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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Fury of the Dragonborn (PASSIVE)
Shyvana Passive Ability
This build will look at people experienced a bit lighter! This is my first and I still do not know the game on the tip of your finger.
So if some have ideas for improvement, he does not hesitate ^^
I did a lot of part (beginner course) with this stuff and this mastery and I especially love.
Speed given by runes and mastery, combined with boots can be on lane all and all fight!
It also offers a large capacity split push that made me win game who announced lost.
Frozen mallet also helps ease the gank, slowing the enemy for your carry and combined with aegis of legion, you can have a capital life points sufficient to undertake the fight with dragon form !
For the rest of the stuff, it is always useful to have a ward and damage zone push split during.
I do not expect a great rating for this build ... but I find it interesting, I'd like your opinion on the points positive and negative, for the better and make a viable build a higher level! =)
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