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Ability Order
Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
1. Setting up or just using your ult in situations that require damage is crutial to win, if you are EVER IN A TIGHT SPOT us that ult to get out from where you started, however you being too long in a fight Ekko ult will just be a waste.
2. Only use your ult half way during the fight if YOU ARE USING IT FOR DAMAGE, if you walk into a bush and you start to get ambushed use that ult to get out but use it too late and its not worth the button push.
3. Utilize your W, the enemy cannot see it if you use it until the skill is set in motion (Meaning when you see your clone hit the ball onto the field is when they can see it.).\
4. Your biggest damage output comes from your W and your passive, utilizing these together with your q will do amazing damage.
5. Your Q is one of the biggest ways to keep enemies at bay because anything the Q touches it will do a stack of Z on. Utilizing the Q with your e will be huge amounts of damage to your targets.
6. Ekko can wall jump with the e (depending on certain walls) utilize them to get to places and understand the distance from the movement to the jump after the inital casting of the E.
Final. Your overall damage output combo would be, Q out then e to them, if they start to run, plan ahead by using your W to stop or slow and try to maximize the damage output from your q, if you hang around the fight for too long, dont worry that ult will be 100% the reason why this assassin can stay and hang out in the middle of the fight longer than other assassins.
2. Only use your ult half way during the fight if YOU ARE USING IT FOR DAMAGE, if you walk into a bush and you start to get ambushed use that ult to get out but use it too late and its not worth the button push.
3. Utilize your W, the enemy cannot see it if you use it until the skill is set in motion (Meaning when you see your clone hit the ball onto the field is when they can see it.).\
4. Your biggest damage output comes from your W and your passive, utilizing these together with your q will do amazing damage.
5. Your Q is one of the biggest ways to keep enemies at bay because anything the Q touches it will do a stack of Z on. Utilizing the Q with your e will be huge amounts of damage to your targets.
6. Ekko can wall jump with the e (depending on certain walls) utilize them to get to places and understand the distance from the movement to the jump after the inital casting of the E.
Final. Your overall damage output combo would be, Q out then e to them, if they start to run, plan ahead by using your W to stop or slow and try to maximize the damage output from your q, if you hang around the fight for too long, dont worry that ult will be 100% the reason why this assassin can stay and hang out in the middle of the fight longer than other assassins.
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