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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability
All the items I've chosen have a combination of Defensive stats and Ap. As Ekko often has to be in melee range he needs to be a little beefy.
Because a lot of ap items are built with a flat health boost warmog's is a nice last item.
I want to like ZZ, but it's hard to work around. If i think i may want to build a ZZ then its important to build MR/Armor to get the most from it. the gamee usually ends before you reach this point however and should only really be considered if your team needs help taking towers as there are better options available.
My favorite item to take. AP, armor, cdr, mana and spellblade. Highly recommended
Useful if you need to carry or if you get fed early, or if you want to have big numbers.

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