One of the fastest jungle clearers. You just usually want good spacing to catch Diana and abuse her Dash [E] cooldowns.
This jungler clears slower than you. Very immobile unless hit by Bandage Toss [Q]. Just dodge Bandage Toss and space Amumu's [R] and you'll be fine.
This jungler clears slower than you. You will mostly have priority in levels and skirmishes. Always wait for him to cast his dashes before throwing your [E].
One of the fastest jungle clearers. You 'll might probably have a hard time once he gets his Rylai Crystal Scepter. You have to snowball faster than Brand or else you'll be in a hard spot.
This champion clears slower than you. Probably the most run it down champion. Very easy to snare once he jumps or throws his ultimate on you. You can burst him in seconds.
This champion clears the same time as you. You would probably want to look for kill opportunities in the early game. Be wary of his [R] ability, Use your [E] first before casting your [R] to ensure his catch. You are dead set once he is far ahead or able to one shot you and other carries.
One of the slowest jungle clearers. You would always want to take advantage of her slow jungle clear, if she ganks level 2, do counterjungling until she is gapped. Dodge her Human [E]. She is always sure to be rooted for long from your [E] cause of her [R] passive that spawns a spiderling.
This jungler clears the same time as you do. Abuse her weak early game, find ganks with your laners or have the free will to gank before her level 6. The harder you and your team snowball the more she loses. Though once Evelynn gets a comeback potential it could be pretty bad and one shot you and your carries.
This champion clears the same time as you do. Same with Evelynn, Abuse his weak early game, skirmish or gank before he gets level 6.
This champion clears slower than you. Gragas overall is a very hard matchup for Neeko. All of his abilities counter you. Watch out for potential invades when full clearing. This is your weakness early game. Focus on full clearing, counterjungling, ganking for your team. Avoid Gragas at all cost or wait for him to gank before counterganking. Never 1v1 him or you'll be gapped. Good spacing and [W] clone usage is required. You just need patience before throwing all your abilities at him.
This champion clears slower than you. He'll probably just force level 3 ganks. Counterjungle him and track his wherabouts for you to ping for your team. Just wait for him to use his [E] before throwing any skills or just catch him off-guard with your Passive + [R] + Protobelt.
This jungler clears the same time as you. Hecarim can be annoying with his very fast move speed. I suggest that you avoid him early game and look for gank/skirmish opportunities instead until you and your team will be able to lock him down.
This jungler clears slower than you. Ivern is not threatening at all, just make sure you ward the other side of your jungle just to make sure he doesn't take your camps. He's very immobile and easy to catch. You outscale him every stage of the game.
Jarvan IV
This champion clears slower than you. Jarvan is really annoying for Neeko. He has the ability to escape your roots with his [E] + [Q] combo and can lock you down in shutting down the enemy carries with his [R]. I suggest that you heavily try to space him out or avoid him once you see him. It's best if you play the other side of the map of where he was last seen. You have to scale until you and your teammates are able to lock him down entirely from the game.
This champion clears slower than you. Jax is very weak in early stages of the game and likes level 3 ganks as much as possible. Counterjungling/ganking/full clears are much better against him. You are able to scale better than him. His [Q] ability can be easily interrupted with your [R] or [E].
This champion clears the same time as you. Karthus is very immobile and easy to land spells on. You would always want to hunt him if possible. You can just dodge his [R] with your passive.
This champion clears the same time as you. Kayn might be a very hard matchup cause of his high damage, sustain and mobility. This champion will be able to wash you and your team out if played properly. Very good spacing and patience is required when you're up against Kayn. I suggest you do full clears and countergank when you are able to track him down.
This champion clears slower than you. You probably would just want to avoid his jungle invades on you. Make sure you use your wards properly. He most likely ganks level 3. Counterjungling/full clears/counterganking/ganking other lanes is ideal for this matchup. You can mitigate his damage with your [W] beside you and can interrupt his [E] with a well timed [R] and [E].
This champion clears slower than you. Abuse Kindred's early game, make sure he doesn't get most of his stacks. Always grab your midlaner's priority to roam and hunt down Kindred, his kit will be too hard to deal with when he is too ahead. Bigger range, undying ultimate, a very mobile tumble. Neeko will struggle when Kindred is too far ahead.
Lee Sin
This champion clears the same time as you. I suggest you already ban this champion when you will play Neeko Jungle in lower elos Iron-Masters. Lee Sin might probably have the power to tilt you so badly. From his High Damage, High Sustain, High Mobility and the worst of all the counter to your engage potential is his [R]. Either you get cancelled by him or you die after he kicks you to his teammates. ALWAYS BE CAREFUL FOR LEVEL 3 INVADES or ganks. All you can do for now is Full clear -> counterjungle if he ganks or countergank when you see him or play on the other side of the map opposite from him. You will probably just need good spacing and good control of your skills, make him waste his abilities on your teammates before your entry.
This champion clears the same as you do. Lillia is very annoying with her mobility and high damage output. I suggest you do a full clear and play at a lane opposite from her. You have to snowball faster than Lillia so you can burst her down if ever she goes for you. Dodge her most threatening skill [E] and all might go well for you and your team.
This champion clears slower than you. When Maokai ganks your laners at level 3 make sure you punish him hard with counterjungling. He will be gapped in no time. With how fast you clear it's most likely he won't be able to catch up your level. At most when played correctly he will be 2 levels down from you. You'll only need good clone [W] usage for Maokai and you'll be dominating the jungle in no time.
Master Yi
This champion clears slower than you. Master Yi is very dependent on his early game, when he ganks level 3 be sure to counterjungle ASAP. This will slow his snowballing potential and you will be able to hunt him down once you get mid lane priority. Time your skills well after his [Q] and [W].
This champion clears slower than you. Nidalee is actually the hardest counter in High Elo as of now since her aggressive playstyle literally dominates Neeko at early stages of the game. I ban her when I'm at Master-Challenger queues. Against Nidalee, ALWAYS BE SURE TO BE ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE MAP FROM HER. She will non-stop harass you with spears every time she will find your location. It is ideal to not have your laner leash you at any circumstances. You must play safe against her and use your ward defensively. If you do survive the early game, you are now able to assert your dominance in different lanes, just beware of her [Q] spear. It will literally take you down.
This champion clears the same time as you. Avoid Nocturne at early stages of the game, you will lose 1v1. Beware of jungle invades, counterjungle when he ganks level 3. Once you have survived the early game. Play with your team together so that his [R] won't be much of a bother. Make sure to time your skills well after his Spell Shield.
Nunu & Willump
This champion clears slower than you. Nunu probably loves level 2-3 ganks. Just counterjungle him as hard as possible. Try to countergank when you see him near your laners it often leads to a kill since he is very gap and vulnerable. You outscale him every part of the game.
This champion clears slower than you. Pantheon loves level 3 ganks, so again counterjungling is very important. Once you see him ganking, try to countergank as well. Be sure to play your Clones [W] correctly against him or else he will lock you down with one combo. Time your skills well after his [E].
This champion clears slower than you. Poppy loves level 3 ganks, be sure to counterjungle so she gets gapped. Once poppy gets gapped it's easier to burst her at all times. Just stay away from walls, time your [W] correctly and dodge her [R].
This champion clears slower than you. Basically the most easiest to jungle against. He loses to full clear, counterjungle. His skills is not a threat at all, unless you play AD Neeko.
This champion clears slower than you. Just beware of Rek'Sai since she may be able to pounce on you anytime when you're full clearing, her tunnel vision and quick movement with good crowd control will lock you down in seconds. You will just have to farm safely and catch her every opportunity you see.
This champion clears slower than you. Rengar is heavily reliant on level 3 jungle invades which Neeko is weak at. I suggest you track him down and play slowly and carefully in your jungle. Once he gets his bonetooth necklace complete it might be a hard time for you. Though rengar may easily be bursted with your full combo. Make sure he doesn't have an empowered [W] ready.
This champion clears slower than you. Sejuani loves ganking at level 3, well whether it's a fail or success. Once you out level her everything follows next. Just be sure to use your [W] properly to cancel her engage potentials.
This champion clears as fast as you do. Shaco is probably one of the hardest matchups to read on. His pathing is so obstruct and flexible. Which makes him a viable threat for Neeko. You'll never know when you or your teammate will be invaded. It's best to start with a deep ward at enemy jungle for him. Both his AP and AD builds are too much for Neeko to handle with box fears and a strong clone damage can heavily reprimand Neeko's ability to engage. Just the peer pressure of him missing is a big problem already. It's either you snowball faster than him to win the game or vice versa.
This champion clears the same time as you do. Shyvanna potentially waits for level 6 before ganking. Abuse her early game weakness and snowball a ton in other lanes. Just be sure to finish the game early because she outscales you and has very high capability of changing game outcomes.
This champion clears slower than you. I guess Skarner is the most annoying tank champion after his rework. His kit has too much crowd control and is very hard once he starts building magic resist for you. I suggest you have to snowball fast and end the game ASAP before he gets his items.
This champion clears the same time as you. Against Taliyah make sure to gank your laners faster than she can. Speed is the name of the game against her. The more kills you and your team gets the harder you snowball and taliyah will be useless.
This champion clears slower than you. Talon loves to roam around and assassinate your laners that did lane trades. Most often Talon will be easy to track under those circumstances. You just want to take advantage of his slow clear and gap him by levels. Just make sure he doesn't rack up kills too much or it will be a problem.
This champion clears slower than you. Teemo loves invading your jungle at level 1 and hiding. It's best if you put up defensive wards before anything else. You have stronger snowballing potential than a Teemo with no good crowd control for ganking. Just don't make the game too long before his mushrooms one shot everybody on your team.
This champion clears slower than you. Counterjungle Trundle when he ganks at level 3. You outscale him harder with your level spikes. He will be useless against you as the game goes on.
This champion clears the same time as you do. Udyr is just very weak early game. His health is very low at early stages. You must abuse him before he reaches his item spikes. Though it may be rare since he's been off meta with different builds right now with AP and AD being his most squishy ones.
This champion clears slower than you. Vi is also one of the most annoying junglers against Neeko. With too much power from her Crit and Bruiser build. She can crowd control burst you in matter of seconds. When she casts her [Q] onto you when you use your passive, you are automatically revealed and prone to 1 combo. Good spacing will be hard against her since her [Q] just fills the gap spaces between you. Your [W] clone and Zhonya's Hourglass will be your savior against her. Do counterjungling and full clears against her, hide your presence from the map to avoid her from knowing your pathing and gank options.
This champion clears slower than you. Viego is very reliant on item spikes. Take away his snowballing potential by counterjungling and invading his jungle will slow him down immensely. You're just on a race with items against him.
This champion clears slower than you. Volibear is weak when you invade and take his jungle early on. Once he's gapped he will have a hard time to get back. You can easily one shot him when he is behind.
This champion clears slower than you. You can track his jungling easily when he is able to smell low hp champions on your team. Just time your [W] clone properly when he uses [R]. You have a lot of ways to disable Warwick since he's sort of immobile and likes to fight melee range.
This champion clears slower than you. Like Viego, Wukong is very item reliant. It's a game of snowballing for the both of you. Full clear and gank more frequently to gather your space for objectives.
Xin Zhao
This champion clears slower than you. Xin Zhao has a very good kit against Neeko. Great gap closer, high sustain and a very strong range shield. Though he is item reliant you have to abuse his slow clear and get to lanes faster to help your team. Once you have the items for Xin Zhao there's no stopping you.
This champion clears slower than you. Abuse Zac's early game so that he won't be able to contest for objectives. Be wary and don't make the game longer against him. His late game is a threat to you and your team.
This champion clears the same time as you. Zed is a very strong jungler, with his mobility and high damage output. He is going to be pretty hard to catch when he knows how to place his shadows properly. You would probably want to get ahead from him by full clearing and frequent ganking.
This champion Ranks #1 as the fastest clearer. Zyra has a very good kit for disabling Neeko. Since you cannot match her clear speed. It's better you gank most of the gankable lanes. You Kill snowball while she Farm snowballs, it's up to you how you will play against her.
Hi! I'm Neekster a Jungle Neeko Main, I'm from the PH Server, racked up a lot of experience and achievements with her, I've peaked Rank 1 Neeko Globally on League of Graphs last split and consistent Rank 1 on the PH Server since last season. I have been playing this off-meta build ever since her rework. The highest rank I took this to was Grandmaster near Challenger boundaries. I am here to share my experience and builds for her.
For those who are wondering what my League profile links are:
Jungle Neeko has a very different playstyle amongst other roles, she is played very aggressive with this kind of setup looking for great snowballing potential. When you are very ahead, she can literally one shot squishies and turn around teamfights with her high burst damage.
It's going to feel very new at your first tries with Neeko at the jungle, but I'm a firm believer of practice makes perfect! Here are some pros and cons I have made for you.
• Very easy to master
• Insanely good ganking kit
• Great blind pick
• Very high burst damage
• Fast jungle clear
• Versatile
• You only have 1 mobile ability
• Very squishy
• Falls so far when behind
• Ability Reliant
• You should be able to space properly
• Weak to early invades
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