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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
I thought up an idea of making Ashe support. So far it is pretty successful. Ashe is one of those champs that slow/CC people to their demise.
Hello all! This is my first MOBAFire guide. Some of you are wondering, why support

Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here.
~ 1/17/12 - Working on videos for the lane phase, mid game and team fights. Introducing 80% challenge.
I chose to go with

This is pretty standard for most supports these days. It gives great defense and utility so you would be able to poke and trade without taking too much damage.

In the defensive tree, the

The utility tree is also straight forward you get early game mana regeneration with

Greater Mark of Attack Damage: You really need some good poke early game to force your opponent out of lane. This extra damage along with the quints will do this.
Greater Seal of Armor: Gives the armor you need for early/mid game poke/getting poked.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist: Our magic resist is only 30 for the whole game, need the magic resist for mid/late game team fights. There isn't really any AP champs in the bot lane, so flat isn't needed
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage: All to force your opponent out of lane.
Summoner Spells
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The rest, don't use, they are not good, but it is up to you.
Ability Explanation
FOCUS:Every second you are not attacking, this builds up. When it is at 100 (full) your next attack will be a critical strike. This is great since you wont be farming, you will just be poking here and there.
FROST SHOT (Q): You must always have this on during team fights, this is what makes Ashe a useful support. During the lane phase, this is useful if you want to slow enemies for jungle ganks, or if you partner is going to kill them. In team fights, always keep this on, and auto attack people at low health, this will keep them from easily running away, and your team can catch them.
Tear of the Goddess stacks every auto attack with
Frost Shot on.
VOLLEY (W): This shot is a nice harass in the lane phase. It applies your frost shot to targets that your arrows hit, giving them a slow, and does some nice damage too, even when you have minimal damage. During team fights this should ALWAYS be spammed, giving a nice AOE slow and some assists.
HAWKSHOT (E): this is your clairvoyance. When it is at level 4/5 you should be able to shoot dragon/baron/enemy buffs from your base turrets. This also reveals what is in the line of your shot. Very useful.
ENCHANTED CRYSTAL ARROW (R): This is what makes
Ashe. 3.5 Second stun can initiate a fight and have that person die instantly. This can also be shot cross map to help a teammate that is fighting someone 1 on 1. This can also be used to steal dragon/baron/buffs. It does some splash damage, that will splash onto the buff and stun the enemy, so you might be able to get the buff. This is a great spell if you are good at it, but it takes some practice.
Ability Sequence Order

sight wardsight ward
: This is a standard support starting setup, because it gives you 3 wards in which you need to protect your lane, an item for philosopher's stone, and some health pots, which heal you a lot early game. Use the
Vision Ward to ward wherever the other support warded and take out their wards.
- philosopher's stone
: Try to get a lot of GP5 items to start. Your first purchase should be a [philosopher's stone] so you can start generating gold, and you will have great early game regeneration. After that you should get your
Tear of the Goddess after you get this, keep your
Frost Shot toggled, and try to shoot every time your item gets off cooldown, so you can keep stacking mana. The enemy AD carry is probably getting a lot of farm now, so the next item you should get is a
Sightstone. This gives you great health, and is sort of like a GP5 item, because you dont have to buy as many wards. Then get your
Avarice Blade because you will be building that into something after, and it gives more GP5. After, get your
Boots. Then, as your last core item, get
Ruby Sightstone.
- Boots ofBoots ofBerserker: Since you will be generating A LOT of gold, you should get the small cost items, that help you very much. Next is your boots choice. I would go with boots of lucidity because it gives extra CDR which you need from this build because the only other CDR you get from items would be your
Shurelya's Battlesong. You could also choose
Boots of Swiftness if you have trouble catching people, or berserker greaves for the attack speed.
: You need to have at least one of these on a team. If your jungler isn't getting it, you have to pick it up. You will be getting ridiculous gold right now, so this shouldn't take you too long to get.
: These will be the last items you get. You should get a
Shurelya's Battlesong after your
Aegis of the Legion to get you extra health, and a great active that works with your kit. You can use
Shurelya's Battlesong right after you land your
Enchanted Crystal Arrow to catch someone off guard, or you can use it to disengage. Make sure you are trying to max out your
Tear of the Goddess, because next you will be getting a
Manamune will turn to
Muramana after you have maxed out the mana at 750/750. This
Muramana will be a great damage item needed for late game team fights. After that, turn your [avarice blade] into a
Statikk Shiv, and you will get movespeed, wave clear passive, attack speed, and more critical strike! The only damage items you will get is
Muramana and
Statikk Shiv.
- Another item you can get is zeke's herald if your winning the game very hard, or have multiple AD champions on your team. This has a good amount of health, CDR, AD and life steal.
Time for some number crunching! I believe
Tear of the Goddess and
should be used on support
Ashe. As soon as you get your
Tear of the Goddess, you should be auto attacking your enemies with
Frost Shot on. This will stack up mana on your tear. The max mana you can get is 750 on
Tear of the Goddess, and every auto attack is +4 mana each. This is equivilent to 188 auto attacks to fill the tear. This is not including
Volley. With
you get +3 gold per auto attack, and it is on the same cooldown as
Tear of the Goddess. After you get the pick pocket gold, you will have 564 extra gold from pickpocket. Since
Tear of the Goddess costs 700 gold, you are essentially paying 136 gold for your tear, which is 750 mana. This is a great deal! This is not including your GP5 masteries and items.

In Lane
The lane is the most fun part. Since you are getting gold per 10 items, you don't need farm, so your job is to shoot the enemies with volley/auto attack, ward the river so you don't get ganked. Check out this guide if you want to see where to ward. Support is responsible for wards! Basically, you want your bottom lane partner to get more minion kills than the opponent's bottom lane person/people. Shooting them every chance you get is mandatory so they take damage and back off a bit. This is the lane phase.
Later in the game, you will be responsible for warding baron/dragon and other spots you feel like. You should be following your team around and be present when team fights are happening. Spam volley, auto attack people trying to kill your carries. This is called peeling Use your

Support Ashe is viable!! Remember, ward, poke, spam, initiate, ASSISTS > KILLS!
Thank you all for checking out my guide! I hope to do more viable supports in the future.
Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here.
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