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Recommended Items
Runes: My Standart in General
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
While she dashes in your Back shes horrible to fight, shes defently the best counter against Sion
Champion Build Guide
one Day i decided to main This Champ in Season 9. Since that Time i´ve had fun playing on all Roles with him. His Kit with Q (stun) and E (slowdown)...and his ULT with R that allows him also to come faster into lane back again or suprise other lanes make him so huge. Basicly He is able to play on all Lanes. It depends if you play him on AD or Tanky. His is so viable, the only problem he got is a slow movement but in that case his R protect him to solve this problem for engage.
Often he only just get played as a full tank. Realy Horrible enemys that are able to punish him and are difficult to play against: Irelia (Outplay while moving in his back if trying to punish her), Vayne in Lane ( Depends on Season). And Champs that are able to protect themselves with a big slowdown Kit can be very get on your nerves.
His Waveclear is kinda the best Ingame while having Q ( Mostly Full clear) W (clear and dmg up) E ( allows to push minions). So you have a good csing and your only need to decide how you can turn game with his R.
A basicly movement on him is E (Activate W) and Punish with Q after you let explode W and stay safe its also ranged which makes him a big Monster on the ADC LANE couse he isnt ez to punish. I started playing him also as adc since i saw that his tanky kit in combination with AD can play a 2v1 if your support is realy a bad one and it let in my mind hold waves and engage to carry drakes.
In a jungle guys can never know which lane you gonna gank with R...
To play him in mid against assassins that also come nowdays on toplane like yone and akali ( few seasons before what sion mid=?) And now i could say what akali and yone TOP? ... It is like it is and if you play fine till level 5-7 you are the tank that doesnt give them kills and they only can make money with roaming advantage....which mean always have to look on that movement assassins...
Yeah he is just a hard enemy and its always fun to play him... Because ppl only play him most times as tank they miss the exp of his kit he can also get while ulting..
Serylda Gruge was the first item that let me saw how he can let tanks explode as a tank himself and after it it was eclipse these items got changed in their kits but i always remember how op they were with sion. So always check them.
Basicly there are only 2 Setups in Runes which work pretty good on him dominance with sourcery or you go on with a Full tank setup.
Enjoy my Stuff with Sion and have fun =). He is rank D in season 14.4. but i still made pentas with ad setups...
In Gernal its on you if Sions is good or bad mostly he goes even with other toplaners and its just on you if he dominate the game or not.
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