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Ability Order
Fury of the Dragonborn (PASSIVE)
Shyvana Passive Ability
shyvana is a hybrid champion. she has 1 ability that scales with ad. the rest scale with ap. i chose the hextech gunblade because it has the cutlass for the slow. also, when you build attack speed on shyvana, it makes her burnout go away faster because the autos have a cap on how long it lasts. the spell vamp gives her health while you use burnout so when you are jungling, you have insane sustain.
you generally want to start at the red buff because you dont use mana(obviously). you are gonna want to jump into the entire enemy team with your ult. it will do insane dmg and let the carries focus you because you just jumped on them. when you gank, you want to come from behind. that will pull them into your team.
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