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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability

As you might know right now


Greater Seal of Armor: These runes are pretty standard for any tank, just boost up your armor to be even more unstoppable
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist: these runes are also self-explanatory, more magic resist = more fun :)
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: This is a considerable rune which provides you quite some extra movement speed. I take these because if you gank, you want to emerge as fast as possible. Also if you are being chased you might want some extra movementspeed so you can never get caught in combination with your
Arctic Assault. There are some other viable quintessence like the
Greater Quintessence of Health but first try out the movement speed before buying other runes.
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: These are just used to clear up your camps a bit quicker than usual. Also you might do just enough damage so your teammates can finish off that nasty fed
Caitlyn of theirs.
Viable summoner spells
![]() ![]() ![]() |
As your second summoner spell I recommend ![]() |
This is the only summoner spell you could consider besides exhaust. However I think exhaust is more viable because your ![]() |
non-viable summoner spells
Ignite is for those who want/need to finish off their opponents in order to gain more gold and be even more destructive. Sejuani should be living on assists so that's why ![]() |
You are not in lane but in the jungle so no ![]() |
Just let your support pick this if you really want someone to have it, but be aware that your support might not know what this summoner spell is because it is just never picked. |
: Damaging an enemy with an ability or basic attack grants armor and reduces movement-slowing effects on Sejuani. If Sejuani already has Frost Armor, its duration increases.
This passive is the major change in regard of the gameplay of Sejuani. It gives you temporary armor and tenacity for each basic attack and ability you do. With this passive you have more sustain in the jungle as well as in teamfights. It buffs your armor even more which makes you almost unkillable in combination with your movement speed and arctic assault. Sejuani's previous passiveFrost is now combined in her permafrost.
: Bristle charges forward, knocking enemies into the air and dealing magic damage. The charge ends after knocking an enemy champion into the air.
This is the ability you always start with while beginning a teamfight or a gank. With this you can sneak up to your opponent and throw all your cc in for the kill. In a teamfight you'll have to know when to jump in with arctic assault. Your objective is to hit as many opponents with this skill so they all have frost applied which means they will all get slowed and damaged in combination with yourPermafrost. Also use this ability to dash through walls for escaping/chasing or to jump into jungle camps.
: Sejuani's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage to the target and enemies near it. She then begins to swing her flail, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies over time. If this ability is reactivated, she immediately starts swinging her flail
With this ability you can destroy jungle camps very fast. It deals magic damage to the big monster, assuming you focus the big ones first, and afterwards it deals magic damage to all nearby monsters over time.
: Passive: Abilities and basic attacks apply Frost to enemies. Active: All nearby enemies with Frost take magic damage and are slowed.
This ability is the reason why Sejuani is such a good ganker. With this ability she can damage and slow many targets at once by dashing in with her arctic assault. If you also have aRylai's Crystal Scepter you'll slow for an amount of 85%. If you follow this up with your stun then I can guarantee you'll have a kill or assist. Note: the passive of applying frost doesn't slow enemies anymore until you activate
: Sejuani throws a frost-forged bola in a line. If the bola hits an enemy champion, it shatters, stunning the target and nearby enemies. If the bola reaches its maximum range, it shatters and slows enemies. All enemies in the shatter area take magic damage.
Ahhhh, one of the best ultimates in the game. Sejuani is able to stun a whole team in a teamfight and deal damage to them. What more do you wish for an ability. Be aware that you don't use this ultimate on only 1 target but wait for the perfect moment to cast it. Also try to engage with arctic assault and keepGlacial Prison for those repelling opponents as it will be easy to finish them off with a 2 second stun left.
This is an explanation why you should buy certain items and how important it is to have them.
Well guys, this was my first guide ever written on Mobafire. I hope you enjoyed it and if it helped you please upvote this guide. Sejuani is a very fun champion to play and isn't hard to master. If you are considering buying Sejuani the I can only say one thing: DO IT!!!Now it's time for one of the most common sentences in guides: ''Special thanks to jhoijhoi for his guide on how to write a guide''. It helped me a lot. This guide is still in progress so many things will be added later on featuring:
- Which champions are very gank potent?
- synergizes
- warding
- jungling/ gank paths
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