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Talon Build Guide by Kaiser Shone

Middle Talon season 9 by Kaíser

Middle Talon season 9 by Kaíser

Updated on November 15, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kaiser Shone Build Guide By Kaiser Shone 11 0 126,715 Views 20 Comments
11 0 126,715 Views 20 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kaiser Shone Talon Build Guide By Kaiser Shone Updated on November 15, 2019
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Hello,im Kaiser Shone

Hello everyone im Kaiser Shone,i play Talon 6 season,was best Talon EUNE before i made one pause from League of Legends. I make this one basic Talon build that is strong after the rework.I was Diamond 1 season 5 and i will help you to learn playing Talon.So lets start with important things.

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Blade's End
INNATE: Talon's abilities wound enemy champions and epic monsters every time they deal damage, lasting 6 seconds and stacking up to 3 times.
Talon's basic attacks against enemies with 3 wounds consumes them, causing them to bleed for 60 - 160 (based on level) (+ 200% bonus AD) physical damage over 2 seconds.

Talons Q RANGE: 550 / 170 COST: 30 MANA COOLDOWN: 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6
ACTIVE: Talon strikes his target, dealing them physical damage.
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+ 100% bonus AD)
If Talon isn't within Melee role melee range of his target, he dashes to them during his strike. If he is within Melee role melee range, Talons Q Critical strike icon critically strikes for 150% modified damage.
Talons Q heals Talon for 17 - 51 (based on level) and refunds 50% of its cooldown if it kills its target.

Talons W(Rake) RANGE: 900 COST: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 MANA COOLDOWN: 9
ACTIVE: Talon sends out a volley of daggers, dealing physical damage to every enemy they pass through.
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 40% bonus AD)
The daggers linger for a short duration before flying back to Talon, dealing physical damage to every enemy they pass through and Slow icon slowing them for 1 second.
RETURN PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 70% bonus AD)
SLOW: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%

Talon E(Assassin's Path) RANGE: X COOLDOWN: 2 ON-TARGET COOLDOWN: 160 / 135 / 110 / 85 / 60
ACTIVE: Talon dashes over the target structure or piece of terrain, with the dash's speed based on his own movement speed.
Talon cannot cast Assassin's Path on the same piece of terrain for a set duration.

Talon R(Shadow Assault) RANGE: 500 COST: 100 MANA COOLDOWN: 100 / 80 / 60
ACTIVE: Talon throws out a ring of blades, dealing physical damage to all enemies they pass through, and gains invisibility for up to 2.5 seconds, gaining bonus movement speed for the duration.
PHYSICAL DAMAGE PER HIT: 80 / 120 / 160 (+ 80% bonus AD)
When Talon emerges from invisibility, the blades converge to his location, dealing the same physical damage to all enemies they pass through. Breaking invisibility with a basic attack or Talon Q,Talon Q causes the blades to converge to his target instead.

Short video about Talon abilities
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- Talon is a beast 1vs1
- His roam possability is just greath
- You can roam a lot and come back to lane very fast
- Easy to kill ADC/APC
- Can splitpush rly good
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- His ult dmg is too weak
- Its hard to survive the teamfight
- He lost his aeo dmg in fights
- Its too easy to kill him when u got exhaust
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- Try to push the lane,so u have time for roaming bot or top
- Be patient!
- In teamfights focus the carry (adc/mid)
- Be the playmaker
- Never flame and blame others
- Motivate team
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kaiser Shone
Kaiser Shone Talon Guide
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Talon season 9 by Kaíser

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