Big damage early. Have to change your playstyle to be more passive unless he drops his axes.
Very difficult lane to fight (near impossible with an enemy Nami support). Dash makes it hard to also stick onto him and land stun. Your only way to win is to fight Lvl 1 and pray he didn't take E or flash your stun Lvl 1.
Just fight early before she gets her Trap. As long as she doesn't get resets during mid to late game you should be fine.
Not so much a threat but hard to kill. Your only shot is Lvl 1. Once she gets Traps and her E it becomes very hard to stun her.
It gets hard to kill past Lvl 2 but you can easily kill Lvl 1.
You'll get out poked and it's hard to engage if she runs Fleet Footwork. Plus her W makes it hard to run in. Your only shot to win lane hard is Lvl 1.
She can easily kite you and her W makes it hard to approach with stun. Fighting Lvl 1 and killing then or killing Lvl 2 after she's burned Flash Lvl 1 are your only options. The good thing is she doesn't scale.
Renata Glasc
She's not really a problem but you only really have a chance to kill Lvl 1-2. Lvl 3 onwards she can disengage pretty easily with her Q.
You can only go in when her Tornado is down. It's a really annoying lane but if they don't save their Tornado you'll have small windows to look to kill.
You just never get to engage against him except for Lvl 1. You're technichally better during the mid-late game but you will have a harder time getting auto-attack resets when playing vs. Alistar.
TLDR: Laning phase favors Alistar. Mid-Game is even. Late game favors Taric.
Just wait for the Yuumi to detach and Flash stun her.
What you do is pretend to be a little *****. Stay back to avoid poke; but always be ready to Flash stun her the INSTANT she detaches.
All Yuumi's will not respect your Flash Stun Level 1/2.
Just run Guardian and you'll out-trade her if she decides to engage. Level 6 onwards though she can just roam around for picks with her ultimate. If she's paired with an aggressive ADC like Lucian/Draven it becomes more even though.
She's pretty easy to lane against. Just make sure you don't take an isolated Kaisa Q when you fight.
The poke is annoying and it's hard to stick onto her because of her movespeed buff but you shouldn't lose lane. It's pretty even.
Good Lulu's will know how to kite well but their poke isn't as bad as Karma's. Relatively even laning phase overall.
You win hard Level 1/2 but the problem is post Lvl 3 and mid to late game. She just perma wave clears with empowered Q and has good CC for team fights. Plus if she runs Guardian it just becomes a farm lane bot after Lvl 3.
Your ult makes his kinda useless. Early game is rough because even though you can easily kill him Lvl 1-3: his semi-revive passive makes it hard to get out cleanly.
She has dashes so it makes it hard to stick onto her/stun. Plus her Jubilant Veil makes it impossible to get auto-attack resets while they're up.
You can kill Lvl 1 but after she gets her dash it's tough. The problem is later you're completely reliant on your team to lock her down for you.
Laning phase is really hard since she is so mobile with her dashes and has good damage. Mid to Late you should be fine. Just don't feed her and maybe take Guardian if you feel like you can't stun her.
You won't lose lane. She's just annoying with the Spellshield and snares. Usually you wanna bait out her spellshield and then auto-attack reset your Stun so that it's off cooldown before her Spellshield so you can engage on her or the enemy ADC.
It's tough to lane against a good Pyke. Before Level 6, it's relatively even/skill-based but Pyke will always have a slight advantage and be the initiator. Level 6 onwards it becomes tricky to time your ultimate to deny his. He'll also always be able to outroam you and deny vision with Umbral Glaive. I recommend taking Guardian against him.
Your only chance to kill her is Lvl 2. You'll have to stun her Lvl 1 and fake an all-in hoping she burns Flash and then Flash stunning her Lvl 2. If she's playing too safe then you'll just need to kill/focus their support instead. Spellshield makes it hard to stun and the movespeed from her Ultimate makes it hard to get auto-attack resets.
Worked ground and her ultimate makes it super easy to kite Taric and wait out his ultimate mid-fight.
His pillar basically makes it extremely hard to get auto-attack resets and he can force you to ult early IF his team is ahead. However, if his team is behind he isn't much of a problem.
You can still win the 2 v 2 Bot lane assuming your ADC's are equal. It's just hard to finish off kills because he usually grabs Glacial Augment or Aftershock making him hard to chase or too tanky. The problem is mid-game. You will have a very hard time to get auto-attack resets and it's hard to time your ultimate for his engages. Additionally, he can just use his ultimate and run away if you guys try to engage with Taric's ultimate.
In a vacuum you just straight up lose. Her all-in speed, amount of CC, ability to break your shields, and tankiness make her a hard match-up. However, during the laning phase; you just need to Flash her W/engage when she goes in AND make sure that you Flash Stun into the enemy ADC.
Mid-Late game you have to read her engages ahead of time/secure vision because your ultimate will be too slow if you use it immediately when she engages rather than right before she engages. Otherwise, you have to start fights first which is a lot harder for Taric than Rell.
A good Lux will make it hard for you to engage while poking you down. Thankfully, she's immobile and we can kill her and/or her ADC easily. What I recommend is pretending to be a little ***** in the back trying to avoid poke. Your goal is to bait her into using her Q and the INSTANT she throws out Q you should Flash stun her and kill with your ADC.
It really depends on the ADC. If it's with Lucian she's like a big threat. If it's with another ADC? Probably in your favor.
Without Lucian, she's just another squishy target that you can kill pre-6. After she gets her Ultimate it becomes a lot harder to stun her but you shouldn't lose lane.
Just make sure you're bonded with whoever she wants to ult and you'll be alright.
His kit makes it really hard for you to stick onto targets and makes it easy for his team to space you. Your only chance of hard winning is to fight Level 1 and Level 2 early.
Lane phase is pretty difficult. It's super hard to approach him and although you can mitigate his poke with Shields and Heals... it doesn't feel good to waste mana just to prevent the poke from becoming a problem.
Mid-Game is pretty much in your favor as long as somebody on your team can force fights.
You can ult whoever he ults later and you can deny his engage. The only time you would lose is if there's a huge difference in your ADC's power early compared to his (like if you have an Ezreal vs a Draven)
During laning phase: you pretty much win Levels 1-2. This is when you need to fight and kill. If you don't: later it becomes really hard to approach a good Varus without Flash. Level 6 onwards you will have an extremely hard time approaching Varus.
His range, CC, and adaptability make him tough to play against. The 1 good thing is you can kind of nullify his Ultimate with yours.
Playing against Smolder is similar to Ezreal in that you won't really be able to kill once he gets his E. Definitely not a problem during laning phase but he will be hard to kill. You should just fight Level 1 to get his Flash and then Flast stun him Level 2 to get an early kill.
Smolder is a bigger problem than Ezreal late-game though as he has much more AoE Damage and an Execute that can make timing your Ultimate/healing and shielding difficult.
Tahm Kench
You win laning phase but most of the times they're picking Tahm because they want to protect a late-game hyper carry. The problem is later you can't reliably go for the enemy carries because Tahm can just R to eat them.
Even though you don't necessarily lane against him... His constant application of Rylai's Crystal Scepter makes it extremely difficult to get auto-attack resets. If he's strong/ahead too they can always bait out your Ultimate and then re-engage after it's done.
If they are good at Zilean you don't win Bot lane. He pretty much ensures you don't get any auto-resets with his slow and bomb-stun combo.
If they are not good at him: it becomes even.
His CC and ability to peel make it very tricky to play against.
Whether you win or lose depends on the ADC match-up.
During laning phase: he isn't really a problem. As long as he doesn't get fed you shouldn't have to worry. It becomes a little harder if he DOES get fed later though because his range wit his R and the invisibility he gets makes it hard to find and lock him down during team fights.
Assuming it's Brand APC and NOT Brand Support: you need to go for kills Level 1/2 otherwise it becomes a nullified lane for Taric. He'll be able to out-range/poke you down burning through your mana or permanently shove/waveclear. Later on when he gets Rylai's Crystal Scepter it makes it very hard for you to get resets.
She's just safe and has a lot of range. Her E makes it hard for you to walk up for a stun. But you shouldn't lose lane. Mid-Late game it's a team/skill match-up.
Mid-game the synergy is really good. She can dash to set up your stun and your ult guarantees she gets to ult for free. The only issue is she has an abysmal Lvl 1/2.
Really strong early. Dash can set up your stun. Plus your ultimate makes his short range not as much of a liability.
Her Lvl 1/2 isn't great but she's a hyper-carry and her snare can be chained with your stun.
His "Stand Aside" can help set-up a stun. But I like supporting Dravens because I fight really early Lvl 1/2 and he's got good early damage.
Her Lvl 1 isn't amazing unless she takes Trap and chains it with your stun. But with Glacial Augment you can set up easy Traps for her assuming she's good enough to Trap a stunned/slowed target. Low Elo Caitlyns are awful but higher Elo Caitlyns will work fine.
Early game/laning phase is miserable. Mid-Late game is amazing.
You can burst pretty fast with Ziggs Lvl 2/3 but his Lvl 1 is bad.
Good early game damage. W allows for some nasty stun set-ups.
Any champion that functions while low on health works pretty well with Taric as he can help sustain them through a fight such as Aatrox, Irelia, etc.
Your attackspeed boost from your passive really helps Sejuani. Plus, chain cc'ing makes it so that your enemies can't move lol
Lee Sin
Any champions with dashes can set-up your stun pretty easily as long as you are bonded with them through your W.
Insane synergy. She makes it very easy to snowball. Plus you can tower dive freely by alternating your ult and her ult.
I hate supporting Ezreals. They just sit back and poke. Good ones will E in to set-up your stun but other Bot laners can do that better.
Champions that just farm bot and don't like fighting early are awful to lane with. However, her ultimate during the mid-late game makes it really easy to stick to targets/reset your CD's with auto-attacks from your passive.
Mid-game the synergy is really good. She can dash to set up your stun and your ult guarantees she gets to ult for free. Laning is interesting as her passive allows you to get experience leads but her Level 1/2 are still semi-weak.
You guys can chain CC and have a good amount of healing/shielding. But it's not great during laning phase. Mid to Late game it's pretty good but laning will be just a farm snooze fest.
Her dash can set up your stun and you guys can chain CC. Plus the slow from Glacial Augment makes it easy to proc her passive. She just kind of sucks during the laning phase. She's super good with Taric late game though.
Any champions with invisibilty (like Evelynn/Shaco) work really well with Taric as you can set up some invisible stuns. Twitch isn't great during laning phase but he's great during the late game.
Similar to Draven: the only real synergy with Taric is high burst damage early on. A stun with isolated Kaisa Q and/or Kaisa passive proc usually means death for the enemy ADC or Support.
Her slows make it super easy to land your stun/burn the enemy Summoner Spells. She also has decent early game damage so you can fight early during laning phase and win most trades/all-ins.
She's got a dash to set-up your stun but more importantly you can chain your Ultimate so that it activates right after hers ends guaranteeing you guys win most team fights. You just gotta stick close to her.
Master Yi
Funnel Strat was a thing for a reason. Any 1 v 9 hyper carry functions well with Taric but Yi and Taric are kind of on another level. Would be a 5 for synergy except their early game isn't the greatest. Mid-Late game is cracked though.
You basically let her go in for free and can chain your stun to her ultimate.
It's very hard to lose the 2 v 2 in Bottom Lane when you have Kog'Maw. His damage early is super strong and he's a hyper-scaling ADC as well. The only downside is that he's not mobile but that's fine if you land your stun and Glacial Augment onto enemy carries.
If you bond with him and he ults an enemy: you can chain your Stun as long as they aren't too far away. You can even ult him too mid-flight so that he can get out if he needs the extra insurance.
You can bond with him to chain stun after he leaps with his ultimate and if he needs extra insurance you can ult him.
You pretty much enable him to hyper-carry mid to late game. Constantly healing and stunning when he resets with his ultimate while impersonating other champions is incredibly strong.
If you land stun it's super easy for Karthus to land his Q's. Plus his early game damage is suprisingly high. You just have to watch his mana when playing with him.
Insanely strong synergy. You can chain your stun with hers. Your ultimate also lets her go in for free. You just gotta be careful as her ultimate can cancel yours. So you have to time it to fall down before she ults or just ult after she ults. THe only problem is you don't see that synergy until late game because she's a Top Laner. You're rarely ever going to be Top and she's better off splitting and TP'ing later during a fight making it hard to bond with her and Ult her.
She has plenty of dashes to set your stun up and she also really appreciates extra survivability that Taric gives her. On top of that she can chain CC with you too.
Early invading Junglers that want to fight or gank a lot generally have a lot of synergy with Taric. This includes Belveth, Kindred, Xin Zhao, etc. Taric can set them up for ganks or you can invade with them and win the 2 v 2 fights.
Jarvan IV
He goes in you press R. He has a dash to set up your stun too. Just too much synergy fam.
Mid-game the synergy is really good. She can dash to set up your stun and your ult guarantees she gets to ult for free. The only issue is she has an abysmal Lvl 1/2.
Really strong early. Dash can set up your stun. Plus your ultimate makes his short range not as much of a liability.
Her Lvl 1/2 isn't great but she's a hyper-carry and her snare can be chained with your stun.
His "Stand Aside" can help set-up a stun. But I like supporting Dravens because I fight really early Lvl 1/2 and he's got good early damage.
Her Lvl 1 isn't amazing unless she takes Trap and chains it with your stun. But with Glacial Augment you can set up easy Traps for her assuming she's good enough to Trap a stunned/slowed target. Low Elo Caitlyns are awful but higher Elo Caitlyns will work fine.
Early game/laning phase is miserable. Mid-Late game is amazing.
You can burst pretty fast with Ziggs Lvl 2/3 but his Lvl 1 is bad.
Good early game damage. W allows for some nasty stun set-ups.
Any champion that functions while low on health works pretty well with Taric as he can help sustain them through a fight such as Aatrox, Irelia, etc.
Your attackspeed boost from your passive really helps Sejuani. Plus, chain cc'ing makes it so that your enemies can't move lol
Lee Sin
Any champions with dashes can set-up your stun pretty easily as long as you are bonded with them through your W.
Insane synergy. She makes it very easy to snowball. Plus you can tower dive freely by alternating your ult and her ult.
I hate supporting Ezreals. They just sit back and poke. Good ones will E in to set-up your stun but other Bot laners can do that better.
Champions that just farm bot and don't like fighting early are awful to lane with. However, her ultimate during the mid-late game makes it really easy to stick to targets/reset your CD's with auto-attacks from your passive.
Mid-game the synergy is really good. She can dash to set up your stun and your ult guarantees she gets to ult for free. Laning is interesting as her passive allows you to get experience leads but her Level 1/2 are still semi-weak.
You guys can chain CC and have a good amount of healing/shielding. But it's not great during laning phase. Mid to Late game it's pretty good but laning will be just a farm snooze fest.
Her dash can set up your stun and you guys can chain CC. Plus the slow from Glacial Augment makes it easy to proc her passive. She just kind of sucks during the laning phase. She's super good with Taric late game though.
Any champions with invisibilty (like Evelynn/Shaco) work really well with Taric as you can set up some invisible stuns. Twitch isn't great during laning phase but he's great during the late game.
Similar to Draven: the only real synergy with Taric is high burst damage early on. A stun with isolated Kaisa Q and/or Kaisa passive proc usually means death for the enemy ADC or Support.
Her slows make it super easy to land your stun/burn the enemy Summoner Spells. She also has decent early game damage so you can fight early during laning phase and win most trades/all-ins.
She's got a dash to set-up your stun but more importantly you can chain your Ultimate so that it activates right after hers ends guaranteeing you guys win most team fights. You just gotta stick close to her.
Master Yi
Funnel Strat was a thing for a reason. Any 1 v 9 hyper carry functions well with Taric but Yi and Taric are kind of on another level. Would be a 5 for synergy except their early game isn't the greatest. Mid-Late game is cracked though.
You basically let her go in for free and can chain your stun to her ultimate.
It's very hard to lose the 2 v 2 in Bottom Lane when you have Kog'Maw. His damage early is super strong and he's a hyper-scaling ADC as well. The only downside is that he's not mobile but that's fine if you land your stun and Glacial Augment onto enemy carries.
If you bond with him and he ults an enemy: you can chain your Stun as long as they aren't too far away. You can even ult him too mid-flight so that he can get out if he needs the extra insurance.
You can bond with him to chain stun after he leaps with his ultimate and if he needs extra insurance you can ult him.
You pretty much enable him to hyper-carry mid to late game. Constantly healing and stunning when he resets with his ultimate while impersonating other champions is incredibly strong.
If you land stun it's super easy for Karthus to land his Q's. Plus his early game damage is suprisingly high. You just have to watch his mana when playing with him.
Insanely strong synergy. You can chain your stun with hers. Your ultimate also lets her go in for free. You just gotta be careful as her ultimate can cancel yours. So you have to time it to fall down before she ults or just ult after she ults. THe only problem is you don't see that synergy until late game because she's a Top Laner. You're rarely ever going to be Top and she's better off splitting and TP'ing later during a fight making it hard to bond with her and Ult her.
She has plenty of dashes to set your stun up and she also really appreciates extra survivability that Taric gives her. On top of that she can chain CC with you too.
Early invading Junglers that want to fight or gank a lot generally have a lot of synergy with Taric. This includes Belveth, Kindred, Xin Zhao, etc. Taric can set them up for ganks or you can invade with them and win the 2 v 2 fights.
Jarvan IV
He goes in you press R. He has a dash to set up your stun too. Just too much synergy fam.
- You and/or your ADC got chunked Level 1 so you need to stay healthy.
- You and/or your ADC are low and need to be healthy for an early gank from your Jungler but your Jungler CANNOT set your stun up easily + you have Flash.
- Your ADC cannot set up your stun early or doesn't want to fight early.
You put a point into W Level 2 when:
- You have equal or more health than the enemy Bot lane.
- You have an ADC who can set your stun up (like Lucian or Samira) and you want to go for a kill or get Summoner Spells.
- Your Jungler is early ganking you and can set your stun up (like a Shaco or Xin Zhao).
Why is 55/60 Ability Haste desired?
0 Ability Haste: 6 auto attacks to fully reset Taric's E (stun) after using it initially.
20-45 Ability Haste: 5 auto attacks to fully reset Taric's E (stun) after using it initially.You can theoretically get it to reset in 4 auto attacks IF you space out your auto attacks/wait longer in between auto attacks but that's inefficient.
55-60 Ability Haste or more: 4 auto attacks back to back to fully reset Taric's E (stun).
Basically: try to get to 55-60 ability haste. It's really good.
How To Play
Tell your ADC you're going in Lvl 1 and to follow.
Lvl 1 walk up and stun the enemy ADC (or Support if they're squishy) with Glacial Augment. Start Auto-Attacking and Ignite them.
Congrats! You either killed them or got their Flash.
Force Lvl 2 and then Flash Stun the enemy ADC/Support that burned their Flash Level 1.
If you're duoed you can Flash Stun Lvl 1 and then have your ADC Flash Stun the Flash-less target Lvl 2.
After that you just won lane and now play standard League of Legends with a 400 gold lead in the bot lane.
Zone them from experience, freeze, etc.
If you messed up or don't win early: you just gotta make smart decisions/fights/trades.
Remember to weave in your 2 auto-attacks after each ability to maximize your damage, heals/shields, and to lower your Stun cooldown.
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