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Recommended Items
Runes: Conqueror (On Meta OP)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Easy Win
Chilling Smite
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Soraka Jungle Clear
This guide contains, in depth tips and tricks for the best soraka jungle experience, you will need good teammates who will help you throughout the game
You start Red - Raptors - Ask for leash for Blue Gromp and Scuttle if they dont give you one report, and repeat, asking for leash botside too
Once you get liandrys or kraken your clear improves IMMENSELY, please try this op strat in your ranked games for easy wins and M7 on soraka.
if ur red is top side, u want to make ur top laner leash, the best clear for soraka jungle currently is, Red, Raptors, then Blue and into mid or top to gank then after, you want your bot laners to help with scuttle and gromp for the clear, for the more and easier clear potential, the skill floor on this build is very high and i want you all to know that
You want atleast to get two long sword, or Lost Chapter and Blasting wand to insta win, this is the most effective build path
You start Red - Raptors - Ask for leash for Blue Gromp and Scuttle if they dont give you one report, and repeat, asking for leash botside too
Once you get liandrys or kraken your clear improves IMMENSELY, please try this op strat in your ranked games for easy wins and M7 on soraka.
if ur red is top side, u want to make ur top laner leash, the best clear for soraka jungle currently is, Red, Raptors, then Blue and into mid or top to gank then after, you want your bot laners to help with scuttle and gromp for the clear, for the more and easier clear potential, the skill floor on this build is very high and i want you all to know that
You want atleast to get two long sword, or Lost Chapter and Blasting wand to insta win, this is the most effective build path
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