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Runes: always
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order always
Way of the Wanderer (PASSIVE)
Yasuo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
high early damage and hard cc, this is what youre looking for in an adc
high early damage and hard cc, this is what youre looking for in an adc
Champion Build Guide
- very strong damage
- great all in
- can windwall skillshots
- unescapable chase in lane
- high tower damage
- great setup
- unlikely enemy bot can match your damage
- can poke with q
- great leash for jungler, also good dragon damage
- pre level 3 can get poked
- not the best cc or peel
- your adc might flame or troll
- adc might get pissed off for you taking kills
- will be (most likely) double AD bot
you take the kills when possible, adc takes the cs. make sure your adc understands this or they may rage.
since you will be chilling until level 3, the lane should be pushing towards you. setting the minions up for a level 3 all in.
mid-late game you will be transitioning from early damage dealer to more bruiser build to maximise your cc and windwall output
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