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Runes: Best runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Abilities
Rock Surfing (PASSIVE)
Taliyah Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Master Yi
Master Yi is a really bad matchup and you are 100% not going to have a good time against him.
Champion Build Guide
So what you want to do if you start at the left hand corner of the map is to wait in the top river bush (the one next to mid) and if anyone gets close just Q them and make sure they do not ward your bush, once you get close to the spawn of the buffs(30 seconds left or a bit less) go and Q the bush behind the red buff camp or anyone that is standing close to it, if you do not find anyone just Q the bush beside the camp and if there is no one there as well just get red and raptors, if you find anyone after 2 Q's you can basically get them really close to death, with the help of the mid/top laner you should be able to invade with no problem, I can even manage to 1v2 sometimes and get away with the buff and a double/single kill.
If you start on the top right corner you still go to the same bush and basically do the same thing as I explained before but instead of using your Q against bushes just go behind the enemy's blue camp and ward the bush right beside the buff through the wall to see if there is anyone there, and than start using your Q against your enemies once you see them, than get both the buff and the gromp if you can.
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