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Build Executioners + Black cleaver!
Very easy pre-6 lane. His first Q has 650 range, which is 50 more than your auto attack range until you have 40 wraiths. Level 1 harrass him, as you can easily dodge his Q's with glacial and him not having E. After level 1 play behind minions and poke whenever possible. This lane gets hard when 2 things happen. 1. Aatrox gets Goredrinker. 2. Aatrox gets level 6. Goredrinker is a much bigger spike than level 6 for Aatrox season 11. You need BOOTS OF SWIFTNESS after Executioners and level 6. PLAY AROUND AATROX Q+E AND ROOT HIM WHEN HE WALKS STRAIGHT AT YOU!
Standard Grasp Runes + Bone Plating
Build Duskblade + Boots of Swiftness
Easy lane as long as you dodge Stun. If you cannot dodge stun use W to root her so you take less damage and get away sooner, if you do this right you can turn the trade onto her. Having bone plating makes it alot harder for her to ever kill you until Post 6.
Can build any item into this lane, Grasp helps sustain, can go Ninja Tabis if enemy Jg is also AD auto attacker.
Just play smart and use your range to stay towards OPPOSITE wall of Camille. Swift boots helps to dodge stun. You out scale her hard, and she cannot hurt you once you have 80+ stacks.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build Trinity or Divine Sunderer as Mythic. Would recommend early boots to help dodge his Q. Keep bushes warded and dodge Cho'Gath Q and the lane is super free. He has no kill pressure on you if he misses Q and even if he does you can root him and then turn the trade on him in the early game. Farm stacks as well as the enemy lets you and look to build a BLACK CLEAVER fairly early on. Trinity helps dodge Q's and Divine Sunderer is great vs Tanky Cho'Gath. Overall easy lane as long as you play around his Q and poke him early.
Standard Glacial Runes
Build Duskblade or Trinity Force
This is a fairly easy matchup. You outrange all of his abilities with base auto range. His E is 575 range, which is 25 less than your range. So unless you play your range wrong he cannot get to you unless he uses Flash or Ghost. Glacial is to make sure he does not get onto you once he has his Trinity Force, and so that you can run him down the lane. The only reason this is not a Minor Lane is due to his insane damage if he lands an E. Just stay out of E range and get to 20 stacks and then the lane is super free.
Dr. Mundo
Standard Grasp Runes
Build: CULL. Any Mythic works here. Make sure to build EXECUTIONERS CALLING early on. Without it you cannot kill him even with JG ganks. Again, this is a farming lane, so go Cull and just farm your way to victory.
Standard Glacial Runes
Build: Duskblade
This is a weird matchup. If you are playing vs a godly Fiora and you are not a Godly Senna then this is a HARD matchup. Glacial is to make the matchup easier, Duskblade makes it EVEN EASIER. Plated Steelcaps are an option.
Glacial slow her anytime she Q's towards you, and only root her when her W is down or you are out of its range. She can all in you level 6 if you are over extended.
PRE 6 YOU CAN KILL HER. Glacial gives you kill pressure but being able to run her down lane if she misses a Q or W. You outscale her but she spikes at 2/3 items way harder than you, so WARN YOUR TEAMMATES when she is out of lane.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build: CULL. Build items based on rest of enemy team. This lane is really easy and you can hard win it with any items.
You can long range Q his barrels to stop his combos. Some Gankplanks DO NOT KNOW THIS. I find this matchup super easy due to this fact. His poke is worse than yours and his orange is easily baited by your W.
Once you get 40 wraiths you outrange Gangplank's Q, so he can no longer trade with you properly!
Standard Glacial Runes
Build: Trinity Force or Duskblade
Very easy lane. You may never be able to kill him but you can poke him out of lane and keep the minion wave in a favorable position. Trinity gives you extra movement speed and AD that is great for chasing down an opponent. Keep Garen at max range and he will never be able to trade with you without flashing. Not anything special past a free farm lane.
Standard Grasp Runes (Might want Unflinching)
Build: Black Cleaver first item or Trinity Force
Gnar is a 50-50 lane. I would say it is a skill matchup. If the Gnar is better than you and you step up he might be able to all in you early on, but if Gnar over extends after using his hop you might be able to kill him too. Dodge his boomerangs and poke him whenever he misses them. You have more range than him so punish him for getting minions. Watch out for Mega Gnar and him hopping onto you, this can mean dead. Overall Tabis or Swifties are both great options that can help you win the lane.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build Executioners Calling early on. Trinity Force might be useful.
We all know how an Illaoi lane goes. Dodge her E and you win, get hit by it and it is night night. Luckily with Grasp you can poke her through minions and by CSing, which is great, chipping her down before a gank is crucial. If you cannot poke her but are not losing lane hard then try to keep your jungler away. It is dangerous to gank an Illaoi before Grievous Wounds due to her healing.
Standard Glacial Runes
Build Duskblade or Trinity Force. Divine Sunderer also works for its healing.
Easy lane Pre 6 with glacial. Glacial slows down the speed of her Q dashes, making it easier to trade with her early on. Irelia's Q puts her behind her target, so if she Q's you after level 2 you can walk up and throw you W backwards right when she gets to you from the dash. This will root her and minimize her damage while giving you time to reposition and trade back. After level 6 things get difficult if you are on her side of the lane due to her ult and stun. She can all in you, but if you use your E ahead of time it can make dodging both a whole lot easier. She pushes wave so hard you typically will not be on her side of the map unless she gets a wave reset off.
Standard Grasp Runes + Bone Plating & Unflinching
Build: Have yet to find optimal build. I suggest getting Plated Steelcaps early on, maybe Bramble vest. This is a very hard lane if you are vs a competent Jax. His jump strike is 700 range, meaning he can jump on you while you cannot even auto him. Best thing you can do is use your W in response to his jump to root him. Even with this Jax can get a lot of damage off on you. He does not hard win these trades unless his counter strike is up, so you have about a 14 second time frame to get as many grasp procs off before he can hard engage on you again. I suggest letting him push the lane to you and play super passive and get wraiths when it is safe to.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build: I typically change my build based on how aggressive the Jayce is or not. If he isnt too aggressive I would go something like trinity or Black cleaver early. If he is hyper aggressive I would stack up some armor.
Not much to say about this lane due to it being different everytime I encounter it. You are basically at the mercy of the Jayce, best thing you can do is try to counter poke and dodge Q's, if you do this then you might be able to pull a cheeky root off into a kill early on. Don't count on kills in this lane ever, I personally hate it.
Grasp or Glacial Runes
Runes are up for debate because the lane can go many different ways. Glacial gives you the chance to get an early kill off if the Kayle over extends and takes too much poke to CS. But Grasp helps you in the Post-6 Trades. I find this lane to be quite difficult as you attract alot of JG attention from the enemies and tend to get ganked alot. Kayle scales much harder than you, if you think the game could go to 25-30 minutes then Glacial might be your best bet, as slowing her in the late game can be the difference between living and your whole team dying.
Standard Grasp Runes + Unflinching (If more CC than just Kennen)
Build Duskblade is typically what I build so I can get that massive slow on him for a trade.
This lane is typically really hard due to him not letting you get wraiths off of him. This can really hurt your scaling so I suggest baiting him into pushing the wave and BEGGING for a gank from your jungler. You out scale him but he can impact team fights much more than you can mid game.
This is an awful lane to be in...unless you know what you are doing. Malphite gets a passive shield every 10 seconds if he has not been hit. This is why we go Scorch and Corrupting potion. You MUST do whatever you can to get a grasp proc off whenever he goes in for his Q. His Q range is 625, so he has more range than your auto attacks until 40 wraiths. You can use your passive on Malphite after he Q's you to gain back some Movement Speed for .5 seconds (not much). Trade with him level 1 using Auto-Q-Auto or just Auto-Q. Get his Shield down and keep it there. Use Scorch to add a second to the timer, use Corrupting potion when scorch is down. KEEP THAT SHIELD DOWN. Level 6 you die. That is the truth. Best thing you can hope for is lots of love and cuddles from your jungler so that you can get his ult on cooldown or kill him. Otherwise wait to scale and ping his roams like a mad man.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build CULL Manamune or Black Cleaver
Fairly easy lane phase. His hop onto you is 525 range and his Q (displacement) is 600 range. So playing at your max range for the full lane leaves him nothing to do but attempt to farm. Maokai is also SUPER HARD TO KILL as Senna. That is the only reason it is a 50-50 matchup. If you do not farm properly then he will spike harder than you and he will just hop onto you and ult you to death XD You can get loads of stacks in this lane due to his passive healing him, this causes him to feel more comfortable taking poke THUS giving Senna WRAITHS AND GRASP STACKS!!! Manamune is great for scaling but if you dont cs well it stops your first item spike by a huge amount. Going Black Cleaver is a sager option that allows you to stay in your lane and keep maokai there too.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build: CULL Boots Of Swiftness Manamune
Easy lane, you both scale really hard. Just make sure to punish EVERY SINGLE CS HE TAKES. He goes to Q a minion? AUTO-Q He goes to walkup to think about getting a minion? AUTO-Q Even just AUTO AUTO. Get them stacks. Get free stacks while punishing his Stacks. You can get EXECUTIONERS CALLING early if your JG is gonna gank for you. Otherwise it is just a farming lane, but you can punish him for farming just by existing, he has to use his slow to get near you at all. This is why we go Boots of swiftness.
Standard Glacial Runes
Build Black Cleaver and Infinity Edge.
We go glacial here so that we can keep her slowed and get more autos off on him. I have had lanes vs Ornn where I got 20 wraiths in 5 minutes. Ornn is tanky so he will stay in the minion wave and try to combo you. It is really easy to dodge his combos as long as you get slows on him. You get kill pressure on him in the 1v1 mid game, you are much stronger and scale much harder. He does buff his teammates late game, but if you can just kill those teammates then their items dont matter. Take advantage of this lane for free stacks.
Standard Grasp + Bone Plating & Unflinching
Build Plated Steel caps vs PTA Pantheon. Black Cleaver or Trinity are both good. If team is squishy you can go Duskblade for the slow.
His stun is 600 range with a 13 second cooldown, so he can stun you if you can auto him. Keep this in mind and only let him stun you if you have bone plating and root up. Make sure to root him whenever he stuns you.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build Black Cleaver
Poppy is another free stack lane. She cannot get near you at all if you play max range. He dash is a 475 range ability. She can only land it on you if you walk up very far. For real just a stack farm, kinda like Ornn but even easier.
Standard Glacial Runes
Build Plated Steel Caps OR Bramble vest into Duskblade.
You outrange Quinn's autos but her E (dash) range is 675. You do not outrange that until 80 wraiths, or around mid game. Luckily if Quinn dashes onto you it allows you to Auto-Q-Auto her and chase her while potentially landing your root. If you play in minions you punish her hard. Even with the range advantage Quinn is scary with her burst + ignite. you CAN do Exhaust vs her to just guarantee she can never kill you when she engaged. If you go exhaust skip defensive items.
Standard Grasp + Bone Plating & Unflinching (if other enemies have CC)
Build: Duskblade or Trinity
Both items are based off of slowing or speeding up. You need to run from Renekton and root him when he tries to chase you. He is really scary so you just gotta play back and farm up safely. If possible call for ganks, otherwise you outscale him hard! Get to mid/late game and you will do more than Renekton if you stayed alive in lane and farmed well.
Standard Glacial Runes
Build Duskblade, Trinity, or Black Cleaver first. Tabis work.
50-50 lane, Riven does loads more damage than you if she gets her Q's on you. BUT! Glacial can slow her down and keep her from getting near you. Just respect her and stay back when her abilties are up. She spikes hard at 1 item so do not get cocky. Root her when she wants to engage and you will be fine. Farm and get souls :)
Standard Glacial Runes (Can go Grasp with boots).
Build Black Cleaver, Trinity, Divine, or Duskblade
This lane is very easy early on. Sett has a movement speed stim on his Q, so this is his only way to get near you. With Glacial you can stay out of his E range at all times, 490 range. Many Setts like to play aggressive because Sett is strong! Abuse this, stay out of E range and you are winning, you can bait the E out a lot of times after they use their Q. Root the Sett and get 3-4 autos off and you will be SMOOTH SAILING.
Standard Glacial Runes + Legend: Tenacity
Build Black Cleaver, Duskblade, or Divine Sunderer first.
Lane is very weird. Level 1 and 2 you hard win trades. Glacial makes it easy to get stacks on Shen. Once he is level 3 it gets harder. His Taunt range is 600, same as your auto range. It is very easy for Shen to land taunt on you before you get 20+ wraiths. If he does taunt you then you will lose about 30-50% health. His burst is insane. Just respect his taunt and lane becomes easy. Wiggle your champ to try to bait out the Shen taunt. You can put your W on Shen when he ults to cause him and who he is ulting to become rooted. That is huge XD
Call out his ult like crazy when he is 6 and play aggressive if your teammates are fighting.
No true notes for this matchup. Build Tiamat to push out wave, if he proxys properly then your lane is gone since Senna has no wave clear without items. Check your jungle before lane starts to keep him out of your wave. Call for JG loads.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build Black Cleaver first. This matchup can be really hard. His Q charge is 600 range, but if he slows you it is easy for him to land the knockup on you. Just get AS MANY stacks as possible. CS perfectly and get a black cleaver as fast as possible. Play around his slow and Q and can be fine. Once he is level 6 his ult plus Q is impossible for Senna to deal with. Try to flash in a way he cannot hit you.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build hexdrinker/Merc treads
Difficult because early Teemo can just blind you to stop your autos and Q. He can be super aggressive and have infinite kill pressure on you. Only reason this is not extreme is because you can let him push wave and play slow till 20 stacks. Once at 20 stacks you can start trading vs him very easily while getting poked WAY less.
Standard Glacial Runes
Build Duskblade or Trinity
Tryndamere is really easy with Glacial. Only way he can get near you is with his spin. You can just root him in response and hard punish him. He probably will not trade you hard till level 6, and hold your root once he is 6 until he ults. Then you can lock him down and possibly kill him. Duskblade is a second slow that makes the matchup even easier. Trinity is to help you survive and kite easily.
Just make sure to play max range :D
Standard Glacial Runes
Build Black Cleaver or Duskblade
Can be a difficult lane. Urgot can kill you easily level 6 by just hitting his Q. Laning phase before first back is fairly easy, your slow makes his dash stun slower and much easier to dodge. Just play this really smart after level 6. Make sure to dodge his stun and you will be fine, do not attempt all ining him until he is below 35% health. He takes alot to kill once he has Black Cleaver. Just know he can easily 1 shot you if he lands his stun.
Standard Grasp Runes
Build Executioners Calling and Trinity Force
Not a very complicated lane. Just poke him and punish him for trying to Q you. His Q range is 600 so you can Auto-Q him anytime he wants to Q you. Other than that just play smart and take good trades. Get 20 wraiths as fast as possible and auto him BEFORE he Q's you from now on.
Standard Glacial Runes
Build Black Cleaver or Trinity Force
SUPER EASY MATCHUP!!!!!!!!! He cannot stun you unless he flashes or you mess up. Root him, and auto him to death. His Ult makes him unstoppable so use E and run away from where he ults THEN root him. He out pushes you but you get to poke him for pushing lane. Second wind can end up healing you whenever his passive bounces to you if you are lower health. Just outscale him and build INFINITY EDGE at some point.
I am Luceris! I have been playing League since the beginning of 2020. I have mained Ranged Top laners, but I did not find my love for these types of champions until a few months in. I started out as Iron 4 at the beginning of the year and until I found ranged top laners my win rate stayed as low as 30%. Once I started maining Teemo and Quinn I started winning games and ranking up! I got my WR back up to 50% at the end of the season and I ended the season as Silver 2 by using Ranged Top Laners!!!
I would say I have learned a lot about Top lane and how to win using Ranged Champions and what the matchups are like for them. On my main and alt account I accumulated about 200 total Senna games. Senna is my second favorite top laner to play, and I have put a lot of effort into finding the best builds for her Top Lane.
I am still testing out builds so feel free to join my Discord and check out my Twitch!
Why Senna Top?
Senna - The Redeemer Ranged scaling laner that can impact the whole map without leaving lane
Ease of play: She is a laner that is very easy to learn Speciality: Farming and scaling in most lanes with ease Why play Senna top? Senna WANTS to scale into the mid and late game, what better way to do that than smack her into the top lane vs many immobile champs that cannot get near her to pressure he?! Most lanes are farm lanes in the top, and if Senna is just farming and stacking wraiths she is winning. Can't ever seen to kill those pesky top lane tanks? Well have no fear!! Senna is here to stack up grasp stacks and take their soul! Vs some tank matchups you can get 20 wraiths as soon as 5 minutes!!! Since they cannot pressure you it allows you to just farm your wraiths every chance possible!
Positives / Negatives
Senna's Positives
→ 600 base auto attack range → Q heals allies and damages enemies → Can build MOST items in League → Scales harder than many Top laners → Can fit into any role a team needs → She looks super cool!!!
Senna is one of the most versatile champions in League of legends. She can build almost any item and go any rune page you want. This combined with how amazing she scales can cause her to be an amazing Top lane pick.
She has great AA range which in combination with her Piercing Darkness can make for amazing poke in lane that cannot be punished, while also healing yourself when needed. Most top laners cannot kill Senna simply because they cannot get near Senna. Senna's Curse of the Black Mist can be used to help evade enemies or to chase them down lane, this combined with Glacial make melee matchups relatively easy early on.
Senna's passive, Absolution, actually gives her a short .5 second burst of movement speed. If you use this properly you can poke enemies and run away faster OR auto a minion to psyche out your opponent but really start running towards them. It is a small movement speed stim, but it can mean loads when used properly.
Senna's biggest advantage can actually be to her disadvantage in some scaling matchups, while she may scale faster than some scaling champs there are a few that are better then Senna. Kayle can scale much harder than Senna and do so with more success. Kayle does what you want to do a little faster, increased AA range, more damage, teammate saving ult, etc. If you do not get jungle attention it can cause seemingly easy lanes to scale away from you.
Senna's low base AD and slow attack speed causes her to have trouble pushing the wave when she wants. She cannot always punish a greedy back and has trouble freezing the wave vs many AD Bruisers.
Senna has no really getaway card in her kit when it comes to ganks. Due to this we build Boots of Swiftness and let opponent push wave towards us.
Senna's Negatives
→ Cannot punish same scaling champs → Low base attack damage → Susceptible to ganks → Poor wave push power
ABSOLUTION(Passive): INNATE - WEAKENED SOUL: Senna's basic attacks on-hit and damaging abilities on enemy champions apply Mist for 4 seconds, refreshed to 0.75 seconds if Senna starts winding up a basic attack on them. If Senna applies Mist to the same target twice, she collects it, dealing 1% − 16% (based on level) of target's current health Attack damage bonus physical damage, and making the target immune to further Mist applications for a few seconds. Champions and large monsters that die near Senna spawn a Mist Wraith for 8 seconds. Epic monsters spawn 2 Mist Wraiths instead. Minions and lesser monsters have a 22% chance to spawn Mist Wraiths, which is reduced to 8.33% chance on those that Senna kills. Senna can basic attack a Mist Wraith to destroy it, gaining 3 gold and collecting its Mist.
INNATE - ABSOLUTION: Each stack of Mist grants Senna 0.75 bonus attack damage. For every 20 stacks, Senna also gains 25 bonus range and 15% critical strike chance. Upon exceeding 100% critical strike chance, Senna converts 35% of the excess into life steal.
INNATE - RELIC CANNON: Senna's basic attacks deal 20% bonus physical damage on-hit and grants 10 / 15 / 20% of the target's movement speed as bonus movement speed for 0.5 seconds on-hit (level 1/6/10).
PIERCING DARKNESS(Q): After a brief delay, Senna fires a spectral laser in the direction of the target unit, healing herself and allied champions in a line for 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 25% AP), and dealing 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 40% bonus AD) physical damage to enemy minions and champions in a thinner line. Piercing Darkness can target turrets, minions, monsters, champions, wards, and anything else interactable.
LAST EMBRACE(W): ACTIVE: Senna throws a globule of Black Mist in the target direction, dealing 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 70% bonus AD) physical damage and sticking onto the first enemy hit. After a 1 second delay or when the target dies, the Black Mist spreads out of the target, rooting them and nearby enemies for 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 seconds.
Has an effect radius of 280.
You can kill a minion hit to make the root happen early, you can also hit a minion before Last Embrace would hit them to make it kill the minion and immediately root.
CURSE OF THE BLACK MIST(E): ACTIVE: Senna surrounds herself with an aura of mist and gains camouflage for 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8. Basic attacks and abilities briefly remove the effects of camouflage.
WRAITH FORM: Gain camouflage. Enemies will gain obscured vision of Wraiths moving outside of the mist. Performing a basic attack or casting an ability removes Wraith Form, which cannot be regained for 2 seconds. Senna and allies camouflaged by Curse of the Black Mist also gain 20% bonus movement speed.
This ability is best used proactively instead of reactively due a cast time before you gain movement speed.
DAWNING SHADOW(R): ACTIVE: Senna reveals herself before firing two beams of spectral light in the target direction, granting sight of the area briefly along its path. The center beam deals 250 / 375 / 500 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP) physical damage to enemy champions hit and afflicts them with Mist.
The broad beam shields Senna and allied champions hit for 120 / 160 / 200 (+ 40% AP)
Summoner Spells
FLASH: Just go Flash every game. Senna has no real getaway or hard engage so she needs Flash every game.
Exhaust: I do not recommend this often, but it can be good vs Assassins that scale the heck out of you. Akali, Zed, people like that who end up laning vs you.
TELEPORT: I recommend this in almost every matchup. Using it to make up for her poor wave push can help save some lane phases. Also making 2 cross map plays after level 6 with Dawning Shadow and Teleport can swing an entire game into your team's favor. Teleport
Rune Choices
Grasp of the Undying: This is good for a multitude of lanes. The damage and healing helps to trade is some lanes vs certain aggressive laners like Camille while providing as another way to scale in lanes where kills are unlikely to occur like vs Maokai and Ornn. [Piercing Darkness] can proc Grasp of the Undying outside of your normal range, use minions and wards to position to get extra grasp stacks in lane. Grasp also goes amazing when you are forced into a pseudo tank role!
Minor Rune
Font of Life: This is the only real choice out of the first 3 Minor Rune options. Shield Bash does nothing for Senna and Demolish requires you to be closer to a turret than your auto attack range to proc. Font of life is the clear choice, combined with your Last Embrace it can set up even better for ganks by providing healing, and is great in mid to late game team fights with the potential to heal multiple teammates multiple times.
Minor Rune
Second Wind: Always choose between Second Wind and Bone Plating. Second Wind is my go to choice in most lanes. Paired with Revitalize it heals for even more and works great if you stack any form of health. It makes trades even easier for you to win through the whole of laning phase vs champs that are not super aggressive.
Minor Rune
Bone Plating: Choose Bone Plating over Second Wind when vs specific laners. This includes but is not limited to Renekton, Camille, Shen, and Jax. Use of either rune is up to personal playstyle and how you plan to take trades during the lane.
Minor Rune
Revitalize: I take Revitalize in 90% of games. Just overall a great rune, especially if you have another healer or shield based mage on the team. Just pick Overgrowth when going full health build. Otherwise always go Revitalize.
(Can go Unflinching if vs 3+ champs with easy to land CC.)
Secondary Runes
Presence of Mind: In Season 11 Presence of Mind works differently than before, but I still prefer this over Manaflow Band so we can have Legend: Bloodline. Auto- Piercing Darkness first thing in lane so keep poking your opponent to permanently gain mana regen per second. In some lanes you can keep your mana close to full while also applying great poke due to the mana regen.
Glacial Augment: Glacial Augment is a great option into any matchup. It is a super safe rune that helps punish bruisers that want to be near you to kill you. It also doubles as a way to run the opponents down after that take a bad trade. It provides so much utility that it is my favorite keystone to play with.
Minor Rune
Magical Footwear: Best option for Senna out of the first 3. The free gold value is too good to give up. With the Magical Footwear extra speed it can make it worth it to build defensive boots when you normally would build Boots of Swiftness
Minor Rune
Biscuit Delivery: The extra lane sustain speaks for itself. More mana to stay in lane early and push a wave in is way worth it. The max mana increase does wonders over the course of a full game. Amazing option.
Minor Rune
Approach Velocity: My go to choice out of the last 3 minor runes. Being able to run down your opposing laner is amazing and can make it so much easier to secure kills that you would otherwise have to flash for.
Minor Rune
Time Warp Tonic: Only go this if you decide to start Corrupting Potion combined with Biscuit Delivery. The 5% movement speed is great at times, I suggest holding onto the potions as long as possible when going this rune.
Secondary Runes
Presence of Mind: In Season 11 Presence of Mind works differently than before, but I still prefer this over Manaflow Band so we can have Legend: Bloodline. Auto- Piercing Darkness first thing in lane so keep poking your opponent to permanently gain mana regen per second. In some lanes you can keep your mana close to full while also applying great poke due to the mana regen.
How To Play Laning Phase And Early Game
Early laning phase consists of lots of small double auto attack trades or auto attack and Piercing Darkness. Getting 2 hits off early to maximize the amount of wraiths you can collect early on. You are looking for the happy middle of perfect cs and perfect poke. Giving up 1 caster to get every other wraith is fine in the early game, as long as you are winning the overall trade and gaining a health advantage. Overall you are a pretty weak early game champion if you do not get to choose the battle field. Typically you try to get a ward in either tri bush or past river bush around the 2:35-2:40 mark.
Typically you do not rotate for skuttle unless you are in a very very easy matchup with a strong jungler. You just look to farm up to level 6 as fast as possible. Once level 6 you look for cross map plays using Dawning Shadow to get an assist or two so you can replenish mana with Presence of Mind. If you do get the mana replenish around level 6 you can keep your opponent in lane longer due to being able to poke and push the lane a little harder. Teleport can be used to secure bot kills if your ult is down or simply return to a favorable lane, holding it is not as important as some laners. Your main objective early is to STAY ALIVE. This is the most important thing you can do. The best Senna games are not ones where you get a bunch of early kills coupled with some deaths due to enemy Jungle, the best games are when you never let yourself die. This means you are always getting experience and gold, allowing you to scale for the mid and late game.
Mid Game
How Does The Mid Game Look?
Mid game is around the 20 minutes mark or when players are reaching their 3rd item. Senna's mid game is super important, this is the time when team fights can add large numbers of wraiths to her arsenal. At this point you should have about 3 items and if you started Manamune it should be turned into Muramana around 20-23 minutes. This is a huge power spike for you and you can now fight more often. You are looking to create leads for yourself and teammates, since Senna does not take turrets well you typically will push out whatever lane you are in and then roam to the jungler or mid laner to look for a fight or farm up wraiths. This is about a rinse and repeat cycle you continue until you catch an opponent off guard or an objective spawns. You play very support like mid game, as you are really only looking for picks while with teammates. At this point you CAN 1v1 most champions, but it isnt what makes you strong. Teleport should best be used proactively to help secure kills and objectives, being heavily defensive with a Teleport at this stage of the game can shift the whole game towards the opponents. Overview Of Midgame
1. Push minion waves 2. Roam with JG and Mid laner 3. Collect Wraiths along the way 4. Rinse and Repeat
Late Game
Late Game Hyper Carry?
Late game is where Senna is strongest. Around the 30 minute mark you could be anywhere between 100 wraiths up to 140 wraiths (depending on overall kills and time spent roaming). This is when you are extremely strong and opponents will most likely FF. You are just looking to group and pressure the turrets and enemies. Teleport is crucial at this point, being able to stop a split pushing Tryndamere while your 4 teammates are in Nexus Turrets is game changing.
Max build Senna is oppressive and as long as you play your range you can kite and kill anyone 1v1 and can be the most annoying champion on your team in fights.
A new strategy you can do with Senna late game is sell your boots for Galeforce and buy a 6th item. You now have more movement speed than with most boots and more overall stats. The movement ability from Galeforce can make you able to single handedly end the game. Being able to AUTO-Q-AUTO-W-Galeforce can kill most anyone but the Tank on the opposing team.
1. Play your range and group with your team. 2. Focus on being annoying and pressure opponents under turrets and near objectives. 3. Use Teleport to win your team the game, to help win a base race or prevent your opponents from splitting.
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