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Katarina Build Guide by PrestigeGalaxy

Middle [25.05] PrestigeGalaxy's 5M+ Mastery Guide to Kat! 🗡️

Middle [25.05] PrestigeGalaxy's 5M+ Mastery Guide to Kat! 🗡️

Updated on March 6, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PrestigeGalaxy Build Guide By PrestigeGalaxy 190 21 491,403 Views 58 Comments
190 21 491,403 Views 58 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PrestigeGalaxy Katarina Build Guide By PrestigeGalaxy Updated on March 6, 2025
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Runes: (1) Electrocute

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sudden Impact
Grisly Mementos
Relentless Hunter

Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
Flash + Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite




Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[25.05] PrestigeGalaxy's 5M+ Mastery Guide to Kat! 🗡️

By PrestigeGalaxy

Hey guys! My name is PrestigeGalaxy also known as VIBARINA and I'm a Katarina OTP with 5+ Million Mastery points! I have hit Master Tier on EUW every season since season 11 and peaked at 453LP. I recently also hit GM on EUNE.

I've been playing League of Legends since season 2 and I never had an OTP until Katarina’s latest rework in season 7. Her highly mechanical, aggressive and fun playstyle made me fall in love with the champion.

VIBARINA was born when I started vibing along to my music on stream while playing Katarina.

My goal with this guide is to help new and veteran Katarina players achieve the best mechanics, the best champion knowledge and the best rank they can achieve. This is an extensive and very detailed guide on everything there is to know about the champion. If you have any questions leave a comment or don't hesitate to message me on my socials!

If you want to watch my journey to Challenger then come watch me live on Twitch.



Whenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged recently, her remaining ability cooldowns are dramatically reduced. If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage.

⚔️ Q - Bouncing Blade ⚔️

Katarina throws a Dagger at the target that then bounces to nearby enemies before ricocheting onto the ground.

⚔️ W - Preparation ⚔️

Katarina gains a burst of Move Speed, tossing a Dagger into the air directly above herself.

⚔️ E - Shunpo ⚔️

Katarina blinks to the target, striking it if its an enemy, or striking the nearest enemy otherwise.

⚔️ R - Death Lotus ⚔️

Katarina becomes a flurry of blades, dealing massive magic damage while she channels to the 3 nearest enemy champions.

Pros & Cons







Electrocute is the standard keystone for Katarina. It's affective in doing short trades in lane and bursting low health targets. Katarina wants to trade quickly and efficiently when in lane to avoid taking damage from the enemy while also lowering their HP to setup for a potential kill. If the enemy laner is squishy and you think you need that extra bit of burst damage in order to trade efficiently, take Electrocute. Dark Harvest is also a decent keystone to take however I'd reccomend Electrocute for newer players.
Sudden Impact is especially good on a champion like Katarina due to the large amount of dashes she has. She just gets free magic penetration for most fight durations.
Grisly Mementos will allow you to have a lower cooldown on your trinket thus giving you more uses on your sweeper. This means that you can gank more often while using your sweeper making you undetectable!
When getting multiple kills Relentless Hunter will allow you to roam faster around the map due to the extra movement speed it gives you.


Triumph gives you health back when you get a kill or an assist. This is beneficial to keep your health bar up in order to continue getting those resets!
Coup de Grace is perfect for securing those low hp enemies granting you more resets!


Second Wind regenerates health after taking damage. Paired with Doran's Shield will allow you to survive a heavy poke matchup.
Overgrowth grants you permanent HP making you extra tanky in laning phase.


Conqueror is a strong keystone for Katarina because it enhances her need for continuous damage output as well as her burst and sustain. Conqueror allows Katarina to make more efficient extented trades especially in laning phase When you enter the teamfighting stage of the game, Conqueror becomes infinately more useful than Electrocute.
Triumph gives you health back when you get a kill or an assist. This is beneficial to keep your health bar up in order to continue getting those resets!
Coup de Grace is perfect for securing those low hp enemies granting you more resets!


Sudden Impact is especially good on a champion like Katarina due to the large amount of dashes she has. She just gets free magic penetration for most fight durations.
When getting multiple kills Relentless Hunter will allow you to roam faster around the map due to the extra movement speed it gives you.


Second Wind regenerates health after taking damage. Paired with Doran's Shield will allow you to survive a heavy poke matchup.
Overgrowth grants you permanent HP making you extra tanky in laning phase.

Early Game
Before the minions spawn make sure you stand in bushes close to your junglers blue/red buff in order to check if the enemy will invade or not. Make sure you trach what lane leashes the enemy jungler so that you have a rough idea of his pathing.

If you know what buff he will take second ward that side of the lane at approximately 2:30-3:00 mins and play/hover around the other side to avoid potential ganks. When the laning phase begins make sure to stay out of AA and spell range to keep your HP up and ready for future trades.

Level 1 is the weakest Katarina is in the entire game so make sure you hit level 2 asap. At level 2 you unlock your E ability Shunpo. With this you can go for potential trades as well as go for the kill if the enemy is low enough. Shunpo allows you to blink to your Bouncing Blades Q dagger. This however can be fatal since you do not have an instant Shunpo reset from your W Preparation. Once you hit level 3 you will be able to trade effieciently by using your Q Bouncing Blades onto either a minion or the enemy, followed by using E Shunpo onto the dagger, using one AA, using your W Preparation as soon as your champion is on the Bouncing Blades dagger and then using E Shunpo on an allied minion to get back to safety without recieving any poke back. You can repeat this combo several times until the enemy is close to lethal HP. The other combo you can do is using E Shunpo first, followed by W Preparation, followed by Q Bouncing Blades, followed by E Shunpo on your Bouncing Blades dagger.

Make sure not to die much in the laning phase because the further behind Katarina gets the lower the chance of her snowballing thus winning the game is. Once you hit level 6 you can start roaming to other lanes/the jungle for potential kills. You can roam before level 6 as well however you will have a much lower chance of getting a kill into a reset. If you're lane opponent roams and leaves the lane there are three options for Katarina. You can either freeze the lane causing them to miss gold/xp, shove the wave under their tower giving you the same result with the addition of tower plates or you can just follow them and roam the the lane they are heading towards. Once first tower falls is usually when mid game starts.
Mid Game
This part of the game is where Katarina excels the most. The later the game goes the lower chance (statistically) Katarina has to win the game. Bot lane will rotate mid lane most of the times which means you have to go side-lane bot lane.

Staying mid lane with your bot laners will reduce your gold and xp income and will make you weaker if anything. Don't play this coinflip playstyle of "all mid (aram)". If your team is fighting you can rotate back otherwise just stay in your solo lane and keep getting stronger/building items.

Group with your team when dragon and rift herald spawn. Contesting these objectives are a great way for you to get resets and make yourself strong enough to end the game.
Late Game
If you have not ended the game before 25-30 mins you have reached late game. You should have most of your items by now and should be looking to end the game via objectives/turrets. Make sure you don't get caught out/play too aggressive causing your team to play a 4v5 while contesting for objectives.

Be patient with how and when you initiate and make sure you wait until most if not all CC has been already used. Remember, one stun can lose Katarina the game, especially late game where death timers are really high.
In conclusion Katarina is a high burst/snowball assassin with an incredibly fun playstyle. I hope you found this guide useful and I wish you the best of luck on the rift! If you learned something or enjoyed reading this guide and want to help me out leave a like rating and a comment! In addition I will be updating this guide regularly! If you want to contact me go to the following links:






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League of Legends Build Guide Author PrestigeGalaxy
PrestigeGalaxy Katarina Guide
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[25.05] PrestigeGalaxy's 5M+ Mastery Guide to Kat! 🗡️

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