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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Mosstomper Smite
Ability Order Skills Order
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Olaf has more damages, hp and life steal. Start from the opposite and dodge every possible interaction with him unless he is outnumbered
Yasuo can use his ultimate when Sejuani use her Q and he will apply Permafrost stack with his auto attack.
Yasuo can use his ultimate when Sejuani use her Q and he will apply Permafrost stack with his auto attack.

I'm Gedrah, a Diamond OTP

I love playing

In this guide, I will tell you about my playstyle as a tank/support jungler. Which decision should you make in the early game? How do you win games in mid/late? What do you do when you or your teammates are behind?
I will answer those questions in the guide as best as I can.

+ Lots of Crowd Control
+ Really tanky
+ Damage/Tankiness scale with HP
+ High Mobility with her dash
+ Very good peel and engage abilities
She will be a great addition to a composition when you already have a hyper carry champion like

The main issue is the enemy jungler. If your opponent is very aggressive on the map and hard to 1 vs 1 (like

Sejuani has 2 PASSIVES : Frost Armor & Icebreaker.
Frost Armor : Sejuani becomes immune to slows (attack speed and movement speed) and gains 10 (+0.5 of bonus armor) in armor and 10 (+0.5 per bonus magic resistance) in magic resistance.

Icebreaker: Enemies stunned by Sejuani are frozen. Sejuani's next basic attack or ability against them deals 10% of their maximum health as bonus magic damage (max 300 damage against epic monsters).
Range: 650
Cooldown: 19 / 17.5 / 16 / 14.5 / 13
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Sejuani charges forward, knocking enemies into the air for 0.5 seconds and dealing 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+60% of ability power) magic damage (max 300 damage to monsters). The charge stops after colliding with an enemy champion.

Cooldown: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Cost: 65
Sejuani swings her flail in a cone in the target direction, dealing 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 2% maximum health) (+20% of ability power) physical damage to all enemies hit and knocking back minions and monsters.
She then lashes out with her flail in a straight line in the same direction, dealing an additional 20 / 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 (+ 6% maximum health) (+60% of ability power) physical damage and applying Frost.

Your second swing deals additional damage and slows your enemies.
Range: 600
Cooldown: 1.5
Cost: 20
Passive: Sejuani and nearby melee allies apply Frost with their basic attacks, stacking up to four times. Sejuani can cast Permafrost on enemies with max Frost stacks.
Active: Sejuani can freeze an enemy champion, epic/large/medium monster, super minion or siege minion, dealing 55 / 105 / 155 / 205 / 255 (+60% of ability power) magic damage and stunning them for 1 second. Once consumed, enemy champions cannot gain Frost for 8 seconds. Permafrost resets Sejuani's basic attack timer.


Range: 1300
Cooldown: 130 / 110 / 90
Cost: 100
Sejuani throws a True Ice bola in a line, dealing 125 / 150 / 175 (+40% of ability power) magic damage and stunning for 1 second the first enemy champion that collides with.
Bolas are empowered after traveling 400 distance, increasing their damage to 200 / 300 / 400 (+80% of ability power) and stun duration to 1.5 seconds. Stunning a target with Glacial Prison triggers Permafrost's per-target stun cooldown.
Empowered bolas also leave behind an ice storm that explodes after a brief delay. The storm lasts 2 seconds and slows enemies by 30% while inside the AoE. The explosion deals 200 / 300 / 400 (+80% of ability power) magic damage and slows enemies by 80% for 1 second.

You can also apply a freeze to an enemy twice by using

Max W first.

Max Q

Max E last.


At level 3, take

If you use your flash during your dash you can extend its range. You will be able to surprise your enemy.
You can pass almost every wall in the game. Some of them need you to be really close.







You can also do 3 camps to get your level 3 and then try to find a lane to gank. For example, you can clear your bot side jungle and then gank mid at your level to burn the enemy flash or even get a kill.
Your goal is to get at the very least level 3 so you can have your 3 primary spells.

A way to increase your chance of winning a teamfight is to catch an isolated enemy. Check on the map if there is one enemy who farms minions in a lane or if an enemy is coming to an objective without vision (it's very important to have a

Sejuani is very good to engage teamfights thanks to her

When your carries are really far ahead or play very well, you have to protect them in teamfight from assassins. Keep your

farm your jungle, gank lanes and get objectives (herald, drakes and towers).
Starting in champion select you already want to know which lanes you are going to gank. Check on your team which champions have more potential to carry the game. You should also check your enemies. He might be worth putting a strong opponent behind.
Then, in the game, while you are doing your camp, keep an eye on every lane. If you see one of them winning the matchup, snowball by coming to their lane to help putting the enemy even more behind.

If you find it difficult to gank and find opportunities, focus more on neutral objectives.

Getting drake as early as possible will help you in the long run to get the soul. You will also force teamfights at the drake so if your team is doing great you might be able to end the game pretty quickly.
You can solo every elemental drake starting level 4. You have to make sure that the enemy jungler is not close because you will be very easy to kill.

Starting in champion select, identify which lane you want to focus on first (Note: that it can change through the game). Look at the melee champions in your teams. Is your toplaner a strong melee champion who can snowball hard on his matchup like

Start at your camp following the Jungle Pathing chapter. While doing your camps move your camera to laners to see the state of lane. Are they fighting constantly ? Is your laner or the enemy laner low ? Is your laner or the enemy laner pushing ? Check as often as possible these informations while keeping your original plan (which is to farm your camp until level 4 and gank). After getting level 4 from your camps, check if there is gank opportunity. Is the enemy laner close to your towers ? If yes, the gank has more chance to result to a kill. DO NOT USE

If you have a successful gank with a kill, be ready to come back to snowball your laner even harder. If you can get 1 or 2 more kills it will make your laner far ahead and you will able to secure objectives. If a lane is very behind, ignore it and focus on making your other laners ahead.
Every time you get kills, watch where you can convert the kill into another objective (

At this point, you want to engage in teamfights around objectives. It's Sejuani's Strength. When preparing for the next objective (

In late game, it's pretty much the same but you should be even more careful. One mistake can cost you the game. You have to ward around the 2 most important objectives at this point of the game :

Your successful teamfights should always convert toward an objective on the map (Turrets, Drake or Nashor).

Special thanks to :
Katasandra: her guide and her thought on guide helped immensely to improve my own guide. Thank you very much.
jhoijhoi's Making a Guide has helped me to improve each section of the guide as well.
Mowen for the Mobile friendly guide

- Guide visual update with Sejuani Victorious
- Rebuild recommendations and items
- Added build group items
- Updated jungle pathing
- Updated abilities
- Updated summoner spells chapter
- Updated and improved items chapter
- Guide visual update with Sejuani Solar Eclipse
- Updated build recommendations and items
- Updated summoner spells chapter
- Updated introduction chapter
- Updated items chapter
- Highlighted important information on teamfights and objectives chapters
- Updated conclusion chapter
- Complete redesign of the guide
- Responsive/Mobile Friendly
- Add Teamfights chapter
- Add Objectives chapter
- Add Changelogs chapter
- Creation of the guide
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