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He is not that played so u might not know his dmg.If you don't have red buff in the early levels don't contest scouttle.I recommend using conqueror vs him.
She is not a big threat for you , just use your E to dodge her second Q and you are safe.
Dr. Mundo
I have played vs him just once this patch.My tip is to try invade him early levels because he is weak but try to avoid fighting him when he has his R if you are not ahead.
Her lvl3 is strong but if you dodge her stun you should beat her in a 1v1.
She is so weak before lvl 6 so you can try to fight her.
You might underestimate this pick but his w is strong in early levels but if you build a bit of mr you should be able to beat him easily lvl6.
You should try invade Gragas because your lvl 2 is much stronger.
His lvl 3 is stronger than yours , don't try to solo kill him in the jg but if your laners are stronger than his laners try to take 2v2 / 3v3 fights for the scouttle crab.
Don't try to 2v2 against him if the enemy has a stronger laner than yours but you can beat him lvl 6.
Don't try to fight him in 3v3's around bot because he will just shield the adc but at lvl 6 you should not be scared of this kind of fights.
Jarvan IV
You have no reason tho fight him early levels , he will just beat you even at lvl 6.Try to do a full clear and countergank (focus on botlane if possible).
Better at teamfighting but if you manage to dodge some of his q's you beat him so easily in a 1v1 or 2v2.
He will try to do a full clear most of the times so try to have a higher impact on ganking at early levels.Bloodrazor is amazing vs him but if he goes assasin he won't be a threat.
Don't fight him until mid-late game when u get some items otherwise he will beat you in fights or even 1v1's.If you have a lead until lvl 6 don't try to fight him because he is still an assasin and he hurts in ealry levels.
Hard mathup , but you can try to counter gank and eventually you will outscale him.
Lee Sin
Do not try to teamfight that much vs him because he is better at teamfighting but you should try to take objectives because he is slow in this domain.Later the game goes you will be more useful.
Master Yi
Try to fight him as much as possible early levels and make abuse of your E.
Dodge her Q and you will beat her easily but be careful at the traps.
Don't fight him at early levels , get your items and play for late game.
Weak at 1v1's and teamfighting on a lane.Don't try to facecheck bushes tho because you might die randomly if the Nunu player knows how to make abuse of his R.
He is a strong jungler.Try to avoid early fights with him because he is much stronger but you will scale better.I recommend bloodrazor vs him.
This is the worst matchup you can have but if you can slow the game enought , you will eventually outscale but even at full build you will have a hard time vs him.
Get your core build done and by that time he won't be a big threat anymore but dont fight him at lvl 3-6.
Dodge his empowered Q and everything its fine but dont over chase him cuz he might turn the fight with this W.
Make abuse of her bad early game and invade her , you should easily beat her if you use conqueror.
I personally just ban this guy , he annoys me so bad.
Weak early game but strong lvl 6.Try to invade her early levels and try to make 2v2's happen around your stronger lanes.
Your lvl 6 powerspike is much stronger , dodge her W and you can fight her,
Use your E to dodge his Q and don't use your R before he uses it because he is going to beat you.
Make his jungle your jungle , he can't do anything to you.Just keep him away from any jungle camp and abuse his bad early game.
Let him stun you and use your E after to dodge his Q dmg but don't fight him until lvl 6.
She has a stronger lvl 6 so be careful when her ult is up.
Xin Zhao
Let him hit the first 2 q autoattacks and then use your E and you should be able to beat him.
Like I said with twitch , keep invading and don't let him scale.
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