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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Beashy

Top Smack them ALL! AD-Blitz!

Top Smack them ALL! AD-Blitz!

Updated on May 9, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Beashy Build Guide By Beashy 69 12 251,608 Views 0 Comments
69 12 251,608 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Beashy Blitzcrank Build Guide By Beashy Updated on May 9, 2020
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Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
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Legend: Alacrity


LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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In this Guide i will introduce you to the mysteries about CritCrank!
Beware of killing ADCs and every other ****burrito runnin around in an instant.
Be like the Robocop without wearing this gay ****. Beep Boop Bap!
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Summoner-Spells BARRIER+IGNITE?!

Barrier+Ignite? Why doesnt he play meta and get some TP and Flash? He needs Flash, otherwise he will die! ****ing Troll, better report him!
Thats something i hear in 95% of my games, but i will explain you why i love this.
The scenery is: you are on top, on the beginning you wont have a chance vs the most lanebullys. Your enemy hasnt even left a thought about your Summoner-Spells, so he thinks you have flash and some other ****, like TP. Now it gets interesting.. get him into a fight he will win, atleast he thinks he will. You place your Sunglasses on your deformed robothead and activate barrier+ignite at will and tadaaa, he wont know what happened and you kill him.
If you manage to not use your spells in the fight and kill him, sip your potions and stack your minions.. wait for his revenge-TP and kill him with your summonerspells in your minions and laugh about the second kill, then port back.
if not, port back after the first kill. Works every time.
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While you are farming and you enemy still doesnt know what a monster you really are, activate your W comepletly random, run towards him, smack him with your E, give him another normalhit and trigger electrolute; then, run into your minions and dont slip around on his tears from the fastest rape and retreat in the history of mankind.
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Ranked Play

You cant, everyone will dodge though.
But if you have the chance to play it, i wont recommend to go full insane on him and play a bit on the save side. autistic towerpulling 'n ****.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Beashy
Beashy Blitzcrank Guide
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Smack them ALL! AD-Blitz!

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