Bullies the **** out of you early game, don't get caught by Q.
If not ahead you can bully instead but she gets strong with a single item so watch out and have a teammate with you.
Its literally a 1v2, if you CC lock the ADC there is nothing Yuumi can do.
Her ult can negate your engage tho so bait it out before committing for real.
Miss Fortune
(Sup) Your passive counters her E and you have tons of CC to stop her ult.
Just don't let her get fed and she dies super easely.
His E makes it hard to catch him but once you lock him down its over.
Very annoying if fed but still killable.
His Green gun has twice your range so watch out for poke.
The biggest issue is his Purple gun since it can lock you down with Purple Q to negate your engage.
(ADC) She can't slow you when your Passive is up so use that to your advantage when engaging.
She's annoying early game but if you make it to 6 once you lock her down she can't do anything.
Watch out for her Ult tho.
She can kite the hell out of you so use bushes to catch her off guard (wath out for traps tho).
Her E can negate your engage so be sure to dodge it to reach her.
Also your a Tank so remember to block her Ult to save your teammates.
Annoying *** *****.
Her jump is literally a get out of jail free card so you can't lock her down.
If fed just FF 15.
Dodge her bubbles and you win.
Bait Ult and then commit.
Annoying as ****.
He can just hit you from outside tower range for whatever reason.
If you try to lock him down he literally just goes invisible.
Killable if you can CC Lock him to hell.
If fed just FF 15.
Just survive until level 6 then farm kills on every squishy in sight.
Just survive until level 6 then farm kills on every squishy in sight.
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