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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
as a jungler, you want the hunters machete at level 1, and 5 pots is standard. do that. on your first back, get a spirit stone. if you got first blood, you should also be able to get boots and 2 wards. this will help your A LOT in the early game (you'll be moving faster, and able to catch lower level champs more effectively due to vision) your next major item should be an Avarice Blade. its GP10 Passive, and extra gold help you early game, and a crit never hurt anyone besides who you're chopping. after this, build your Spirit Stone into a Spirit of the Elder Lizard. it's burn increases clear speed, and if you pop your W for damage, it applies the burn (and makes split pushing late game a breeze) after this, you're going to want a Blade of the Ruined King. giving you life steal, attack damage, and attack speed, you're increasing everything you want to have increased. the active on BoRK, along with your Ultimate, is overly good. at this point you have a solid amount of Attack Damage, so you'll want to improve other stats. i opt for a Phantom Dancer, to grant attack speed, and critical chance. i normally get the Cloak of Agility first, due to the attack speed you already have from your ult/BoRK. its probably late game now, buy tier two boots scrub. i get mobility for the...mobility. awkward. remember your avarice blade? it's earned you a lot of gold. get yourself a stattik shiv. its passive is pretty ****ing awesome. NOW, the choice is yours. get a tank item, get a damage item, get a Trinity Force for gods sakes, do what you want. but, keep buying red pots, for bonus AD and Health. have fun, you dirty man.
im not a typical jungler, but hear me out. start Bottom side. no matter what. get a smiteless first, and go straight to your other buff. at lvl 3, gank top or mid. if you get a kill, GGNORE. if you die, this game will be hard. keep your farm decent, (i aim for 120 by 20 with at LEAST 5 kills contributed too (kills or assists)) the passive on your E gives you permanent health for creeps that you kill/die around you. if done correctly, you have about 4k health at lvl 18. ask your mid laner to not need blue, but if they do, you'll be okay, but not perfect. make sure you keep doing Red and Dragon as soon as you're able. make sure you have sufficient lane pressure all around. if done correctly, top and mid will be afraid to push, making your laners be relaxed. this makes games easy. keep your items fresh, and lanes pushed.
innately tanky
point-to-click stun
your E makes farming really easy
have a shield, THAT DOES DAMAGE
ult heals surrounding teammates, AND YOURSELF
Blade of the Ruined King is a common item, and youre tanky :c
if you die at level 1, you are seriously ****ed
short range stun
auto attack champion
your teammates will probably think youre trolling
innately tanky
point-to-click stun
your E makes farming really easy
have a shield, THAT DOES DAMAGE
ult heals surrounding teammates, AND YOURSELF
Blade of the Ruined King is a common item, and youre tanky :c
if you die at level 1, you are seriously ****ed
short range stun
auto attack champion
your teammates will probably think youre trolling
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