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Warning: this guide is still under construction and I am doing my best to work on it whenever I can spare the time!
I just wanted to publish already so that I could hear about other players ideas and opinions.
My name is Kaji and I have written a few other guides on MobaFire so far. I really like the fact that players can make their own guides to show their vision and opinion on champions/ roles. Because of that reason I wanted to share my ideas about playing support.
When you get out on Summoners Rift as a real support main you quickly realize that a lot of players don't know how to play this role to it's fullest. They know the champion they are playing, but don't take that into the depth of their role. With this guide I hope to help support mains or future support mains to help understand the big role a good support can play and that it is more than just keeping your AD Carry alive.
I hope you lovely readers have as much fun reading this guide as I had writing it! If you have any questions or different ideas, feel free to let me know and I will discus them with you.
If you do like my guide, I would really appreciate it if you'd check out my other content on YouTube, Twitch or check my other guides on MobaFire. You can find the links below.
If you want to be a good support player you must keep in mind that there are a lot of things you need to do apart from assisting your AD carry. Here I will be going over some of the most important tasks a good support player has to fulfill.
Be Positive
If you want to win as many games as possible and have a real influence on a game as a support player keep this one in mind: be positive. Sometimes games can get very heated and emotions can run high. It is very important that you keep your cool and do your very best to make sure your teammates do the same.
If one of your teammates gets a solo kill in lane, congratulate them. If your jungler makes a successful gank or takes an important dragon, congratulate him. If you and your AD carry have taken down the enemy bot lane and are both going back to base, congratulate your AD carry. If one of your teammates escapes from a gank, congratulate them. All of these simple little things can help your teammates keep a good mindset and focus on winning the game.
The same goes if your team is falling far behind in a game, keep cool and communicate with your team. If teammates are flaming each other, tell them to keep their cool and help them find their focus back.
I know that this isn't possible every game and same games you might even lose your cool, but being positive is really very important.
Provide Vision
This is an obvious point, but something a lot of people still forget. Vision = key! As a support you will be one of the key players to be providing the vision needed. If you can, try to work together with your jungler to invade the enemy jungle and place down some deep vision. This will help you and your teammates very a tremendous amount because you will be able to keep track of the enemy jungler, thus allowing your laners to know when they can play aggressive or when they need to fall back.
Knowing where the enemy jungler is also gives your jungler a lot of options: he can choose to countergank, to start an objective if the enemy jungler is far away or he can set up a gank in another lane.
As a support always try to keep room for a Control Ward, because they can be a crucial part of a gank/ objective take working out or failing.
More on wards and good warding spots can be found in the chapter on warding, go there now by clicking here.
Roaming is a very important job for you as a support. Just went back to base and heading back to lane? Take the time to pass by mid lane first.
Why is this so important?
If your mid laner is doing really well for himself and has a lot of kill pressure over his lane opponent you can help him get another kill and deny cs and experience to the enemy mid laner.
If your mid laner is falling behind and having a rough time you can help him get some shut down gold. If you communicate this well, you can work together with your jungler to make the chances of success even higher. If you can't help kill the enemy mid laner you can at least help to alleviate a little bit of the pressure, giving your mid laner time to catch back up and help him keep his focus on the game.
Good communication within your team is very important. If you feel like your have a good chance of killing the enemy botlane if your jungler stops for a gank, tell him that.
If you are going to roam or ward in the enemy jungle like I talked about in the previous paragraphs, let your team know. Letting your AD carry know you are going to be leaving lane for a short time is very important so that he/ she knows to fall back and play safe until you return to lane or so that he/ she can follow you on the roam.
If you are winning bot lane and you are going to take down the enemy turret soon tell this to your team and tell them you want to switch lanes after. This gives your top or mid laner the time to anticipate your next move and respond accordingly. Doing this will guarantee the most efficient use of time and map space, making sure less cs will be lost and more experience will be gained.
Here I will go over the 2 most common and most effective sets of summoner spells you will encounter on supports along with one other that I feel like deserves some special attention. Of course, summoner spells tend to change if the meta has some serious changes, but in overall these summoner spells will be the most used.
This set of summoner spell will be the 'default' set. Flash is going to be part of your kit in every game because it is just too important to have this ability. Having Flash can help escape from a tough situation or it can help set up a play for your team.
For example, if you are a squishy support like Janna and you find yourself surrounded by the enemy bot lane and their jungler, you will be very happy to find yourself with this summoner spell.
On the other hand, if you are a support that excels at engaging like Rakan you will be happy to have the extra range Flash provides to engage on the enemy team and set your team up for success. Exhaust is a very good summoner spell to help protect your team (in most cases your AD Carry) against champions that can deal a huge amount of damage in a short time like burst mages (think Syndra) and assassins (think Zed).
A well-timed Exhaust can make all the difference in a team fight and can completely turn the tide.
When to take this set:
There are a lot of situations where you want to pick this set. A couple of them are:
The enemy team has a high damage threat that can burst down your own carries before they can start dishing out damage.
You have a low pressure bot lane (your AD carry needs time to scale like Vayne and you don't need a lot of kill threat in the early game. In these situations it can be very useful to have a summoner spell to help guarantee your AD carry can scale as quickly and safely as possible.
A lot of games, many support players tend to take Ignite as a second summoner spell. But when your mid lane has Ignite and either your top lane (think Renekton) or jungle (think Shaco) also has Ignite that will be more than enough and you should 100% go for the Exhaust.
This set of summoner spell will be the second most used set. I will not go over the reasons to take Flash again as they are the same as I mentioned in the first part. Ignite can be a very strong choice as a second summoner spell because it gives you a lot more pressure in lane and your kill threat increases greatly. Having this summoner spell in lane can deter your enemies from making a move on you because of the bonus damage your can do and the healing debuff Ignite offers. While having Ignite gives you much more pressure in lane, it doesn't offer the same late game value the Exhaust does in teamfights.
When to take this set:
As was the case with the first set, there's also a lot of situations where you want to pick this set. The most common situations are:
The enemy team has a lot of healing on their side (think Soraka, Darius, Vladimir, ...) and you want to be able to negate as much healing as possible.
The enemy bot lane has very little lane pressure and you want to keep them down as much as possible. E.g. if you are playing Thresh into a lane with a low pressure AD Carry on the enemy team or a very squishy support you want to take Ignite to empower your all-in potential and help your AD carry get an early lead.
There is no other player with Ignite on your team. In some games this will be the case when your top lane takes Teleport and your mid lane takes Barrier. You don't have to take Ignite in these games, but it can absolutely pay off if you do to keep the pressure up on the enemy team.
This set of summoner spell will not be used as often as the first two, but it most certainly has it's uses. I will not go over the reasons to take Flash again as they are still the same as I mentioned in the first part. Cleanse can be a very good choice if you are playing games where the enemy team has a very big amount of crowd control. A well timed Cleanse can help you stay alive. Needless to say this is very important no matter which type of support you are playing, whether it will be a heal and peel support, an engaging support or a tanky / protective support.
When to take this set:
Just because the enemy team has a lot of crowd control doesn't necessarily mean you should immediately go to Cleanse. You should always keep a few things in mind like if you have tenacity in your runes or if it will be just enough to build Mercury's Treads or if you will be building a Quicksilver Sash to escape CC.
If the enemy jungler and bot lane all have at least 1 form of crowd control it could be a very wise idea to go for Cleanse.
E.g. if the enemy jungler is an Elise she can use her Cocoon, the AD Carry is a Jinx who can use her Flame Chompers! and Zap! and the support is a Taric who has his Dazzle.
In a situation like this, if you are getting ganked and at least one form of crowd control lands first, chances are you will not be getting out that easily without Cleanse.
Sometimes, when you are playing a support that is strong at disengaging (think Janna) or a support that is great at protecting his / her AD Carry (think Tahm Kench and you are in lane with an AD Carry that needs to scale to turn into a hyper carry (think Jinx or Twitch or Kai'Sa, chances are there will be a lot of attention towards your lane to delay the scaling of your AD carry. Having Cleanse in these lanes means you will be able to provide a lot more safety to get your AD carry out of these lanes if you need to.
In this chapter I will be uploading full games in which I am playing support. The games uploaded here will be the ones I feel show best how to play the champion to it's best possibilities as a support.
I am planning to get a game of every support in here but we all know the League of Legends community and not every game goes as smoothly, so it might take a while to get all supports in here, please bear with me on this.
You can click on the champions listed below to go directly to the video of the desired champion.
More videos can be found on my YouTube channel where I try to upload new videos as often as possible.
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