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Talon Build Guide by VNinjaFangV

Middle Talon- The Elite Assassin

Middle Talon- The Elite Assassin

Updated on December 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VNinjaFangV Build Guide By VNinjaFangV 1,492 Views 1 Comments
1,492 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author VNinjaFangV Talon Build Guide By VNinjaFangV Updated on December 21, 2012
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Introduction- Hello! :D

Uhm. This is my first build. Its what I use whenever I play Talon. Variety comes in handy in specific situations. This guide may be altered in the future.
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Skill Sequence- Three Second Kill

*I do not recommend using any skills except for Rake(W) before level 3.
*I say this because you would not get the most damage by just using 2/3 of the main skills.
1.Because Talon's passive grants Bonus Damage to enemy champions who are slowed, stunned, immobilized, or suppressed, the first skill of the combo would be Rake(W).
2.You will need to be ready. When Rake hits the enemy champion, you will need to use Cutthroat(E) as soon as possible. (If Cutthroat is maxed, then you will do 25% bonus damage. Passive 10% from slowed target + Cutthroat 15% Bonus)
3.The third skill will deal half of the main damage which is Noxian Diplomacy(Q). This will surely bruise the AP Carries in Mid lane with the amplified 25% damage.
4. The final skill is Shadow Assault(R). You will probably only have to use it late game because the first 3 skills of the combo will most likely kill the enemy (Ignite included). But use if necessary.
Note of Warning-
~This is the combo I use when it comes to Talon. It requires the ability to use all skills within 3 seconds. (You may still be able to get the kill, but it is slightly risky)
~I recommend practicing this combo first if Talon is your main.
~Be aware of enemy CC... It will screw everything up... ;-;
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Pros / Cons

-Works extremely well with Mid
-High Damage output
-Combo is simple
-Good for Ganks
-Requires speed/skills
-Mainly for 1v1
-Slightest mistake can be fatal
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Summary- Enjoy?

This may not be the right build for everyone, but for most it will get the job done.
This is a guide made for Hard-Core Talon users.
I might add more Chapters eventually (I'm too lazy by the way... )
Rate Nicely...
Overall, G L H F!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author VNinjaFangV
VNinjaFangV Talon Guide
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Talon- The Elite Assassin

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