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Nasus Build Guide by Maraxus

Top Susan Solo Top 1 HIT DELETION S4 UPDATED 1

Top Susan Solo Top 1 HIT DELETION S4 UPDATED 1

Updated on December 12, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Maraxus Build Guide By Maraxus 9,227 Views 0 Comments
9,227 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Maraxus Nasus Build Guide By Maraxus Updated on December 12, 2013
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Hi! My name is Maraxus and this will be my first guide for Mobafire. This guide is not totally finished yet and I will update this later this week.

This guide will help you survive your laning phase while stacking those Q's. You will be able to chunk loads of your enemy's HP if you follow this and at the same time tank for your team.

I used this setup to help me gain Gold 1 and I'm on my road to Platinum now. Feel free to comment so I can better myself. :)
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Pros / Cons


Insane Damage
Strong Lane Pusher
Able to freeze lane easily


Easy to kite
Single Target CC
Useless without high Q stacks
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You need to AFK farm when using Nasus top lane. Always last hit creeps using your Q. Try freezing your lane and it's very easy for nasus because of his durability and lifesteal. Doing this will help you avoid being ganked as you are always near your tower. Do not harass as it will only consume farming time. Focus only in stacking your Q's. If done successfully you will be able to stack 500+ in less than 20 minutes.
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Soul Eater: Passive
Nasus drains his foe's spiritual energy, giving him a natural 10 / 15 / 20% life-steal.

Siphoning Strike: Q
Cooldown: 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4
Cost: 20 Mana
Physical Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 100% AD) (+3 [+6] per enemy killed by Siphoning Strike)

Active: Nasus' next attack within 10 seconds will deal additional damage. Siphoning Strike permanently gains 3 stacked damage whenever it kills an enemy. This bonus is doubled to 6 stacked damage if the enemy killed is a champion, big monster or big minion.

Wither: W
Range: 700
Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11
Cost: 80 mana
Slow over 5 seconds from 35% to: 47% / 59% / 71% / 83% / 95%
Max attack speed slow: 23.5 / 29.5 / 35.5 / 41.5 / 47.5%

Active: Nasus ages his target, slowing their movement speed by 35% with an additional slowing effect increasing over the duration of the spell. The target's attack speed is also slowed by half the amount, initially slowed by 17.5% and increasing over the duration. If the duration of Wither is reduced, the added slowing effect is applied faster.

Spirit Fire: E
Range: 650
Cooldown: 12
Cost: 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 mana
Initial Magic Damage: 55 / 95 / 135 / 175 / 215 (+ 60% AP)
Magic Damage Per Second: 11 / 19 / 27 / 35 / 43 (+ 12% AP)
Total Magic Damage: 110 / 190 / 270 / 350 / 430 (+ 120% AP)
Armor Reduction: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Diameter of AoE: 800

Active: Nasus unleashes a spirit flame at a location for 5 seconds. Enemies caught in the area are dealt a burst of magic damage. Additionally, enemies in the area are dealt magic damage each second and have their armor reduced while on there and for 1 extra second.

Fury of the Sands: R
Cooldown: 120
Cost: 150 mana
Health Gained: 300 / 450 / 600
Max Health to Magic Damage Ratio Per Second: 3% / 4% / 5% (+ 1% per 100 AP)
Total Max Health to Magic Damage Ratio: 45% / 60% / 75% (+ 15% per 100 AP)
Total Magic Damage Possible (to a single enemy): 3600
Total Bonus Attack Damage Possible (from a single enemy): 229.5
Diameter of AoE: 350

Active: Nasus becomes empowered in the sandstorm for 15 seconds, gaining bonus health, 50 bonus attack range, and 100 bonus cast range.
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Use Glacial Shroud early game if your match up is AD and then rush Trinity Force. If the enemy team is composed of AP nukers then I recommend you rush Spirit Visage but if they're mostly AD then rush Frozen Heart. After getting Trinity Force, Frozen Heart and Spirit Visage it's up to you if you still want to go tanky and get Warmog's Armor and Banshee's Veil but if you're really snowballing get Last Whisper and Infinity Edge and you will be killing enemy champs in 2-3 Q hits
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Maraxus Nasus Guide
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