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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Cursed Touch (PASSIVE)
Amumu Passive Ability
About Me:
I am a silver/gold player in NA. I am a Jungle Main, but my secondary roles would be top and mid. Most of the time I am in the Jungle though. I have only played for a few months but have a pretty good knowledge of what I'm doing. I always see these guides and thought it would be cool to share some knowledge with you guys. I'm not LCS, but these are builds that I do good with and enjoy playing!
+ Usually Becomes Very Tanky
+ Very "Buildible" to Focus Tank or Focus Damage
+ A lot of CC, if you go Tanky he can Lock Down a Whole Team with his Ult and Allow your Team to DPS.
+ Very Good Jungle Clear, Using his E.
+ A Low Skill Cap Jungler, Very Easy to Master.
- He Can Depend a lot on a Teams DPS if you go Tanky.
- He Can't DPS if you go Full Tank, but that can be Avoidable.
- If Built Full Tank, you're only useful for CC.
- Teamfights Rely on you Hitting your Q.
- Very Mana Dependent.
- Can Be Counter Jungled Very Easily.
+ Usually Becomes Very Tanky
+ Very "Buildible" to Focus Tank or Focus Damage
+ A lot of CC, if you go Tanky he can Lock Down a Whole Team with his Ult and Allow your Team to DPS.
+ Very Good Jungle Clear, Using his E.
+ A Low Skill Cap Jungler, Very Easy to Master.
- He Can Depend a lot on a Teams DPS if you go Tanky.
- He Can't DPS if you go Full Tank, but that can be Avoidable.
- If Built Full Tank, you're only useful for CC.
- Teamfights Rely on you Hitting your Q.
- Very Mana Dependent.
- Can Be Counter Jungled Very Easily.
Cursed Touch This is what makes Amumu deal so much damage. Without this Passive Building Amumu this way Would be Useless.
Bandage Toss This is your stun, and the beginning of your CC combo. If you build AP, this will do alot of damage. But it can be dangorous to use because, if you miss it that could be the deciding factor to if you're going to win or lose that teamfight. If you don't have your ultimate up, then there is a good chance you won't get the kill without AP.
Despair With a decent amount of AP, this will chew through even tanks, and baron. Without this you would only be able to kill a squishy ADC or APC, but this makes you able to kill anyone squishy or tanky.
Tantrum The passive gives Amumu massive jungle sustain, and active gives great jungle clearing speed, it as also decent in teamfights.
Curse of the Sad Mummy This is what Amumu is known for and with all the Magic Penetration we are getting, this is a nuke against a whole team, PLUS it roots them for 2 whole seconds. Do not be afraid to use it, if it nets a kill it is worth using even against 1 person. Just make sure u don't over kill with it. If you have 3 team mates surrounding 1 support, then just take that 2 extra seconds to kill him instead of using your ultimate.
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