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Recommended Items
Runes: Glacial Pyke
+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Basic
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
I personally always ban her. You almost never play against her, but when you do, it will not be nice. She can turn into a minion, making it harder to hook her. Also, she can W so you hook her clone.
Very good because of slows
Very good because of slows
Champion Build Guide
Personally, I have been trying to find a good Pyke Build for a long time, and I feel like I'm on the right track. This is far from the finished, polished build, but I want people to have fun as much as I do. Pyke's Passive tells us that his abilities scale with Lethality. But even if you go full lethality, the differences are little to none with this build. I focus more on movement speed and durability. A normal Pyke would get squished in late like a bug if he's not a movement or dodge god, but this build will let you survive more in the late game. Because of this "durability 2.0" patch from Split 3, the game plays much slower so games will go more into the mid to late game. I also felt that I keep getting one-shotted by almost anyone, since I have no Health. It may be due to my Pyke skills, but I'm sure I'm not the only one being in this situation. This is why I have invented a build that lets you still do damage and run fast, but also have some resitances so that you are able to last longer in teamfights.
This build is rather atypical. Most Pyke players strive for a more Damage build, going with Hail of Blades. Personally, HoB restricts you from playing fully as a support. While he is marked as an Assassin, it doesn't mean you should be an Assassin Support. So, I have come up with a build to further help people like me, who want something interesting and new in this scene.
The runes are pretty straight-forward. Glacial is a solid pick because of his cc potential. Q and E work great with it, for situations like getting away or engaging a teamfight with a nasty hook. The build focuses more on vision, in the sense that an Assassin works in the shadows, knowing what happens in every part of the map where the fight starts. Also, you can place very deep wards in the enemy jungle in the early, helping your allies path and take advantage of the knowledge they gained over the enemy.
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