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Swain Build Guide by Mr fou



Updated on February 13, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr fou Build Guide By Mr fou 6 3 22,911 Views 1 Comments
6 3 22,911 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr fou Swain Build Guide By Mr fou Updated on February 13, 2022
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Cheap Shot
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Presence of Mind
Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide


By Mr fou
Since Scavenger Renewal Scavenger Renewal grants mana and Hungry Flock Hungry Flock grants life, Swain Swain has the potential to stay in line for a long time. It should be noted that Scavenger Renewal Scavenger Renewal cannot maintain the cost of Hungry Flock Hungry Flock and its ultimate must be used with caution. Combined with aggressive lane control, Swain Swain is recommended to be in a single lane to quickly collect gold and experience.
At level 4, Swain Swain's Ability Combo will be available before getting his ultimate. Torment Torment and Decrepitate Decrepit followed by Nevermore Nevermore and various basic attacks can destroy distracted enemies. If the enemy is too far away, using Never Again Never Again can help close the distance.
Swain Swain's basic abilities have different benefits when maximized over the others.
Decrepit grants considerable damage and a good slow effect with a short cooldown and good range. By leveling up this skill, it will become easier to connect with Never Again Never Again and at the same time, connecting with Never Again Never Again makes it possible for the link not to break and continue to do damage. The contradictory effect of improving this ability is that you are forced to use it safely at its maximum range, making it easier to break the link or get closer to the enemy to reach the full effect of the ability. At the time of an ambush by an allied jungle man, it is not advisable to use it when starting the ambush since the enemy has more opportunities to break the link.
Like your ability with the highest area damage and crowd control, leveling up Never Again Never Again makes it more usable by reducing its cooldown considerably. In addition to the increased damage, Swain Swain's ability to finish minions is sped up and facilitated and the immobilization effect is incredibly effective at slowing down enemy ambushes or assisting allies. However, it is not effective against enemy champions if it is not hit consistently and by maxing it out, enemy champions can purchase early boots of speed to counter the ability. It is advisable to maximize this ability when you are losing your line, since it facilitates the cleaning of minions and slows the push of the opponent's lane.
By itself, Torment Torment offers good stalking and damage with a low mana cost. Even at low levels you can erase 2 or 3 bars of life at a time by using Torment Torment and then basic attacks against an enemy. Combined with Ignition, Swain can deal fatal damage early in the game. However, Torment Torment's base damage is low and your other abilities wouldn't benefit much from the damage increase. The best scenario to maximize this ability is when you are sure of your strength on the line.
In the lines phase, measure your opponent's strength to determine the correct balance of aggression with Hungry Flock Hungry Flock. If your enemy is stronger, it may be more beneficial to play passively, finish off minions, and return damage when your enemy attacks.
While Swain Swain has the potential to kill a fairly high enemy, he can be countered with large amounts of defenses or by champions like Nunu or Cho'Gath, who have natural ways of replenishing life. With exorbitant mana costs, if Swain Swain can't kill the enemy quickly, he's going to be wasting his time.
Decrepitate Decrepit followed by Never Again Never Again makes it almost guaranteed immobilization. The time it takes to cast Torment Torment may influence your ability to hit your crowd control, so be judicious when using it.
Hungry Flock Hungry Flock is not a channeled spell and cannot be stopped by stuns, slows, silences, and other forms of crowd control. Also, it persists during the active effect of Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass (it continues to absorb mana, so it can be automatically disabled within the active effect) You can use this ability to drain life from your enemies in a team fight or also to keep your health in line, by absorbing minions. With a bit of spell vampirism and Spirit Appearance Spirit Appearance, Swain Swain becomes an almost unstoppable force.
Likewise, the crowd control effects that prevent the deactivation of this spell should be taken into account, since a few extra seconds can erase your mana very quickly.
Be careful when using Hungry Flock Hungry Flock to finish off minions, because not having it available means being vulnerable against ambushes to which you will only have your Q-> W combo to stop the enemy.
When escaping, you can activate Hungry Flock Hungry Flock as the projectiles prioritize champions and will heal you for 75% -88% of the damage they take. Healing with your ultimate to escape may be more effective than casting your slow and immobilize.
Swain Swain's best possible combo is Torment Torment, followed by Hungry Flock Hungry Flock and Decrease Decrease quickly to hit Never Again Never Again. This very effective combination against champions near minions, as you will gain life when you start the fight against the champion enemy.
Giving Swain Swain the Ancient Golem Crest can greatly increase its effectiveness. Even if Swain Swain is losing, this upgrade can help him get back in the game.
With all the crowd control and healing when playing Swain Swain, Magic Resistance is of vital importance. Most of the Physical Damage is dealt in a certain time, which your healing will counteract and in addition, the Physical Damage is a source of the carriers with few defenses, which are easily erased with the Swain Swain combo.
If you activated Hungry Flock Hungry Flock when starting on an enemy, remember to deactivate it if the enemy escapes out of range, as overuse can leave you out of mana to use your other abilities or vulnerable to a counter attack.
A good form of online stalking is to cast Torment immediately after Nevermore Nevermore to increase the damage and then close the distance to the enemy and cast Decrepit Decrepit.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr fou
Mr fou Swain Guide
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