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Shyvana Build Guide by TwixTreM

Jungle Shyvana JG Gauntlet <3

Jungle Shyvana JG Gauntlet <3

Updated on March 31, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TwixTreM Build Guide By TwixTreM 6,160 Views 0 Comments
6,160 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TwixTreM Shyvana Build Guide By TwixTreM Updated on March 31, 2020
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Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


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Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Champion Build Guide

Shyvana JG Gauntlet <3

By TwixTreM
Shyvana JG
☙ Early game ☙

U should focus on farm until u get 6 lvl.

If your opponent is on top/dead you can try to take dragon at lvl 4 (its pretty easy when you are shyvana). When u cant farm in jg because you did full clear in jg you should try to invade or gank lane (it depending on the situation in game).

☙ Mid Game ☙

In mid game you should focus on objectives, farm and pushing lanes. Remember it is always worth to take a dragon even if u will die for it

☙ Late Game ☙

You should focus on teamfights. You should be the one who's start teamfight with R and focus on main carry in enemy team.

Also don't forget about dragon/baron and farm.

☙ Ad v Ap ☙

Everybody thinks that shyvana ap is better but I am not.

Shyvana ap is useless without R and she is boring it's like if you have cd on e you can't do anything + you're paper.

With ad shyv you're tanky and deal so much dmg with everything.

☙ Remember ☙

In platinium division people only focus on mid lane after 20 min game. It is really bad. You should never forget about other lanes. U dont have to fight only on mid u can also push other lanes. Many games is like "oh we pushed 1 tower on bot/top lets go mid and do nothing because we cant push becuase enemy team is deffend a tower" Its not good and u should remember about this.

☙ Jg clear ☙

Red -> Blue -> frog -> wolves -> Birds -> Crab/Golems

☙ Ganks ☙

Yes I said you should focus on farm until 6 but you can try to help on lanes. With this runes u have some dmg and it is possible to gank before 6. She is just not as great as lee Sin.

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