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Free Farm for you. This can be a farmlane in your favor. He won't do anything to you and you can harass him really hard.
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate is called as an equal Matchup. If you can land your q's every third time, you should not get any Problems. If he has his yellow card, just go back and q the place where he wants to go to land it on you.
Veigar is as immobile as you are. But it just looks worse. Let him make his circle around you, then Wall him and Q without going over the edge. No Veigar can land every skillshot, if you move in the cage. You will win every trade. I don't think you could do anything wrong with it. If you don't try it, then just farm and harass aggressively. You are still better in laning. The only thing how he can kill you is, when he lands all skillshots and using his Ult. If he does this often, then buy Abyssal or Zhonyas.
Farmlane. Just farm and farm. You can farm a little bit better than her. Also, if she wants to stun you, just do the same trick like against TF: Go some steps back, and q the place where she wants to go. You will win every trade. Watch our for her Flash-Ult and you are fine.
Most Kayle take advantages because of their long range poke with E. You can go near to Kayle, E and Q where she stands and you will win the trade. If you think this is too risky or you can't land your q's that good, then just zone and harass her.
Aurelion Sol
He can be tricky and weak. Don't let him stun you, then you shouldn't have any problems.
He has more range than you, but his abilities are harder to land. If you can dodge good, he won't do much to you. Just farm and take every advantage you can. If he's low on mana, go very aggressive.
The most Yasuos will disagree when I say, that Karthus ''counters'' Yasuo. Let me explain it with Yasuos Kit:
Passive: You can destroy the passive with a simple AA,Q or E.
W: His Wall is useless against all of your abilities
Q and E: He needs to be near to you to trade. This is really good, so you can activate your e and q under yourself, so Yasuo will feel a big amount of damage. More, than he can do to you. Of course you have to move a bit, but you win every trade in the lane, if you don't overextend. His scaling is ridiculous, so don't feed him and don't fight him 1vs1 when he has full build. Just zone then.
In your favor, but a little bit of a skill Matchup. Azir has a big range to poke. Wait until his soldiers are gone and attack with a lot of q's. He has some Mana problems in the early game.
He can do a lot of damage to you, when you want to fight in a minion wave and he roots you. Poke and play safe. Then you should have a good laning phase.
Vladimir can dodge your Ult. Wow. Don't let him q you when his blood bar is red and then poke. When he ults you, run back to your tower and don't try to fight in this short time, when you have no advantages.
Skill Matchup. You can poke her a lot, but if you get stunned, you will lose a lot of Life. Just don't get stunned. And everything is fine. Please. Trust me.
A good Karma (rare) is annoying because she can clear the wave really fast, so that you can't poke that much. She also has a lot of damage, when she R-Q you. Her shield can safe her from your Ultimate and her increased Speed can safe herself from any bad trade. Just farm and wait for a gank. If she isn't good with Karma, then poke, poke and poke.
Kennen is only annoying after 6. It's a bit like Annie when he wants to Flash Ult with the Stun, but he is harder to play against. Farm and poke is the best strategy.
This ball is annoying. Really. But if you don't trade, she can't do much on you. The only way you can try to harass is, when she moved her Ball and used an abiltiy. Ask for a gank and she will use Flash/Ghost or die.
On Level 3-5, she can kill you easily with one good combo. Just play passive and farm. After 6 and RoA, you can play more aggressive.
He has higher range than you. But his abilities are easier to dodge than your q's. He also has not the best laning phase, so try to take an advantage of it. If you can't kill him or if you lose the trades, just farm.
He isn't that hard. The only Problem with him is, that if he lands the Knock-Up after 6, u are probably dead after his Combo. Avoid this and you win the lane.
If he gets you stunned, you are dead. Otherwise, you can poke him, but play safe.
Skill Matchup. If you both are fine with your Champs, you can't kill each other.
She can do the same shitty thing as Brand: 100-0 you with her Stun and Ultimate. Play passive and don't get stunned. Only thing you have to know. Then ask for some ganks and kill her.
Much of sustain after 6. He probably won't kill you, also if you do a mistake. But you neither can kill him.
You are the Soulstealer. You are the one who want to bring Death. But you still can love her Face. Crap. Stay behind minions and farm. You probably won't kill her. But she won't do much too you, when you play safe.
Horrible, if she gets a kill. If you are a really good Karthus, you can avoid this with only farming under tower. Don't even think about trading with her when you don't have a big advantage. You will scale better than her into lategame and she will be useless mid-lategame. So ping a lot when she tries to roam. You will grow and eat her sometimes. But only, if you DON'T GIVE HER A KILL.
Same lane as Cassiopeia.
Poke her as much as you can before six. You are much stronger than her in this time. You can also survive her combo, if you don't overextend.
Same lane as Katarina.
Too much movement speed for you. The most Ekkos try to overextend for the Kill, so you can counter it with good q's. If he doesn't play aggressively, then you will be much better in mid-lategame than him.
Same as Anivia. Only, that you have to avoid her Ultimate instead of a Stun.
AP Cho'Gath. Uhm. No worries. You are stronger with your poke. If he gets full stacks, then don't trade.
If you get the first Kill, you will dominate the lane. If she gets the first Kill, she will.
When his passive is up, destroy it immediately. Just farm in this lane. Also poke, when his E isn't up.
Easy lane, if she doesn't land her combo (like Veigar). If she tries to poke with her E, you will often get some damage. But she can't do this often. So poke and poke whenever she did the E. And in this time, try to dodge her q.
Same as Lissandra, but a little bit harder to dominate, if you got the first Kill against Viktor.
If he ults you, move as fast as you can in thousand ways, so that he can't land all his abilties on you to kill you. For this Matchup, you have to poke good and dodge his abilties. This is the only way you won't feed him. When you did this very often and you got your Rylais, you can trade him from a distance.
No chance. Really. Get your First kill before 6 (if this is even possible. Maybe at Lvl 1) or just be useless in Lane. His Kit doesn't give you a big chance to kill him. But he can kill you very easily with an good Ult. Ban him whenever you can and if you have to face him: Play really passive after 6 and use your Ult only for other Lanes (His E counters it).
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