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Shyvana Build Guide by SmackThatFool

Jungle Shyvana [S4] How to

Jungle Shyvana [S4] How to

Updated on December 1, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SmackThatFool Build Guide By SmackThatFool 4,381 Views 0 Comments
4,381 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SmackThatFool Shyvana Build Guide By SmackThatFool Updated on December 1, 2013
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Shyvana in Season 4

So I wont talk much, I want to get to the best parts of Shyvana to help people get used to Season 4. So basically, the start of this guide is my Solo Que guide, because I play shyvana mainly in Solo Que. Works well for teams as well

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Creeping / Jungling


When starting your jungle I suggest letting your team damage it before using your W, this will make it so that they can do more damage and as soon as they leave you can kill it without taking to much damage.

Blue Side

Red Buff ---> Wraiths ---> Blue Buff ====> Gank Top

After Gank: Big Wraith --> Wolves (At this point judge your health, continue jungling
towards wraiths or recall)

Purple Side

Blue Buff --> Wolves ---> Red Buff =====> Gank or Golems (Judge There Positioning, is
your team pushed?)

After Gank: Wraiths --> Wolves. (At this point judge your health, continue jungling
towards Big wraith or recall)

After this back you will have enough damage to kill the mobs quickly as you pass them, I suggest doing this to gain levels. Shyvana is strong because she clears so fast, counter jungling is now a good idea. Be warry of wards are Blue and Red, this is why you have the ward sweeper. Once you get Tiamate use it to clear even faster!(Spam that sucker!)
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Pros / Cons

Pros First!

- Very Fast at Clearing Jungle, USE YOUR TIAMATE!
- Pushes Very Fast with the Q Proc on turrets! Back door with the good escape of your ulti! (If someone backs take advantage!)
- Fast Movement Speed!
- Can take dragon fairly early
- Exhaust gives you a huge dualing ability with the escape of your ulti

Cons :(

- Without her ulti you don't have an escape because this build takes exhaust
- No hard CC, once you get your slow it is very helpful
- Other melee champs are quite strong later in the game, take advantage early
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Summoner Spell Choices

First Choices

Smite and Exhaust

--> Smite: Jungler, obviously needs smite
--> Exhaust: Gives you a lot of catching ability, once you hit 6 you're fairly tanky
and have your ult for escapes.

Other Options!

Flash and Ghost
--> Flash: Gives you a strong escape on top of your ulti
--> Ghost: I don't prefer this one, but it is viable. Gives you good chasing ability.
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First Important items

I would suggest getting the Spirit Stone before shoes if you don't have the money, Shyvana has a natural speed boost with her W. The reason I put the starting items of Tiamate before the SOAG is because often you dont have enough money for SOAG early and they really do help

Midgame Items

--> Alacrity is key!
--> Use Tiamate in the jungle, makes it hella fast.
--> The Slow from Mallet is key to catching your enemies

Late Game Items

Trinity or BORK depending if you want to survive compared to damage. (I prefer Trinity)
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For runes I'd suggest flat runes, as Shyvana has a very strong early in the jungle, giving her the ability to get way ahead in levels. I almost always as high of a level as both mids and tops. The Attack Speed Glyphs may seem a little odd, but because you get a little bit of health regen per attack with Machette it gives you the sustain to gank a bit more without going back. It's also very strong lategame without having to build attack speed.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SmackThatFool
SmackThatFool Shyvana Guide
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Shyvana [S4] How to

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