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NIGHTMARE MATCHUP, Beats you early, can match your roaming, has Decent CC ability, AND BLOCKS MOST OF YOUR DAMAGE. you can't beat Pantheon unless he messes up REALLY bad best you can do is try to roam before he gets lvl 6 and just keep shoving and roaming, Thankfully you won't see Pantheon Mid that much.
REALLY hard matchup, She pokes, Can Disengage Easily, Outscales you, Easy Gank Setup for her Jungler, And Can make you useless in teamfights. Just Shove and roam as soon as you can.
Pokes, Poisons, Has Hard CC, You can't jump on her easily cuz of her W and she's actually pretty mobile and can get away easily with phase rush. you can try to kill her early or just roam.
Don't jump on her when she has her charm up, if she's playing aggro and misses her Charm kill her, if She's playing defensive shove and just roam.
Bait out her shroud and then fight her or just try to get lvl 2 before her and kill her, DON'T TRADE WITH HER LVL 1 CUZ HER Q AUTO Q COMBO DOES GOOD AMOUNT OF DAMAGE and just don't fight her when she has her shroud up unless you are ahead
Same as Lissandra but you can jump over her wall with your E so it makes it easier, if she's good its going to be a nightmare
Fight her when she doesn't have her Passive up and try to kill her early or roam
Aurelion Sol
I have never met a good Aurelion Sol and most of the time i just killed him over and over again so i can't tell you much here, if you jump inside his stars with your Q he's pretty much dead I guess
Depends on How Good the Azir is, he can stay out of your range and just bully you until you rage quit so you should just try to shove and roam as soon as you can
Not hard just annoying, Go in when he misses his Q but if he's good he can just poke you to death so just shove and roam as much as you can
Avoid Q poke, and try to fight her when she has her W down, you can beat her early pretty easily if not just roam (as always)
Most Ekko's will dodge your second W With E and try to jump on you, so you just time your Q to leap and pull your second W back to him and proc Your passive, i have never met a good ekko so i can't tell you much here but he can beat you lvl 6 and outscales you so either roam or stomp him in lane and close out the game early
FXCK THIS GUY MAN, OUTSCALES YOU, HIS R IS ACTUALLY BETTER THAN YOURS AND CAN KILL YOU LVL 6 + CAN DODGE YOUR **** WITH E, he can also dash through you with Q and dodge your second W, best you can do is pray that hes really bad or just roam and try to get ahead that way.
You can kill him early really easily but his teamfighting is much better and can match your roams, just try to kill him early and get your laners ahead
Annoying but he's really squishy and you can kill him really easily early if he messes up even a little bit
Don't fight her when she has her passive active ( her blades start glowing ) and dodge her E and its pretty much free. some people find it hard but its easy for me
Who Even plays Karthus Mid anymore
Hes pretty easy to kill just Q on him when he tries to Q the minions and kill him, if hes really defensive roam cuz he can't do anything
Bait her to jump on her daggers and you outtrade her with W auto Melee Q auto and don't let her E behind you cuz you will lose the trade if she dodges the second W
Easy to kill cuz she's squishy, bully her early and just don't take alot of poke
Pretty hard matchup cuz of her mobility and outplay potential, Dodging her chain is really important.
there's a trick to countering her W, when she's out of range and you feel like she will W to get some damage in without you being able to trade back you just Q on her and when she W's near you, you will Q her automatically so you will be able to get some damage in before she blinks back.
Lux is like Ahri but more annoying cuz of her Poke and Shield, Jump on her if she misses her Q or don't try to fight her atall and roam
Hes Tanky so you can't really kill him, Just shove him in and roam but you won't see malphite mid that much anymore so you don't have to worry
Pokes, Has a really strong ult, REALLY good waveclear So it's hard to just shove and roam, try to kill him early or play it safe and roam if you see an opportunity
Mordekaiser mid isn't that common anymore but some people still play it and he's pretty good against talon, you can kill him early on cuz you outdamage him but when he gets seekers armguard you won't be able to burst him and he will probably kill you, just shove and roam or kill him early on and bully him even more
Same as Lux and Ahri but weaker
Spellshield, Good Damage, Fear, and Easy Roams with ult, Pretty hard to deal with. try to kill him before lvl 3 or shove and roam before lvl 6 and Get ahead and you will be able to 1v1
Avoid Q poke, if you can't kill her shove and roam
Easy to kill him early game so basically just kill him and roam to get your laners ahead, just avoid his poke
Try to kill him early or he will become too tanky for you to deal with, if he's playing really safe shove him and roam to get ahead cuz he scales really well and gets really tanky also don't take free E's or when you get rooted you won't be able to trade back cuz of his range
You can kill him early on rather easily but don't underastimate his healing and don't take free Q pokes cuz you will get low enough for him to be able to 1shot you. early on he's pretty mana hungry so he will have to back early on if he doesn't start corrupting pots so you can just shove and roam
Her poke and range is insane, if she's good and doesn't come too close and die like most syndras try to shove and roam cuz there's not much you will be able to do
Twisted Fate
Go in after he uses his W and you will be able to kill him cuz he's squishy just try to dodge his Q's and don't take free pokes
REALLY ANNOYING LANE, Avoid poke and Bait out his E and try to kill him early if not do quick roams and don't let him get free stacks, he is basically nasus of the mid lane but ranged which is even worse
Really scary if he knows what he's doing, kill him if he steps up too close and shove and roam if he's good and plays safe also watch out for his Ult damage
He's basically same as Vel'Koz but you can't really jump on him cuz of his stun, SHOVE AND ROAM
ANNOYING MATCHUP, Can avoid your damage with Wind Shield and can dash through you to dodge second W, Try to dodge his Qs and you might be able to win the trade, just hope that you get a trash yasuo.
ANNOYING LANE, HER Q DAMAGE IS INSANE, but if you are good at dodging its pretty doable, use cleanse instead of ignite if you don't feel confident
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