my content about her.
Passive: Thousand CutsAutoes and Abilities deal bonus magic damage based on enemy's health. Gwen heals for 70% of it's damage.Your main source of healing and damage. Gives Gwen all her tank killing power and sausage slicing skills. |
Q: Snip Snip!Gwen gets a stack of [Snip Snip!] (max 4) whenever she auto attacks. Gwen snips for each stack she has, with the final snip doing increased damage. The center of each snip does true damage and applies Thousand CutsStack up with your Skip 'n Slash and then kill stuff with this. A primary damage source for Gwen. |
W: Hallowed MistGwen puts down a circle at her current location. It is recasted if Gwen leaves the area or recasted. In the circle, she gains armor and magic resistance and is untargetable to all enemies.Your bread and better as a defensive tool. Vitally important to keeping Gwen safe from ranged champions, and making yourself a lot tanky against melee champions. Use carefully however, due to its long cooldown. |
E: Skip 'n SlashGwen dashes and gains bonus attack speed, attack range and on hit magic damage on her auto attacks. Her next auto refunds half of the cooldown of Skip 'n Slash. Skip 'n Slash can be cast during any ability.Your spammable source of mobility, and another primary damage source. Gwen's auto attacks hit really hard with Skip 'n Slash, Thousand Cuts and Nashor's Tooth. |
R: NeedleworkGwen can activate Needlework up to 3 times sending 1/3/5 needles additively. After casting Needlework Gwen needs to, auto attack or cast Snip Snip! to unlock the second cast, and the prior requirement again to unlock the third cast.Your main all-in damage tool. Gives Gwen a lot of healing and damage, and can provide a lot of burst damage. |
Pros of playing Gwen
- Strongest AP hypercarry from top lane.
- adowable uwu.
- Strong snowball potential and can 1v9 games very easily.
- Has one of the strongest late games in the game.
- Destroys Tanks/Juggernauts.
Cons of Playing Gwen
- Weird/Frustrating interactions with W.
- Weak against bruisers.
- No Crowd Control.
- Very weak from behind. (has no utilities)
- Lack of range.
RiftmakerThe best mythic by far on Gwen. Gives her sustain, lots of damage and works really well with Gwen's ideal fights of long and sustained fights. |
Nashor's ToothAn amazing item for Gwen that offers the most amount of damage out of any other Legendary item. Offers insane dps with Skip 'n Slash and works well with Thousand Cuts |
Zhonya's HourlassOffers great survivability and a lot of defense against AD champions. Just insanely good item, allowing you to be really aggressive and not get punished due to its active. |
MorellonomiconOffers good antiheal, AP and health for survivability. Very cheap and an alright item if the enemy has lots of healing. |
Rabadon's DeathcapThe capstone for Gwen. Really good as a 5th/6th item due to the fact that it just gives an insane amount of AP, and amplifies previous AP items by a million. |
Demonic EmbraceGives good health and AP. Gives a burn and works really well with other health items. Highly recommended if you want more survivability. |
Cosmic DriveA vital item giving really good utiltiy for Gwen, AP, and health. Allows her to use skills much more often, allowing her to be more mobile, have more DPS and be more tanky. |
However, Gwen dips down in power on early recalls, due to the fact that itemisation on her is really awful. Gwen spikes really hard on each item, but components are terrible. Play for your full items.
What you should mainly do is
Clear sidelane waves
Group around a massive objective with your team such as Dragon or Baron Nashor
Trying to get a flank angle is also incredibly effective as it will just absolutely decimate any formation the enemy has. Utilise your Skip 'n Slash to traverse terrain.
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