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Sivir Build Guide by Munchcin56

ADC Spin n' Bounce - In depth Sivir guide (Work in Progress)

ADC Spin n' Bounce - In depth Sivir guide (Work in Progress)

Updated on August 1, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Munchcin56 Build Guide By Munchcin56 2,589 Views 0 Comments
2,589 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Munchcin56 Sivir Build Guide By Munchcin56 Updated on August 1, 2013
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  • LoL Champion: Sivir
  • LoL Champion: Sivir
  • LoL Champion: Sivir
    My Build


Sivir. Why pick Sivir? For starters she deals a lot of damage if played right, which is why I am making this guide. She is hard to escape with her Fleet of Foot and On The Hunt. One of her few limits is Mana costs. This is easily covered: Learn how to use her Spell Shield! Another limitation is her skill cap. She isn't exactly easy. Her Spell Shield is rather hard to use, unless you have good reactions. If you don't hit both your Q strikes uninterrupted by minions your damage is Sivirly count down (Get it?) And if you don't use Ricochet to reset autoattacks you may lose some close trades.
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Greater Mark of Attack Damage x8 Good for last hitting.
Greater Mark of Critical Chance x1 That one crit might win you the lane.
Greater Seal of Armor x9 Pretty standard, and helps you trade with the enemy AD Carry.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist x9 MR never hurts.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage x3 These could also be Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed but the damage helps a lot.
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I personally recommend the BT>Shiv build, as it is a higher damage build that helps you split push. The order in it is flexible, but Bloodthirster followed by a Statikk Shiv should come first.

With the Classic ADC build, feel free to try switching the Infinity Edge with Bloodthirster. They both work fine as a first item.

I do not recommend the Manamune build. You don't need the Mana that bad and the damage isn't that great compared to other items. Some new players may need the Mana Regen though, and we don't judge you.

For enchantments I like Furor on all my builds because of Fleet of Foot
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This gives you movement speed on your autoattacks or your spells if you hit them. You can throw your Boomerang Blade backwards while running away to get some movement speed to help your escape. Also it helps you chase down your enemies. As Warwick says, "It's only fun, if they run."

Sivir throws her blade and it magically comes back. It has nearly 2.0 AD scaling and 1.0 AP scaling, but deals 20% less damage each hit. Why is this broken?

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-Can get free mana from certain lane opponents
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There are some lanes where you can't get any free mana at all (Fu Zilean!!!!)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Munchcin56
Munchcin56 Sivir Guide
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Spin n' Bounce - In depth Sivir guide (Work in Progress)

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