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Alistar Build Guide by SuperChicken144

Top [Season 12] Alistar Top guide

Top [Season 12] Alistar Top guide

Updated on February 9, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SuperChicken144 Build Guide By SuperChicken144 143 13 254,290 Views 8 Comments
143 13 254,290 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SuperChicken144 Alistar Build Guide By SuperChicken144 Updated on February 9, 2022
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Runes: Full Tank

1 2 3
Grasp of the Undying

Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Roaming Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[Season 12] Alistar Top guide

By SuperChicken144
Hello, I have 110k on Alistar and would consider him my favorite champ. You can become an unkillable god or a monster who destroys the backline in seconds. I made this guide because I had a very good time playing it myself. I hope you have the same enjoyment as I did.

Laning phase
You are useless level 1, so play very back and you can even let yourself lose some
early farm. When you hit level 2 and get Pulverize (Q) and Headbutt (W)
you can start playing the game. There are only a few matchups where you can Q and
W for poke but when you can it's very powerful. Don't forget you have mana
problems. I only fight in lane if you are going full AP and are getting ganked.

Abilites Order
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

TRIUMPHANT ROAR (Passive): This passive is great for lane sustain. If you go for early poke and try end up having for hp in the end you will heal it up. You will get this healing when stunning, displacing, and killing people and minions.
PULVERIZE (Q): This is your main CC and considered an uproot so, Yasuo can use his ultimate off of it. If going full Ap this will be your main Ap.
HEADBUTT (W): This is very powerful for going in on someone. If you dont want them to go flying away use Pulverize(Q) or hit them into a big wall.
TRAMPLE (E):This is a very powerful ability that can is good for keeping carry in there place. This take abit to stack but when done one of your auto is a CC.
UNBREAKABLE WILL (R): When this is activated you gain a stupid amount reduced damage. This makes you invisible even if you are going full Ap. At level 6 you gain 55% and then at level 16 you get a 75% damage reduction.

Full Tank Runes

Grasp of the Undying is a very strong rune for tanky top laners. You can get stacks from this easily because of your basic combo. The health you gain is very powerful. If you don't think that you can stack this going Aftershock is not half bad. This will also deal a fair bit of damage too.
Having this rune is very powerful because you build Health and it scales off of that. You can not play with Shield Bash because you have to shields in your kit. The only way you can have this is if you build Locket of the Iron Solari and that is stupid. Font of Life is also fine but just not as good because it does not help you in the lane.
Conditioning is a very good rune when you are going tank. At 12 minutes 5% increased armor and magic resist which is very powerful. You can go Bone Plating if it's a hard match-up with a lot of poke. Second Wind is also good for this but just not as good.
Running Overgrowth is extremely powerful when building a tank because of the **** ton of Hp you get. When you get the extra 3.5% Hp you become a powerhouse. If their team has a lot of CC and you think that is going to be a problem, run Unflinching. This rune is very good at making you have less CC.

You do not have a lot of mana so running this can help a lot in laning phase. If you are into a hard engage enemy this will help you force them off of you for longer. Another rune you can run is Nimbus Cloak. This is very fun because of the speed you get after using a spell like Flash or Teleport.
Even though you are going tank it is still fun to have some Ap in your runes. This will increase your late-game scaling to make you an even bigger and stronger problem for the enemy team.
These are good for getting the farm in the early game and also using your Trample faster. You do not need the attack speed but I like it personally.

Full Ap Runes

When going this rune you want to go for high burst one-shots to the weaker enemy. This will almost always go off after an all-in. You have to be very bad for it not to work. Also if want to int but be funny run Predator. This will make you extremely fast and add Cosmic Drive to the mix you will be running around everywhere.
Having Cheap Shot will help with you dealing more damage. This rune works perfectly with your kit because every ability besides your ultimate is considered a CC. This has a 4-second cooldown so you will be able to use it lots of times in team fights. Their other options are not bad in any way are just not as good. The healing from Taste of Blood is great for laning phase but just not as good.
I like this rune because of the damage this will give you late game. If you are doing very well and have a lot of kills to your name this will help a lot. Running Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro is fine if you want to permanently roam but that is not that good of an idea if your fight something with high turret damage.
Ultimate Hunter is a very powerful rune on Alistar because of its damage reduction. Even when going Full Ap this is a very important ability. This lets you go into fights without getting outshot. You can also run Relentless Hunter. This is a very helpful rune beat of the speed you get from it.

You do not have a lot of mana so running this can help a lot in laning phase. If you are into a hard engage enemy this will help you force them off of you for longer. Another rune you can run is Nimbus Cloak. This is very fun because of the speed you get after using a spell like Flash or Teleport.
Even though you are going tank it is still fun to have some Ap in your runes. This will increase your late-game scaling to make you an even bigger and stronger problem for the enemy team.
These are good for getting the farm in the early game and also using your Trample faster. You do not need the attack speed but I like it personally.

+ High burst damage
+ Very tanky
+ Very powerful late game
+ High CC
+ Giant lane bully
Alistar is a weird top lane but it can work well in a lot of ways. When going Ap you can be a high burst monster. Also when going tank you have way too much armor and magic resistance. You scale a lot with your Unbreakable Will(R) because of the damage reduction it gives you. This also has a lot of CC so you are a team fighting machine.
- Horible level 1
- there are better top laners
- You will get poked out
- Needs mana to play
- Low auto damage [hard to farm]
This is an off-meta guide so there are going to be a lot of problems with it. First off you have the worst level one in the game. This leads to the next point of there are better top laner with better level 1 potential. You will also get poked out by champs likes Graves, Gwen, and Teemo. Another thing is that you need mana which is not worth build for the late game.

1.Frostfire Gauntlet
This is my favorite item. This is not as good as Sunfire Aegis but has the best item passive. When you get more items after building this you will grow and become BIG COW. This also has a slow, which is not as cool but very powerful.
Building this has alot of beninfits. First it has armor which can help into most top laners. Also reduses lifesteal so poeple like Aatrox and Rengar can not heal as much.
3.Abyssal Mask
You are supposed to be a tank support so you have alot of CC. This item make you do more damage if you CC, so this works very well together. Also gives Magic resist which is helpful into champs like Kennen and Gwen.
4.Demonic Embrace
This gives you alot Hp for a magic damage item. Also gives you a mini Liandry's Anguish which can help with getting kills which would have gotten away.
5.Zhonya's Hourglass
This has one of the best actives on an item. When u want you go imortal but you cant do anything. You also get armor so this is just a generally good item.


2.Plated Steelcaps
If you are fighting a heavy AD team or there is a fed AD god going these boots can safe you or let you live a little bit longer
2.Mercury's Treads
If you are fighting a heavy AP team or there is a fed AP god going these boots can safe you or let you live a little bit longer

1.Night Harvester
This gives you alot of burst becuse of the 90 AP it gives. This also gives you some health which can help you trade better. Also haves some Ability Haste that lets you trade more. You can also go Everfrost becuse it have more CC.
2.Zhonya's Hourglass
This has one of the best actives on an item. When u want you go imortal but you cant do anything. You also get armor so this is just a generally good item.
3.Demonic Embrace
This gives you alot Hp for a magic damage item. Also gives you a mini Liandry's Anguish which can help with getting kills which would have gotten away.
Building this has alot of beninfits. First it has armor which can help into most top laners. Also reduses lifesteal so poeple like Aatrox and Rengar can not heal as much.
5.Abyssal Mask
You are supposed to be a tank support so you have alot of CC. This item make you do more damage if you CC, so this works very well together. Also gives Magic resist which is helpful into champs like Kennen and Gwen.


2.Plated Steelcaps
If you are fighting a heavy AD team or there is a fed AD god going these boots can safe you or let you live a little bit longer
2.Mercury's Treads
If you are fighting a heavy AP team or there is a fed AP god going these boots can safe you or let you live a little bit longer
2.Sorcerer's Shoes
You are building a high burst monster so if they rush Mercury's Treads these will help still let you deal your damage.

Team Fighting
When going Tank you play team fights as if you were supported. You want to go into fights and tank all of the damage and CC. Your Ultimate is very stupid when going tank because on top of the tank items you also get 55 to 75% reduced incoming physical and magic damage. It also removes CC when activated. You will also build Thornmail early which will help into matchups like Fiora and Aatrox.

If you go Full Ap you want to be CC just like normal but you will be doing the damage. Try to go for the people you can one-shot like ADC's and enchantress Support. When building this you have to be more careful. Unlike Tank, you are going to be killed faster than normal. So I would try to only fight in team fights when you have your ultimate up. Also if they have damage carry to build a counter item to stop them.

In Conclusion
This is a very Stupid but fun build. You can play this two ways both are very fun and you can be the MVP. WIth full AP you can destroy the Small and will tank you won't even feel the autos of ADCs. If you liked it or have any opinions leave a comment.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SuperChicken144
SuperChicken144 Alistar Guide
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