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Choose Champion Build:
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Petricite Burst (PASSIVE)
Sylas Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Rammus can counter this champion very easly, specially after using Frenzying Taunt.
Thanks to Corvux
Champion Build Guide

When you reach level six, unleash your full potential and

While it’s hard to tell you the best combo for every situation, since your ult will be changing almost every fight, here are a few combos you can try out with your three basic abilities.
Teamfight combo
Q, auto, E, auto, E, auto, W, auto, Q, auto
This combo will provide you the overall most DPS that you can put out with these three abilities. You want to be sure to auto between every spellcast to make full use of Petricite Burst. Lead with Chain Lash as if you use it initially, it will be back off cooldown by the time you use your other two abilities, allowing you to cast it again within the same combo.
Making a pick
E, E, auto, Q, auto, W, auto
This is a strong combo to use in order to make a pick onto the opponent. This will deal a ton of damage and could outright kill some squishy champions.

Wave clear is going to be easy, and his farm is very likely to be intense every game. Split pushing will be masterful, with ease.
Yeah, just what the game needed. More AOE burst.

With his ability to snag ults, namely those that make you tougher, he will be able to gap fill pretty much anything his team needs simply by jacking the ultimate from specific champions. Need a tanky champ? Steal from Jax or Cho. Need more damage? Steal Zed's.
This will make him either a solid ban, or a solid pick, in every single game until he's nerfed into oblivion. The last thing players want is a functional 5v6 mechanics wise.

Being your main spam and poke ability, Chain Lash should be maxed first. This will lower the cooldown by a significant amount while also increasing the damage and slow strength. It’s also an AoE ability making it strong for wave clearing, which every viable mid laner needs. After that, you have a choice of maxing either of your other abilities. If in a matchup that will require you to reposition to dodge skillshots (such as against Zoe) or where you’ll need the bigger shield, Abscond/Abduct should be maxed second. This will provide you with more mobility and a good amount of survivability in matchups where you won’t be able to take favorable trades. If you’re in a matchup where you will be brawling a lot, go for Kingslayer. The heal and damage increase with skill rank, which also increases the execute and critical healing values making Kingslayer very useful in these sorts of matchups. In my experience, I’ve preferred maxing Q>E>W as most mid laners I’ve faced have been ranged poke type champions.

Petricite Burst
Petricite Burst is your main form of waveclear. You’ll want to make full use of this after every single spell cast. Autoing between spell casts will drastically increase your damage per second over the course of just one spell rotation and could easily be the difference maker in a teamfight. Not only does Petricite Burst deal damage in an AoE, it also deals more damage than normal basic attack would, giving you even more of a reason to utilize it to the fullest.

Chain Lash
This is your main poke and “filler” spell that you’ll use when everything else is on cooldown. It deals a significant amount of damage especially if you manage to catch the enemy with both the initial hit and the detonation. Chain Lash will allow you to chase down fleeing enemies with its potent slow and relatively low cooldown. It’s also a strong team fighting ability due to the AoE damage it provides and the lingering detonation effect, which can really screw over anyone who doesn’t notice it.

Kingslayer is an incredible dueling tool. It heals you when you’re low health, and it’s an execute. This makes

Abscond / Abduct
Abscond / Abduct allows you to have a lot of survivability within a fight while also being able to damage and crowd control your opponent. I typically use Abscond to either dodge important skillshots, such as Morgana’s Dark Binding, or to reposition to try and stay close to my opponent, while using Abduct to catch them if they try to flee. One thing to remember is that Abduct hits any enemy, meaning it will not go through minions. Abduct also allows


Electrocute is your go-to keystone.

Finish off the domination tree with Ravenous Hunter. Being a melee spellcaster, the healing provided from Ravenous Hunter is invaluable. You’ll always have to be deep in the fight due to being melee, so any sort of sustain you can get will be strong. Ravenous Hunter procs from all of your abilities, including whatever ult you steal, and your passive. Spec into sorcery next and grab Manaflow Band for additional mana sustain in lane. Then I tend to go for either Gathering Storm for some more late game insurance, but Absolute Focus can also be a good substitute.

The best

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